Most people emphasize the important of creativity.What is creativity? Creativity is the bringing into being of something that does not exist before, it can be a product, a process or a thought.But China is criticized as one of the countries which lack of creativity.It is because creative thinking are not advocated in our education system.Creativity is the most crucial factor for future success.Most successful leaders or managers own creativity, they can set their country or company apart from competition.They innovate a new way to develop or solve the crisis.Two good examples are Bill Gate of Mircosoft and Steve Jobs of Apple.In order to compete in the future, developing creativity is a must in China.
Given is a simple but thought-provoking cartoon :an aged grandma sits in front of mirror look at “herself”in the mirror an say to herself ,”I feel rather lonely when my son goesto work and my grandson goes studies in school.”
Obviously this cartoon can be naturely associated with the significance of children’s accompany for aged parents :if elderly people intend to enjoy happiness ,it is advisable for their children to spend more time on their parents.In contemporary society ,it has become a trend for young people to be busy with their work and study.Meanwhile ,an increasing number of youngsters find it difficult to have spare time to accompany longly parents.However ,it is adult children’s accompany that enables aged parents to build up adequate hope ,love and enthusiasm for life.as a matter of fact ,young people in large numbers have not come to realize the loneliness of aged people.Asa youngster ,I am comvinced that it is great necessity for us to accompany aged parents ,no matter how busy
we are.Accordingly we should educate ,advocate and encourage of frends ,classmates and acquaintances to love respect and care all eldly people.
第三篇:2014年考研英语作文 图画作文考前预测:创新
Topic 4:Innovation 创新
The cartoon aims at informing us of the importance of innovation consciousness.Definitely,no one can deny the importance of it.For one thing,Innovation consciousness is conducive to the continuous progress and improvement of individuals.The more innovative you are,the more likely you are to create new methods,master new skills and discover new opportunities.For another,many of today's business success or miracle can be ascribed toinnovation.Take Steve Jobs as a case in point,as a member of the mighty oceanof electronic products,if he had not invented innovative devices such as Ipad and Iphone,he could not have achieved great success in the global market and even changed the way people communicate,recreate and live.From my perspective,at no time should we overlook the power of the consciousness of innovation.
Furthermore,we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work,study and everyday life.“Innovation is the spirit of human being's progress.” A philosopher once said.这幅漫画目标在于告诉我们创新意识的重要性。确实,没有人可以否认创新的重要性。首先,创新意识有利于个人的持续进步和提升。你越善于创新,就越有可能创造新方法,掌握新技能并且发现新机会。另外,很多当今世界的商业成功和奇迹都可以归因于创业,以史蒂夫。乔布斯为例,作为浩瀚的电子产品海洋中的一员,如果他没有发明诸如Ipad,Iphone这样创新的设备,他是不太可能在全球市场取得成功甚至改变人们的通讯、娱乐和生活方式的。
个性(individuality)逆境(adversity)谦虚(modesty)耐心(patience)制定计划(making plans)
诚信(honety)信任(trust)沟通(communication)意志(a strong will)
It seems to me that the cartoon / drawing is sending a message about ____________(图画内容),which reveals ____________(稍作评价).In my perspective of view, ____________(表明个人观点)。Apparently, ____________(将个人观点和图片内容相结合,得出观点。)For one thing, ____________(从社会角度论证).For another thing, ____________(从个人角度说明).For example, ____________(自己、朋友或他人,只要自己知道或听过的例子).Last but not least, ____________(从反面角度谈论).As a result, the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _____________(建议或措施).Only in this way can we ____________(展望结果).In conclusion / To my understanding, ____________(再次表明观点或态度).We should ____________(进一步说明个人的观点).如果是图标作文,用下面的模版According to the bar chart / pie chart / line graph displays the changes in the number of____________(图表整体趋势).There was an increase in ____________(图表细节).At the point of ____________, ____________reac
hes its peak value of ____________(数据或变化).What has caused these changes? There are mainly three reasons.Firstly, ____________(原因一).Secondly, ____________(原因二).The number of ____________ increased over the period.____________ rose by _________ from ________ to ________________.And there were____________.Finally, ____________(最后一个原因).In conclusion / We can safely draw the conclusion that ____________(结论).Therefore, ____________(进一步谈论更多个人想法).
1.As is vividly/symbolically depicted in the picture/cartoon ,we can notice that____ As is vividly(subtly/symbolically)depicted(shown/described/revealed/portrayed /demonstrted/illustrated)in the photo(caricature/carton/drawing/picture/ photograph)above______________________________________ Having captured our att
ention,the picture vividly betrays the fact(表现出事实)that___ This set of drawing vividly reflects the fact that____(一组图)2细节描述1-2句
会写的话:The picture is captioned “________ ”,which indicates that_______ 文字不会写的话:The caption reads that___________(2)象征寓意:It is apparent that
第二段5句左右 论证部分:
At first thought ,people may consider _____.But deeper thinking leads us to its core meaning___ 1主题句1句:(中心)
英语四级710分转化表(1)The purpose of the picture is to tell us that_____保护环境 保护传统文化_____is of great significance to us human.(2)This picture dose reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon in China now that___社会现象____