With the spread of the coronavirus around the world, I haven't taken a trip for a long time. But I still remember my last trip. I planned it very ____21___. I went online to look up the necessary information, because I didn't trust the ____22 ____ in the guide book and the travel agents told me. At first, I looked up possible destinations and compared them to see which one best suited my needs. Then I checked the___ 23____ of traveling to that particular place. When I traveled by plane, I had to compare prices for different airlines in order to get the cheapest tickets. When I traveled by train, I had to look into train prices or special tickets office. I ___24____ traveled by bus, because of the high rate of traffic accidents on the highway. Next, I also needed to check hotels. I chose to stay at___25___ hotels. In the end, I made a plan to budget how much I needed to spend on meals and sightseeing. Because of my careful plan, I had a good time for the lowest cost.
21. A. wisely    B. normally    C. carefully    D. specially
22. A. advertisements    B. descriptions    C. posters    D. directions
23. A. cost    B. distance    C. transportation    D. sightseeing
24. A. nearly    B. usually    C. almost    D. seldom
25. A. valuable    B. inexpensive    C. comfortable    D. respectable
Parents of kids learning in a middle school in Qingdao, shandong are anxious recently. They complained that the school chose a ___26____ teacher as the headteacher (班主任).
The authorities quickly responded. At a press conference in Beijing, the Ministry of Education said that every teacher in a school has qualifications and their ____27____ lie only in the subjects they teach. They also expressed the hope that the ___28___of the PE teacher being as a headteacher would be understood and supported by more parents.
All teachers must pass exams and interviews before getting a teaching job. Headteachers not only teach their subject but also provide vision and leadership ____29___ other teachers and keep classes___30___ smoothly. The school clearly feels the teacher concerned has the necessary experience to ____31___the teaching job.
The ministry also said that____ 32____ attention will be paid to PE lessons, and the subject will be ______as much importance as Chinese language or math. It specified that in the examinations for middle and high schools, the points for PE lessons will rise to be the same as the so called main subjects, Chinese language, math, and English.
It is a good move to take more notice of PE___ 34____ it is important for children's health. However, if the policymakers mean to raise its points to the same as Chinese language and math, they should do it___ 35____ so that parents accept it. Even though PE is important, its importance can be taken in the other ways than increasing its
exam points such as setting more PE classes in school.
26. A. math    B. Chinese    C. PE    D. chemistry
27. A. similarities    B. personalities    C. competitions    D. differences
28. A. agreement    B. choice    C. complaint    D. process
28. A. in    B. to    C. for    D. of
30. A. walking    B. running    C. jumping    D. swimming
31. A carry out    B. drop out    C. come out    D. blow out
32. A. less    B. fewer    C. better    D. more
33 A. chosen    B. given    C. regarded    D. shown
34. A. if    B. although    C.as    D. while
35. A. gradually    B. immediately    C. directly    D. undoubtedly
As you can see, many extraordinary stories as the symbol of Chinese culture are educational and unforgettable for children and adults. Since many years ago, the story on the Monkey King ____36_____(spread) widely around the world.
There was a mysterious rock at the beginning of the world. The rock gave birth to an egg____ 37_____(magic). Then the egg changed into a stone monkey. Years later, the stone monkey who was the king of all the beasts ___38____ (be) the Monkey King at the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. He lived in the Water Curtain Cave(水帘洞), where he taught small monkeys the art of the war. He brought
back weapons for them. But he could not find anything for____39____ (he). The Monkey King went ___40___ to the bottom of the Eastern Ocean. He wanted to borrow a good weapon from the Dragon King. He found ___ 41____ iron stick of twenty feet long. With a few words of_____ 42____ (thank), the Monkey King left the Eastern Ocean with his new weapon.
One morning, the Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝) held a meeting in heaven. The Dragon King of the Eastern Ocean appeared, _____43____ (complain) of the Monkey King to the Jade Emperor, “The little monkey, took away my iron rod, I'm asking for the justice." The Spirit of the Planet Venus(太白金星) suggested, "Why don't we offer him a job in Heaven? If he behaves, he will be rewarded; but if he doesn't, he'll_____ 44____ (punish)." The Jade Emperor was_____45_____ (please) with this idea and sent the Spirit of the Planet Venus down as a messenger….
It's clear that we are easily infected COVID-19 by droplets from someone coughing or sneezing or by contact, such as contacting with the mouth, nose or eyes through hands. Children are more vulnerable(易受攻击的) to the virus. Here are some tips to keep children healthy.
Staying at home is the best protection. If children have to go out, try not to use the public transportatio
n. For
short distances, walking is the best choice. When children are out, wear masks. If children wear masks, parents should always pay attention to whether the child has breathing difficulties or other discomfort. Generally speaking, little children should not wear masks. The N95 mask has the worst air permeability (透气性) so it is not suitable for babies. Wash hands with soap and running water at all times. If the child is out and cannot wash his hands at once with running water, take cleaning wipes with him.
When the child has a cough or fever, but didn't go outside nor had contact with infected patients, parents can first monitor the children's temperature and provide home treatment. If the body temperature is not fling and the child appears to have a bad cough, breathing difficulties and a poor mental state (状态) it is better to take the child to the nearest hospital.
完型:21-25 CBCDB 26-30 CBDCB 31-35 ADCCA
语法填空:36. has spread 37. magically 38. was 39. himself 40. down 41. an 42. thank
43. complained 44. be punished 45. pleased
信息摘录:46. infects 47. provide home treatment 48. prevent 49. Don’t take/use 50. masks