1、 ______ the morning of September 8th, many visitors arrived at the train station for a tour.() [单选题] *
A. From
B. To
C. In
D. On(正确答案)
2、--Henry treats his secretary badly.--Yes. He seems to think that she is the _______ important person in the office. [单选题] *
A. little
B. least(正确答案)
C. less
D. most
3、This is _________ my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best. [单选题] *
A. how
B. which
C. that(正确答案)
D. what
4、Customers see location as the first factor when_____a decision about buying a house. [单选题] *
B.to make
5、We need a _______ when we travel around a new place. [单选题] *
A. guide(正确答案)
B. tourist
C. painter
D. teacher
6、 He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. [单选题] *
A. any
B. some
C. few(正确答案)
D. many
7、 Jim, we have _______ important to tell you right now . [单选题] *
A. some
B. something(正确答案)
C. any
D. anything
8、Turn down the music. It hurts my _______. [单选题] *
A. nose
B. eyes
C. mouth
D. ears(正确答案)
9、 If you get _______, you can have some bread on the table. [单选题] *
A. happy
B. hungry(正确答案)
C. worried
D. sad
10、What surprised me ______ was that he succeeded. [单选题] *
A. most(正确答案)
B. mostly
C. almost
D. at most
11、John Smith is _______ of the three young men. [单选题] *
A. strong
B. stronger2021英语二答案
C. the stronger
D. the strongest(正确答案)
12、I can’t hear you _______. Please speak a little louder. [单选题] *
A. clearly(正确答案)
B. lovely
C. widely
D. carelessly
13、42.— ________ meat do you want?—Half a kilo. [单选题] *
A.How much(正确答案)
B.How many
14、We must try hard to make up for the lost time. [单选题] *
A. 弥补(正确答案)
B. 利用
C. 抓紧
D. 浪费
15、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *
A. boring; boring