Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)
Section A
1.A) A new house cost thirty thousand dollars.
B) Bob’s house cost him sixty thousand dollars.
C) Bob didn’t want to buy an old house.
D) Bob decided to buy an old house.()
2.A) Yes, but he needs to have the approval of his professor.
B) Yes, he can study there if he is writing a research paper.
C) Yes, because he is a senior student.
D) No, it’s open only to teachers and postgraduates.()
3.A) He doesn’t like seafood any more.
B) A seafood dinner is too expensive.
C) He doesn’t have enough money.
D) He likes seafood very much.()
4.A) He went to the hospital to take his wife home.
B) He stayed in the hospital until very late.
He tried to call the woman several times.
He went to the hospital at midnight yesterday.
5.Her errors were mainly in the reading part.
B) It wasn’t very challenging to her.
C) It was more difficult than she had expected.
D) She made very few grammatical mistakes in her test.()
6.A) 6 hours.
B) 4 hours.
C) 12 hours.
D) 18 hours.()
7.A) It’s dirty.
B) It’s faded.
C) It’s dyed.
D) It’s torn.()
8.A) Sixteen dollars.
B) Eight dollars.
C) Ten dollars.
D) Twelve dollars.()
9.A) His watch will be fixed no later than next Monday.
B) His watch needs to be repaired.
C) He may come again for his watch at the weekend.
D) The woman won’t repair his watch until next Monday.()
10.A) The things to do on Monday morning.
B) The weather on Monday morning.
C) The time to see John.
D) The place John should go to.()
Section B
Passage One
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.
11.A) The number of its readers.
B) Its unusual location.
C) Its comfortable chairs.
D) Its spacious rooms.()
12.A) The latest version of the Bible.
B) A book written by Columbus.
C) A map of the New World.
D) One of the earliest copies of Shakespeare’s work.()
13.A) It has too few employees.
B) It lacks money to cover its expenses.
C) It is over crowded.
D) It is growing too rapidly.()
14.A) From Monday to Friday.
B) From Monday to Saturday.
C) Every day.
D) On Saturdays and Sundays.()
Passage Two
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.
15.A) They would train the children to be happy street cleaners.
B) They would make the children great scholars.
C) They intended to train the children as adults were trained.
D) They would give the children freedom to fully develop themselves.()
16.A) Some children are good, some are not.
B) Children are good by nature.
C) Most children are nervous.
D) Children are not as brave as adults.()
17.A) He thinks a scholar is more respectable than a street cleaner.
B) He thinks highly of teaching as a profession.
C) He thinks all jobs are equally good so long as people like them.
D) He thinks a street cleaner is happier than a scholar.()
Passage Three
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.
18.A) The daughter of a prison guard.
B) The Emperor of Rome.
C) A Christian couple.
D) A Christian named Valentine.()
19.A) To propose marriage.
B) To celebrate Valentine’s birthday.
C) To express their respect for each other.
D) To show their love.()
20.A) It is an American folktale.
B) It is something recorded in Roman history.
C) It is one of the possible origins of this holiday.
D) It is a story from the Bible.()
Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)
Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.
One day in January 1913. G. H. Hardy, a famous Cambridge University mathematician received a letter from an Indian named Srinivasa Ramanujan asking him for his opinion of 120 mathematical theorems (定理) that Ramanujan said he had discovered. To Hardy, many of the theorems made no sense. Of the others, one or two were already well-known. Ramanujan must be some kind of trickplayer, Hardy decided, and put the letter aside. But all that day the letter kept hanging round Hardy. Might there be something in those wild-looking theorems?
That evening Hardy invited another brilliant Cambridge mathematician, J. E. Littlewood, and the two men set out to assess the Indian’s worth. That incident was a turning point in the history