专题03 配对阅读(解析版)
31.Bella, one of the top students in her class, always gets up early and hopes to get better grades by working hard.
32.Vincent has joined a mountain climbing club. The club members will have a climbing trip next week and he will be the leader of the team.
33.Aileen is an English teacher. She always knows what’s going on in class, even when her students are passing notes behind her back.
34.Sam is a newcomer to a high school. He feels a little nervous in the classroom with a lot of strangers around him.
35.Victor’s friends are taking a high-speed train to visit him. But his friends are late. He is now waiting for them at the station.
A.In many ball games, the most important person is the one who carries the ball. Such a person is the leader and he makes sure that a job gets done.
B.Birds feed on worms. A bird will go hungry if it cannot catch worms. The bird that gets up early is sure to get some food, so the early bird catches the worm.
C.Your feet become hot when you run. But when you are forced to sit in one place, your heels stay cool.
When someone keeps you waiting, you can say he is cooling your heels.
D.Some people seem to know what’s going on behind them, as if they had eyes in the back of their heads. “Eyes in the back of your head” describes the ability to notice everything happening around you.
E. You don’t know what will happen if you wake up a sleeping dog in the street, so it would be much smarter to let sleeping dogs lie.
F. People may get their feet into the water slowly when they start to lean swimming. “Get your feet wet” means trying to do something for the first time.
G. Fish live in water. A person who is in a strange or uncomfortable environment may feel like a fish out of water.
31.B  32.A  33.D  34.G  35.C
根据“Bella, one of the top students in her class, always gets up early and hopes to get better grades by working hard”可知,她每天起很早并且努力学习,所以她取得了好成绩,可以用“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”来描述她的情况,B选项“鸟以虫子为食。一只鸟如果捉不到虫子就会挨饿。早起的鸟儿一定会得到一些食物,所以早起的鸟儿有虫吃”符合,故选B。
根据“The club members will have a climbing trip next week and he will be the leader of the team”可知,与其对应的解释应与“团队领导者”有关,A选项“在许多球类运动中,最重要的人是带球的人。这样的人就是领导者,他确保工作完成”符合,故选A。
根据“She always knows what’s going on in class, even when her students are passing notes behind her back”可知,Aileen就像后脑勺长了眼睛似的,她总能知道学生在背后做什么动作,D选项“有些人似乎知道自己背后在发生什么事,就好像他们的后脑勺上长着眼睛一样。“后脑长眼睛”描述的是注意周围发生的一切的能力”符合,故选D。
根据“He feels a little nervous in the classroom with a lot of strangers around him”可知,他在处于陌生的环境中感到紧张,G选项“鱼生活在水里。一个人在一个陌生或不舒服的环境中可能会感觉像一条离开水的鱼”符合,故选G。
根据“But his friends are late. He is now waiting for them at the station”可知,与其对应的解释应与“等人”有关,C选项“当你跑步时,你的脚会变热。但当你被迫坐在一个地方时,你的脚后跟会保持凉爽。如果某人让你久等了,你可以说他正在等你”符合,故选C。
配对阅读。左栏是在华工作的外籍专家Mr. Jack Frank家庭成员的信息,右栏是关于中国传统文化线上展览的简介。请为每位家庭成员选择合适的展览,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
31.. Mr. Jack Frank (the father) is a scientist. He is doing research on Chinese solar terms (节气).
32.. Mrs. Frank (the mother) is a housewife. She likes cooking and she cooks for the family every day.
33.. Alice (the daughter) is learning painting in a university. She hopes to be an artist in the future.
34.. Adam (the son) is studying in a primary school.  He loves Tang poems so much that he learns one every day.
35.. Mr. Kelvin Frank (the grandfather) used to be a sportsman. Now he practises Taiji every morning.
A.Chinese traditional sports and activities are the cultural heritage (文化遗产) of China. Most of them not only are good for health but also have high artistic value.
B.Food and drink has a special meaning to Chinese people. Eating does not just mean filling the stomach. What and how to eat is more important.2021英语二答案
C.Traditional festivals play an important part in Chinese cultural heritage. There are a large number of traditional festivals in China. They carry rich information about the life of Chinese people.
D.The art of paper cutting was first developed in China. Chinese paper-cuts have been a traditional form of decoration (装饰) at the Chinese New Year for thousands of years.
E.Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The artists paint on rice paper or thin silk with brushes.
F.In the past 3,500 years, China has developed its own form of cultural traditions, values and tastes. Tang poems are said to be the finest of Chinese literature (文学).
G.The twenty-four solar terms have a history of thousands of years in China. They are still useful today in people’s life.
31.G  32.B  33.E  34.F  35.A
根据“Chinese solar terms”可知父亲是科学家,在做中国节气的研究,G选项的“The twenty-four solar terms”二十四节气符合。故选G
根据“likes cooking”可知母亲是家庭主妇,喜欢烹饪,B选项“Food and drink has a special meaning to Chinese people”吃喝对于中国人来说有特别的含义符合。故选B
根据“learning painting”可知女儿在大学学绘画,希望将来成为一个艺术家,E选项“Chinese painting”中国的绘画符合。故选E
根据“loves Tang poems”儿子喜欢唐诗每天学一首,F选项“Tang poems”讲述唐诗符合。故选F
根据“used to be a sportsman”及“practises Taiji”祖父过去是运动员,现在每天早上打太极。A选项“Chinese traditional sports and activities”中国的传统运动和活动符合。故选A