(考试时间120分钟 试题满分100)
1. My hometown is _______ beautiful city in ________ west of Liaoning Province.
A. the; a    B. a; the    C. a; a    D. the; the
考查冠词。the指已提到或易领会到的人或事物;a用于辅音音素开头的词前, 用来表示不特定的人或事物;an用于元音音素开头的词前,用来表示不特定的人或事物。city为可数名词的单数形式,其前用应不定冠词表泛指,beautiful是辅音音素开头的单词,因此不定冠词用awest表示地点,前其应用定冠词the,特指辽宁省西部。故选B
2. We took pride in _________ when we succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain finally.
A. we    B. us    C. our    D. ourselves
考查代词辨析。we我们;us我们,宾格;our我们的;ourselves我们自己。根据“when we s
ucceeded in reaching the top of the mountain finally.”结合语境可知,“我们”是为自己成功到达山顶而感到骄傲,此处应用反身代词,故选D。
3. —It is Mom’s __________ birthday next Wednesday. What should we do?
—What about buying her __________ flowers to show our love?
A. forty; forty    B. forty; fortieth    C. fortieth; forty    D. fortieth; fortieth
4. —I am very nervous in my new school now.
—Don’t worry. It’s _________ to have this feeling in a new environment.
A. special    B. dangerous    C. cool    D. normal
考查形容词辨析。 special特别的;dangerous危险的;cool酷的;normal正常的。根据“Don’t worry. It’s...to have this feeling in a new environment.”可知,有这种感觉很正常,所以不要担心,故选D。
5. —Dad, must I become a doctor like you when I finish university in the future?
—No, you________. You can make your own decision and do whatever you like.
A. don’t have to    B. can’t    C. mustn’t    D. couldn’t
考查must一般疑问句的回答。must引导的一般疑问句否定回答为:No, you needn’t/don’t have to,所以A选项正确,故选A。
6. —What are you going to do this weekend?
—I am going to visit the sick kids in the hospital and _________ them _________ as a volunteer.
A. wake; up    B. 辽宁朝阳人事考试网cheer; up    C. give; up    D. pick; up
考查动词短语辨析。wake up叫醒;cheer up使高兴;give up放弃;pick up捡起。根据“I am going to visit the sick kids in the as a volunteer.”可知,做志愿者是为了让生病的孩子高兴,故选B。
7. It’s said that tea __________ by accident about five thousand years ago.
A. was invented    B. is invented    C. will be invented    D. were invented
考查被动语态。分析句子可知tea和invent之间是被动关系,根据“five thousand years ago.”可知句子应用一般过去时的被动语态:was/were+done,且tea是不可数名词,be动词
8. —What kind of movies do you like?
—I prefer movies _________ me something to think about.
A. whom give    B. who gives    C. which give    D. that gives
9. ________ fast technology has progressed over the years!
A. What    B. What a    C. How    D. What an
10. —Excuse me, could you please tell me_________?
—By working hard and never giving up.
A. who you often practice English with
B. if you will pay more attention to the traffic rules
C. when you got used to the life here
D. how you will achieve your dream
考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,根据答语“By working hard and never giving up.”可知,此处对方式进行提问,故选D。
There was a stone lying in the mountains for a long time. He had a dream—one day he could fly up into the sky ___11___ a bird. When he told his dream to his friends, they all laughed at him.
“Look! Your heart is ___12___ than the sky!”
However, these words didn’t make a difference to the stone. Instead, he just said ___13___ , looked up into the sky full of hope in his eyes and waited for the chance.
One day, a man named Zhuangzi passed by. The stone knew this man had the great wisdom. So he talked about his dream to the great man.
___14___ me, please!” The stone begged(乞求).
Zhuangzi said, “I can help you achieve it, but you must first grow into a mountain and be strong enough to suffer(承受) a lot.” The stone replied, “I am not afraid of anything ___15___ I’m sure I can do it.”
From then on, the stone tried his best to get as much energy as he could from nature to make himself strong. After so many years and storms, the stone grew into a large mountain ___16___ . So Zhuangzi sent some huge birds to hit the mountain with ___17___ wings. After shaking strongly, the mountain broke apart and countless stones flew up into the sky. At the moment of flight, the stone was so ___18___ that he couldn’t help shouting, “I am flying in the sky now!” He finally experienced the joy of flying.