        学年第 1 学期)
        课程名称: 大学英语  考试年级:       时间 120  分钟
I. Multiple Choice (30%)
1.He had to _ his journey before it had hardly begun.
德州经济开发区教育局A absorb  B abstract  C abandon  D abuse
2.No sooner _ there than he fell ill..
A had he arrived  B had arrived  C he arrived  D arrived he
3. She always puts her bedroom in good _.
A order  B trial  C trend  D trunk
4. Does the audience believe _ the newscaster is lying and concealing something?
A that    B which  C which  D what
5. What would you do about the problem _ you were in my shoes?
A though  B very  C if  D unless
6. He _ over the letter and walked away without a word.
A glanced  B saw  C watched  D observed
7. The movie he directed is, _ at least tolerable.
A if not good  B if it not good  C if it is not good  D it is not good
8. They didn’t tell me _ she had got well.
A  what  B  where  C  whether  D  which
9. I could _ understand what this book talks about.
A usually  B formerly  C scarcely  D virtually
10. It’s no use _ to him as he clings very much to his own opinions.
A talk  B talking  C to talk  D talked
II. Match (20%)
1.revenues (  ) 2.mission (  ) 3.global (  ) 4.foresight (  ) 5.recession (  ) 6.captivate (  )  7.showroom (  )  8. auction (  )    9.facility (  ) 10. donate (  )
A.使命 B.捐赠 C.拍卖 D.深谋远虑 E.经济萧条 F.全球性的 G.总收入 H.样品间 I.吸引 J.方便,设备
III. Complete following sentences with proper forms of words given.(10%)
technical enjoyable  resort to  anticlockwise    bring…together
1. The web makes it easier to buy things by _ the sellers and buyers _.
2. We had a very _ holiday on the beach.
3. Everybody should have good _ training before he starts to word in this factory.
4. Since all other means failed, they had to _ force.
5. Please turn the key _, and then you can open the door.
IV. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (15%)
1. He suddenly found that he had learnt 2000 new words.
2. I never mind being left alone.
3. This project is going to be completed in June.
4. 他认为我们不应该再在这个问题上多花时间了。
5. 明年今日, 我当老师就满十年了。
V. Writing. (25%)
Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:
        My favorite sport