大学英语六级(2013年12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷304 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. Writing 2. Listening Comprehension 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation
Part I    Writing
1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on food safety. You can cite examples to illustrate your views. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
正确答案:    On Food Safety  In recent years, the simple joy of eating has been dampened by a string of food safety scandals. The problem of food safety has become a hot issue across the society.  In my opinion, there are two main reasons behind this undesirable phenomenon. First and foremost, lured by huge interests, a number of unscrupulous businesses break the law to make fake commodities or products of poor quality. Besides, the supervisory role of laws and regulations has not been executed in a strict way.  In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. Firs
tly, the government should intensify the supervision of the food market to ensure the safety of food sources from bottom to top. Secondly, tougher laws should be drawn up to punish those counterfeiting individuals and corporations, and to prohibit them from entering the food industry again. Thirdly, we ordinary people should also be alert to the food quality and expose food safety scandals around us on new media platforms when necessary.  In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that through our joint efforts the problem of food safety will be tackled successfully in the near future. 
Part II    Listening Comprehension
Section A
听力原文:W: Hi, Mark, what can I do for you?M: Im just filling out this approval for graduation form for the Deans office and I hope I will be able to graduate next semester. W: Well, as long as youve met the departmental requirements and you submit the form on time, you shouldnt have any problem. Make sure you include all the classes you will have taken for your degree in finance and the optional courses too. M: Yeah, but as I look over th
e form, I get confused because theyve changed the requirements, so now Im not sure if Ill qualify to graduate next semester. I know I wouldve before, under the old requirements. W: Well, when the business department changed the curriculum to include more courses because of the increasing globalization of business, we made sure that students would finish it through their second year, that is, those who were in their third or fourth year wouldnt be affected. The new rules only apply to students in their first or second year. M: Oh, thats good to know. I am planning to take a management course next semester but I dont know if it will count toward my major. W: Whats the course? M: Organizational behaviour. W: Yes, thatll count toward your major. Thats a difficult class, you know, but well worth it. So it looks like youll have all the required classes you need, you should be just fine. I assume youve taken a seminar? M: Yeah, I took the marketing seminar. W: OK, youre looking good. Just to be on the safe side, why dont you talk to someone in the Deans office before you give them the form? M: OK. So should I just explain to them that even though one of these classes got changed from an elective to a required class, I dont have to take it? W: Yes, youve met the requirements for graduation. And if theres somethi
ng I need to do, let me know. M: OK, thanks. Ill let you know if I need your help.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1. What can we learn from the conversation? 2. What is the man confused about? 3. How does the woman comment on the course in organizational behaviour? 4. What does the woman suggest the man do?
A.The woman is a professor.
B.The woman is the Deans assistant.
C.The man is a senior student.
D.The man is in big trouble.
A.His qualification for graduation.
B.The old curriculum requirements.
C.His credits of optional courses.
D.The reason for changing the curriculum.
A.It has nothing to do with the mans major.
B.It is worthwhile to take the course.
C.It is too difficult for the man to pass.
D.It is a new course added to the curriculum.
A.Ask for professional advice from his seminar.
B.Take one or two seminars before graduation.
C.Turn to his teacher for filling instruction.
D.Talk to someone from the Deans office.
听力原文:W: Jim White is editor of Business Travel Weekly. Jim, thanks for being on the show. Now, what kind of problems do airline passengers face nowadays? M: Well, most of the problems are caused by the heavy volume of traffic. All airports have a limit to the number of take-offs and landings they can handle. W: So what seems to be the problem? M: All flights from a busy airport arrive and leave at more or less the same time. If 60 aircraft are scheduled to take off between 5 and 5:15, and the airport can only handle 120 an hour, some will always be late landing or taking-off. And if the weather is bad, you can imagine what the situation is like. W: So waiting at the lounge or on the plane is quite com
mon. M: Certainly. And another problem is over-booking. If you decide to volunteer to go on the next flight out, you may get a cash bribe or free-trip voucher, but make sure you get a guaranteed seat on the next flight. And worse still, you arrive with confirmed reservation and you discover youve been bumped off the flight. W: Presumably, if you choose to travel at off-peak times, there are few problems. M: Well, there are no off-peak times. All flights seem to be full except Saturday. If there is a public holiday, things are likely to be especially busy. The special fare systems on the airlines computers encourage more people to fly on less popular flights and this means that as a result all flights are equally full. W: So what advice would you give to business travellers? M: Avoid big airports if you can because there are too many flights there. Then, remember not to check your baggage if you can help it. Another thing is Be prepared for delays. W: What kind of mistakes do inexperienced travellers make? M: One mistake business travellers make is to take far too much luggage. Take only carry-on luggage, because at most airports, you can get away with two small bags.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5. What is the main cause of the problems airline passengers face? 6. What might a volunteer
face when deciding to take the next flight due to over-booking? 7. Why are less popular flights equally full? 8. What does the man advise business travellers do?
A.The weather condition of an airport.
B.The flow control of an airport.
C.The efficiency of an airport tower.
D.The number of planes at an airport.
A.He might not use the free-trip voucher during the next flight.
B.He might not get the cash the airline promised to pay.
C.He might not get on board even with confirmed reservation.
D.He might not be guaranteed a seat on the next flight in advance.
A.Because airlines computer systems sell tickets randomly.
B.Because airline clerks promote less popular flights.
C.Because people are encouraged by their fellows.
D.Because people are attracted by the lower price.
A.Choose big airports.
B.Do not take luggage.
C.Carry no more than two bags.
D.Take only carry-on luggage.
Section B
听力原文:    Im sure you realize that your research papers are due in six weeks. Ive looked at your proposed topics and made comments about them. The most frequent problem was proposing too broad a topic—remember, this is only a fifteen-page paper.    As I return your topic papers, Id like to look over the schedule which sketches out what well do during the next two weeks. Today is Monday: by Friday, I want your preliminary outlines. Please be sure to incorporate the suggestions Ive made on your topics in your outlines. Next week Ill have a conference with each of you. Ive posted a schedule on my office door—sign your name to indicate the time youre available for an appointment. In the
conference, well discuss your preliminary outline. Then you can make the necessary revisions and hand in your final outline, which is due two weeks from today.    Use the outline style in your textbook and remember it should be no more than two pages long. Be sure to begin with a thesis statement—that is, with a precise statement of the point you intend to prove—and include a conclusion.    Have you got all that? Your two-page preliminary outlines are due at the end of this week and the final outlines are due after your conferences. Follow the textbook style and include a thesis statement and a conclusion.9 When will conferences be held?10 According to the speaker, how should the outline begin?11 What does the speaker mainly instruct the students to do?
B.The following week.
C.In two weeks.
D.At the end of the semester.
A.With a thesis statement.
B.With a list of references.
C.With a summary of the conference.
D.With a conclusion of the paper.
解析:这也是一道细节题,说话者明确要求提纲的开头必须是论文主题(a thesis statement),因此选A。 
A.Finish a textbook assignment.
B.Review for the final examination.
C.Choose proper research topics.
D.Prepare an outline for a paper.
听力原文:    Current studies show that what goes on labels is an important consideration for manufacturers, since more than seventy percent of shoppers read food labels when considering whether to buy a product.    A recent controversy as to whether labels on prepared foods should educate or merely inform the consumer is over, and a consumer gro
up got its way. The group had maintained that product labels should do more than simply list how many grams of nutrients a food contains. Their contention was that labels should also list the percentage of a days total nutrients that the product will supply to the consumer, because this information is essential in planning a healthy diet.    A government agency disagreed strongly, favoring label that merely informs the consumer, in other words, a label that only lists the contents of the product. The agency maintained that consumers could decide for themselves if the food is nutritious and is meeting their daily needs.    The consumer group, in supporting its case, had cited a. survey in which shoppers were shown a food label, and were then asked if they would need more or less of a certain nutrient after eating a serving of this product. The shoppers were not able to answer the questions easily when they were not given a specific percentage.    This study, and others helped get the new regulation passed, and now food products must have the more detailed labels.12 According to the speaker, how many percent of customers read food labels before making a purchase?13 What was the controversy about?14 Whats the government agency全国英语三级考试时间’s attitude towards more detailed labeling?15 What kind of food labels are provided to the customers now?