He has a sister, hasn’t he (doesn’t he)?
He doesn’t have a sister, does he? (不可用has he,因为前面用的是doesn’t
He has breakfast, doesn’t he?
The weak boy often has coughs, doesn’t he?
3、当陈述句谓语动词含有have tohas tohad to时,疑问部分用do的适当形式,虽然have got tohave to含义相同,但疑问部分要用have的适当形式。如:
We have to walk back, don’t we?
They had to obey the rules, didn’t they?
I have got to tell it to your mother, haven’t I?
He is brave, isn’t he?
I am strong, aren’t I (ain’t I)?
She will get married, won’t she?
You can help her, can’t you?
注意:陈述句若是I am…结构,疑问部分要用aren’t Iain’t Iam I not(正式),而不用am not I
He needn’t do it again, need he?
He doesn’t need to do it again, does he?
She dare say it, daren’t she?
She doesn’t dare to say it, does she?
3、当陈述句谓语部分含有used to时,疑问句部分可用didn’tusedn’tusen’t;如果是there used to be…句型,反意疑问句用usedn’tdidn’tthere。如:
He used to live here, usedn’t (usen’t) he?
He used to live here, didn’t he?
There used to be a school in the village, usedn’t there?
There used to be some lakes in this area, didn’t there?
4、当陈述句的助动词为ought to时,反意疑问句有oughtshould两种形式反意。如:
You ought to come early, oughtn’t you (shouldn’t you)?
You oughtn’t to come early, ought to (should you)?
5、当陈述句的助动词为had better,反意疑问句用hadhadn’t。如:
You had better take an umbrella, hadn’t you?
You had better not go out at night, had you?
6、谓语部分含有would ratherwould like引起的反意疑问句,用wouldn’t。如:
He would rather stay at home, wouldn’t he?
She’d like to go shopping, wouldn’t she?
I wish to go home, may I?
I wish to come here, may I?
You must go soon, mustn’t you?
The nurse must take good care of the children, needn’t she?
You mustn’t park your car here, must you?
must be表示猜测、准是时,反意疑问句谓语视情况可适当改用bedohave等。如:
Your parents must be in the kitchen, aren’t they?
Tom must have been to Beijing, hasn’t he? (或用wasn’t he
The scientists must have succeeded in their new experiment, haven’t they?
They must have got there last week, didn’t they?
I may pick you up, mayn’t I?
It may have rained, mayn’t it?
They mightn’t have arrived, might they?
You might help me, will you?
This is very good, isn’t it?
Something bothers him, doesn’t it?
11、当陈述句中的主语为somebodysomeoneanybodyanyoneeverybodyeveryonenobodyno onethesethose等时,反意疑问句中的主语用they。如:
Somebody knows the secret, don’t they?
Nobody likes it, does they?
Everybody has arrived, hasn’t they?
12、如果陈述句中出现表示否定意义的词,如fewlittleno onenobodynothingnowherehardlyneverseldomrarelyscarcely等时,反意疑问句要用肯定式。如:
He has little money, has he?
No one can answer it, can he?
He never eats meat, does he?
She is unhappy, isn’t she?
That is useless, isn’t it?
He failed in the exam, didn’t he?
I neglect the sign, don’t I?
He has only ten dollars in his pocket, hasn’t (has) he?
One should be ready to help others, shouldn’t one?
One can be one’s own master, can’t one?
He and I made the plan, didn’t we?
18none of…结构作主语时,反意疑问句谓语动词的数和人称,要同前面陈述部分谓语动词的数和人称保持一致。如:
None of his paintings is good, is it? (不可用are they
None of people likes the film, does he? (不可用do they
None of his relatives are rich, are they? (不可用is he
None of her guests have arrived, have they? (不可用has he
19、当陈述句主语为each of…结构时,反意疑问句的主语用hesheit时强调各个、各自;用weyouthey时强调全体。如:
Each of the projects is completed, isn’t it?