1. 本试卷共150分。考试时间120分钟。
2. 请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. When is Grandpa’s birthday?
A. On May 6th.  B. On May 7th.  C. On May 8th.
2. What does the girl advise the man to do?
A. Take classes.  B. Look for a job.  C. Stay at home.
3. Where will the man go for the holiday probably?
A. To Toronto.  B. To London.  C. To his hometown.
4. Where are the speakers?
A. In an airplane.  B. In a boat.  C. On the ground.
5. What happened to Peter’s bike?
A. A tree fell on it.  B. Someone stole it.  C. It got broken.
6. Which bus goes to River Drive?
A. No. 16.  B. No. 14.  C. No. 6.
7. What will the woman ask the bus driver?
A. How to get some change. B. The ticket price.  C. Where to change buses.
听第7段材料,回答第89题。8. What did Jane like to do as a child?
A. Sweep away the snow. B. Make snowballs.  C. Go skating.
9. What’s the weather like today?
A. Snowy and cold.  B. Snowy and warm.  C. Cloudy and windy.
10. What is the boy’s homework this weekend?
A. To write a summary.  B. To review three chapters. C. To prepare a presentation.
11. What does the woman probably teach?
A. English.  B. Science.  C. History.
12. What does the woman want to learn from the homework?
A. What her students’ opinions are.
B. Whether her students understood the reading.
C. If her students can connect all the different ideas.
13. How long has the woman been in hospital?
A. For one week.  B. For ten days.  C. For two weeks.
14. When can the woman leave the hospital?
A. In two weeks.  B. Tomorrow.  C. Uncertain.
15. What’s the doctor’s suggestion for the woman?
A. Having medical checks regularly.
B. Taking the medicine every day.
C. Avoiding any physical exercise.
16. How soon will the woman get well completely?
A. In a few days.  B. In a long time.  C. As soon as she leaves the hospital.
17. What did Clara do during the Civil War?
A. She helped the wounded. B. She urged to stop the war. C. She joined the army.
18. What did Clara do after the Civil War?
A. She led a group to search for missing soldiers.
B. She considered setting up the American Red Cross.C She collected money to help the wounded.
19. When did Clara return from Switzerland?
A. In 1869.  B. In 1873.  C. In 1881.
20. How long did Clara serve as the American Red Cross’s president?
A. Over 20 years.  B. About 12 years.  C. Over 4 years.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Undoubtedly, we have all come across several stunning (极吸引人的) women wherever we come from. As such, it is incredibly difficult to decide who is the fairest of them all. Even tougher is putting them all on one list. However, there are certain women that we can all agree on. They include:
Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is perhaps the best person to headline our list of stunning women. She is beautiful and talented, which is why she is easily one of the most sought after actresses in Hollywood. Even in her forties, women still want to be Angelina Jolie and men want to be with Angelina.
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot is another stunning beauty that has managed to make a name for herself in film as an actress and producer. She’s not just a beauty in the acting scene but the former Miss Israel 2014 is also a model to date. Gal Gadot gave two years of her life to serve at the Israeli Defense Forces.
Ashley Graham
Ashley Graham is a stunner that has managed to change lives just by proving that beauty is not limited to those with slim bodies. The model who is perhaps known mostly for her appearance on America’s Next Top Model has managed to make a name for herself despite her plus size figure. Her face is so beautiful and amazingly confident, which is why she also makes such an amazing television presenter.
Audrey Hepburn
It’s impossible to discuss beauty and fashion in Hollywood without talking about Audrey Hepburn. She was a British actress who had a lot of success. She was, however, more kno
wn as a fashion icon and is still known for that even to date despite the fact that she is no longer around. The American Film Institute ranked Audrey as the 3rd greatest female legend on screen from Hollywood’s Golden Age.1. Who once served in the army?