Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、The Chinese are the ones who best understand the nature of tea. As we know, ____________ show us how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets.
A.Tea art performance    B.Tea art projects    C.Tea art performances
2、—Do you think if Tom _____the work well tomorrow?
—I think he will if he ______his best.
A.does, will try    B.will do, tries    C.does, tries    D.will do, will try
3、—Dad, what are you looking at?
—An old photo. It       taken a long time ago.
A.has    B.was    C.does    D.is
4、—Tourists should have good ______ while travelling abroad.
— I can’t agree more.
A.minds    B.manners    C.matters    D.memories
5、—Excuse me, where is the nearest bookstore around here?
—Just go along Center Street and turn left. Xinhua bookstore is ______ your right.
A.in    B.on    C.at    D.to
6、The policeman took away Tom’s driving license       he broke the traffic rules of no-drunk driving.
A.but    B.because    C.though
7、In order _______ mistakes, I paid much attention to my exam.
A.not to make.    B.to make.    C.not making.
8、She________live alone. But she________living alone because she feels lonely.
A.used to, doesn’t used to    B.is used to, was used to
C.used to, is not used to    D.was used to, doesn’t used to
9、I’m sorry, Mrs Tang. I _________ my homework at home.
It doesn’t matter. But I don’t _________ it tomorrow.
A.forgot; left    B.left; forget    C.forgot; forgot    D.left; left
10、—Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?
—Either day is OK.It makes no________to me.
A.choice    B.change    C.difference    D.decision辽宁朝阳人事考试网
Ⅱ. 完形填空
Last summer holiday, some students from China spent an unforgettable holiday in different countries. Here is what they said about their  1 
Liu Na, a middle school student, spent her holiday in Thailand. She worked as an elephant helper. She  2  two weeks in the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai. She said the founder(创始人)of the park had saved 28 elephants______the last ten years. The elephants are now able to live    3  in the Nature Park. Some foreign students like me come to feed them, take them for a bath in the river and play with th
em. With our  4  ,the elephants don’t do hard work every day. We’re so proud of that.
Wang Jiao,  5  college student from China, stayed in America for a year. “I taught Chinese in a Confucius Institute(孔子学院) in New York. Nowadays, people all over the world are becoming more and more______ in Chinese language and Chinese culture. So are the Americans. ______a Chinese, I am happy to tell students what I know about China and Chinese culture. We made dumplings,  6  songs of Zhou Jielun and did Taiji together. That was a great experience both for me and for my    7  students.
Zhang Liang, a postgraduate(研究生) studying in a famous Medical University,  8  in Africa for several months. When he first got there, he was______to see many people die just because they had no money to see a doctor. Then he  9  to help them out. “When you see children with happy and healthy  10  , you will forget your problems!”
If you want to have a meaningful life in other______, if you want to help the rest of the world, why not give yourself a chance and have a try?
1.A.programs    B.differences    C.holidays    D.discussions
2.A.cost    B.paid    C.spent    D.took
3.A.in    B.at    C.on    D.to
4.A.lonely    B.freely    C.politely    D.quickly
5.A.way    B.luck    C.help    D.age
6.A.other    B.the other    C.another    D.others
7.A.important    B.interested    C.popular    D.beautiful
8.A.As    B.unless    C.if    D.Though
9.A.wrote    B.hoped    C.put    D.sang
10.A.Chinese    B.Japanese    C.Australian    D.American
11.A.moved    B.played    C.grew    D.worked
12.A.bored    B.sad    C.excited    D.angry
13.A.asked    B.disliked    C.happened    D.decided
14.A.legs    B.hands    C.eyes    D.faces
15.A.houses    B.countries    C.rooms    D.cities
Ⅲ. 语法填空
A 17-year-old girl 1. (name) Wu Yishu won first prize in Chinese Poetry Competition (中国诗词大会). She has won fans over with her rich knowledge of the ancient culture and works.
Wu, a high school student in Shanghai, beat the other 2. (contest) in the 3.(two) season of the Chinese Poetry Competition.
“I get feelings from ancient poetry 4. modern people cannot give me. I pay little attention 5. the competition result, but I love poetry, and it is enough as long as I enjoy the happiness brought by the poetry,” Wu said.
In the final of the competition, all the competitors 6. (ask) to recite poems by 7. (look) at sand paintings and recite as many poems as they could think of about the Chinese character Jiu (酒). Wu did 8. (good) among them. When Wu recited 9.ancient Chinese poem about the months of the year, the judges thought that she must have remembered at least more than 2,000 Chinese ancient works.