答案:2937748743  来源 www.ybaotk
1、 The children were at
school, my husband was at work. 
A. the
B. this
C. that
D. ×
2、 That's
what I wanted to tell you. 
A. exactly
B. quietly
C. hardly
D. lately
3、 回答
could have been more annoying. 
A. Everything
B. Anything
C. Nothing
D. Something
4、 I persuaded him into
that plan. 
A. giving off
B. giving up
C. giving in
D. giving away
5、 We still have
sugar. We don't need ____________ sugar now. 
A. some. . . any
B. any. . . some
C. a … some
D. some. . . a
6、 The Government always makes sure that
old are cared for. 
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. this
7、 I looked for my bag. I
A. tried to see
B. tried to look after
C. tried to look at
D. tried to find
8、 It had begun before my sister left. My sister left
it had begun.
A. behind
B. without
C. after
D. before
9、 I was busy
butter and flour. 
A. to mix
B. at mixing
2021英语二答案C. mixing
D. mixed
10、 I
the voice of Helen Bates. 
A. am recognized
B. was recognized
C. recognized
D. was recognizing
11、 He is one of the greatest men of
A. all the time
B. this of time
C. that of time
D. all time
12、 This is the best dress
A. on display
B. on the display
C. on a display
D. on an display
13、 I paid him £ 200
A. all in all
B. in the all
C. in all
D. all in
14、 If Meimei
, she will get a surprise.(2 分)
A. came
B. comes
C. has come
D. will come
15、 They all remained
while the manager talked. 
A. standing
B. stood
C. stand
D. stands
16、 Stores haven't
as much profit as usual this year. 
A. make
B. making
C. made
D. makes
17、 I have profited much
your advice
A. for
B. to
C. from
D. at
18、 Last month he went to New York
and had little time to visit friends. 
A. on display
B. on business 
C. on foot
D. on duty
19、 They have come here
to see you.
A. on the whole
B. on fire
C. on purpose
D. on the average
20、 Do not interrupt him
A. on the whole
B. on purpose
C. on any account
D. on second thought(s)