11.PIeaSe __________ me ___________ ! OK? I am :TealIy not myself today!
12.He Seemed as ________________ and rough as ever.他跟从前一样拙笨和粗鲁。
2021英语二答案13.SWanS are SUrPriSingIy _________________ On the land.天鹅在陆地上笨的岀奇。
14.The handle Of this teapot has an __________________ shape.这茶壶把儿的形状真别扭。
15.I Started the job as a _________________ SeCretary.刚开始这份工作时,我是初级秘书。
16.Ihe PreSident WaS SO young that he WaS ___________________ to SOme Of his employees?
17.They Were StUCk On each Other ever SinCe __________________________ ?
18.The experts are _________________ every Part Of the island?
19.I'm ________________ in the Path I have ChOSen?
20.YOUr encouragement made me __________________ Of my future?
TaSk 2用所给词的正确形式或中文意思完成句子。
1.We have full ________________ (COnfident) that We ShalI SUCCeed?
2.The WOrSt barrier to your SUCCeSS is not IaCk Of money, but IaCk Of ________________________ (自信/自信心)?
3.He is ________________ (向前的:前进的)in his English.
3.We Can See the ________________ (前而的:前部的)Part Of the ship.
4.We _________________ (盼望;期待)the return Of spring.
5.I __________________ (盼望;期待)being alone in the house?
6.StUdentS ShOUld _______________ (i己笔记)in CIaSS?
7.Ihe reporter Can ________________ (i己笔i己)in ShOrthand?
8.We WilI ______________ (OrganiZatiOn) Wine tasting PartieS for you.
9.They have established a StUdent _________________ (OrganiZe)?
10.He, S involved in the ________________ (组织;机构)Of a new club.
11.No. 6 gave a IOng shot, _________________________ ?(但没有射中球门)
12.He has ____________________ .(实现他的目标)
13.We WilI discuss OUr _________________ (销售策略)this year.
14.He is an expert in ____________________ .(军事战略)
15.He has a _____________________ (能丁的伙伴)WhO always OrganiZeS everything WelI for him.
T a Sk 3中译英。要求用上括号里的词。
4.我很想知道她如何接受那消息。(be CUriOUS about)
5.那男孩对所见的一切都感到好奇。(be CUriOUS about)
SteP 3阅读理解
Right When I got OUt Of the car, I had no idea Where to go. I WaS USed to WaIking through the junior middle SChOOI doors and going to gather together With all my friends after a thrilling summer, but that day WaS different? It WaS my first day Of SeniOr middle SChOOI and I WaS about to go On an adventure?
I finally reached the CIaSSrOOm? I Sat down, IOOked around and thought to myself, T know absolutely no one!" Then the bell rang and my teacher WaIked in. The first SentenCe that Came OUt Of her mouth WaS t "So WhO has their SUmmer reading assignment (作业)?" and I Sat there in SUrPriSe? In junior middle school, On the first day, it's USUalIy all about rules, rules, and more rules!
Later throughout the day, I finally SaW SOme Of Iny friends and felt COmfOrtabIe because there Were PeOPIe I knew? I Started to enjoy my CIaSSes, and I got to know my teachers a IittIe more? The IUnChtime Came and I WaS Very hungry! BUt When I WaIked into the IUnChrOOm j I didn't know Where to go. It WaS Very Iarge and StUdentS COUId enjoy not OnIy delicious food but also drinks Iike SOda and Orange juice? There Were enough tables in the IUnChrOOm but you COUId Sit OUtSide?