Ⅰ. 听句子选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)
(    )6. A. I’m sorry to hear that.
B. Sure.
C. I hope so.
(    )7. A. No, thanks.
B. Certainly. Go ahead!
C. Sorry, I won’t.
(    )8. A. Chinese foo
B. Basketball, of course.
C. P. E.
(    )9. A. All right.
B. Good idea. 
C.It’s a bad habit.
(    )10. A. That’s all right.
B. Very goo
C.Not at all.
Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。(5分)
(    )11. A. Go to thepark.
B. Go to school. 
C. Finish her homework.
(    )12. A. A worker. 
B. A farmer.
C.A doctor.
(    )13. A. Because he was ill.
B. Because he got up early.
C.Because he went to bed too late.
(    )14. A. By bike. 
B. On foot. 
C. By bus.
(    )15. A. Always. 
B. Twice a week.
C. Never.
A. The most seriousproblem is that smoking can cause cancer.
B. But in fact smoking is bad for our health.
C. They think smokinglooks cool.
D. Our teeth will becomeyellow and our lungs will be ba
E. Now many students learnto smoke.
16. _______ 17. _______ 18._______ 19. _______20. _______
Ⅴ. 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)
(    )21. Adam comes from a big city.
(    )22. Adam likes sports very much.
(    )23. Adam’s father is an English teacher.
(    )24. Adam and hisfamily live on the eleventh floor in a tall building.
(    )25. Adam hopes to be a good player.
I.单项选择 (20分)
26.——I’m sorry for breaking your pen . 
—— _________ .
A .Certainly not .
B.Nothing serious .
C.Never min
D.Don’t mind
27——Would you mind opening thewindow ? 
—— _________ .
A .Of course .
B .Not atall .
C.No ,I wouldn’t.
D .Yes, I woul
28.Bob _____ two hoursdoing his homrwork yesterday evening .
A .spent
B .took 
C .paid
D .cost
29.We have ____ homework to do ,and we are ____busy every day . 
A.much too ,too much
B.too much, much too
C.too many, too much 
D . much too ,much too
30. You’d better ______too much meat. You are much too fat.
A.not eat
B. eat other
C. not to eat
D. don’t eat
31. —_______ I borrow your Englishbook?
—Yes,of course you _______.
A.Could; could
B. Must; can
C. Could; can
D.Can; could
32. I have some problems with my health. Can you give mesome _______?
A. advice
B. messages 
C. suggestionD information
33. —There _______ a football matchthis evening.
—Exciting news.
A.are going to be
B. is going to be 
C. is going to have
D. will have
34.—How are you feeling today?
—________ I think I can go to thepicnic with you tomorrow.
A. Not too ba
B. Muchbetter.
C.Very ba
D.Not so well.
35. It’s hot here. Pleasekeep the windows _______.
B. open
C. closed
36.The summer holiday is coming. We’re going to have _______ holiday.
A.a two-month
B. a two-months
C.two months
37.My sister ____Beijingtomorrow .She works there .
A .leaves
B .is leavingfor
C.leaves for D is leaving
38 .We must try our best____well .
A .studying
B .study
D .to study
39.The room is _____ tohold(容纳) two beds .
A.enough big
B.big enough 
2021英语二答案C .so big
D .too big
40.Doing sports every day_____ me healthy .
A .make
B .to make 
D. making
41.Listen !Can you hearthe baby ____ ?
A .cry
C.is crying
D .to cry
42.Don’t _____ your study.We can help you with it .
A .worry for
B .worriedabout
C .worry about
D .look after
43. —May I use your ruler,Lily?
—Sure, _______.
A. go ahead
B. you can ask Bill 
C. you can’t
D. that’s all right
44.You shouldn’t go to school _____ breakfast .It’s bad foryour health .
A for
B .with 
C .at
D .without
45. I’m glad that there’s_____ serious with my friend’s leg .
A something B anything
D .everything
A lot of students arehaving all kinds of sports on the sports fiel
D. A football game is going onright now46Class 3 and Class 4. We don’t know which teamwill47. Look at those people over there! Some studentsof Class 1 are practicing the48jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. He practices hardevery day. Many people think he will49the school record (纪录) in the sports meet nextspring. Not far away from them, some girls are preparing for a race. They50have a 600-meter race in ten minutes. Now onthe corner of the field, you can see another group () of students. Theirteacher is telling them51tothrow discus (铁饼). 2-
Inschools,52students love sports now. Sports help peopleto keep53. They also helppeople to live happily. And54doing sports on the sports field, many peoplewill55good friends, too. Do you think so?