山东卷 (新高考全国I卷) 英语听力 第二次考试
第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt?
A. £19.15.                                  B. £9.18.                            C. £9.15.
1. What is the speakers’ destination?
   A. The park.                                B. The beach.                        C. The hotel.
2. What is Nancy’s plan for Christmas?
   A. To have dinner at home.                    B. To do volunteer work.                C. To visit some friends.
3. What is wrong with the man’s watch?
   A. It’s fast.                                B. It’s stopped.                        C. It’s slow.
4. Where is the bookstore now?
   A. On Lear Road.                            B. On Nelson Street.                    C. On Huntington Ro
5. What is the man going to do?
   A. Do some shopping.                        B. Give the woman a ride.            C. Make breakfast.
6. Why does the woman charge the man?
   A. He’s returned a book late.                    B. He’s damaged a book.                C. He’s lost a book.
7. How does the man feel about the fine?
   A. It’s acceptable.                            B. It’s too much.                    C. It’s unnecessary.
8. What is special about the teacups?
   A. They are finely decorated. 
B. They are sold with candles. 
C. They are shaped like hearts.
9. Why does the man take the apple-tree-to-be gift?
   A. It looks attractive.
   B. It provides instructions.
   C. It will be a pleasant memory.
10. How much will the man pay for the girl?
   A. $24.95.                                B. $26.99.                            C. $56.90.
11. What does Karl need according to Susan?
   A. A holiday.                                B. A promotion.                        C. A pay raise.
12. What does Karl think his company should do?
   A. Offer paid vacations.                    B. Keep costs down.                    C. Employ more people.
13. What does Susan agree to do for Karl?
   A. Watch for job openings.                  B. Post an advertisement.                C. Talk to his manager.
山东省公务员考试202014. What is the woman’s original plan for tonight?
   A. Have a good rest.                        B. Study for an exam.                C. Celebrate her birthday.
15. What does the man intend to do with friends at 6:30?
   A. Have dinner.                            B. Watch a movie.                    C. Have a party.
16. When will the party probably end?
   A. At 10:00.                                B. At 10:30.                        C. At 11:00.
17. How does the man sound?
   A. Enthusiastic.                            B. Impatient.                        C. Hesitant.
18. What is the talk mainly about?
   A. Disease control.                        B. Local events.                        C. Government service.
19. What is prohibited at present in Oxton?
   A. Watering gardens.                        B. Smoking outdoors.                C. Washing cars.
20. What does the speaker say about the fire?
   A. It destroyed a building.                    B. It caused serious injuries.            C. It was quickly put out.
Text 1
W: Steve, I think we have gone off, of course. We’ve been cycling for an hour and there’s n
o beach in sight. 
M: I don’t think so. I’ve been checking the map. Across this part to the international hotel and the beach’s one mile from there. 
Text 2
M: Nancy, are you having a big Christmas dinner at your house this year? 
W: Actually, I plan to spend Christmas at a homeless shelter with some friends. We just want to do something for the people there. 
Text 3
W: Oh, no, I think we’ve just missed the bus. 
M: How can that be? It says here that the bus’s arriving at ten fifty five. My watch says we’re five minutes ahead of time. Wait a minute! The town hall clock is striking eleven! 
Text 4
M: There used to be a bookstore on the corner of Lear Road and Nelson Street. Is it still there? 
W: Not any more. It’s a restaurant now. The bookstore has moved to Huntington Road, just next to the shopping centre. 
Text 5
W: Would you pick up some milk and eggs from the supermarket? 
M: Sure, do you need anything else? 
W: No, oh, wait! Get some bread too. We don’t have any for breakfast tomorrow. 
Text 6
W: What can I do for you? 
M: I’d like to return these books. 
W: Okay, um. What happened to this book? 
M: I dropped it and the cover tore off. Sorry! 
W: Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to pay a fine for the damage. 
M: How much? 
W: Three dollars. 
M: That’s not too bad. 
W: You can pay it now or at the end of the month. 
M: I’ll pay it now. Here you are.
Text 7
W: Can I help you? 
M: Yes, I’m looking for a gift for my daughter’s birthday, and I want something special.