四六级成绩单打印入口高中英语译林版模块七Unit2 Fit for life《Reading(1):Two life-saving medicines》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教
1. Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the article.
中级会计职称2. Arouse the Ss’ interest in learning English by talking about their own opinions.
Develop the students’ reading ability---how to guess the meanings of new words.
3.1第一学时global teaching
活动1【导入】two life-saving medicines考研网考研成绩查询
Step 1 Greetings and revision
step 2 Lead-in
step 3 Fast reading
step 4 Careful reading
Step 5 Reading stategy
Step 6 Discussion
Step 7 Language points
Step 8 Homework
2022上半年六级真题活动2【讲授】two life-saving medicines
Step1. Greeting and revision
Ask some Ss to name the treatments learnt in the last period.
What other treatments do you know? Can you name them?
Step2. Lead-in
事业单位公共基础知识题库及答案我没进社区后悔了People may take medicines when they are ill. However, if they don’t take the right medicine in the righ t way, they may not get better and even get worse.