大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷253 (题后含答案及解析)
题型有:1. What caused the worlds richest 10% to produce so much carbon emissions?2. What can we learn about the poorest half of the worlds population?
A.Their lifestyles.
B.Climate change.
C.Natural disasters.
D.Their great wealth.
A.They are responsible for more pollution than other people.
B.Their lifestyle choices give rise to natural disasters.
C.They are responsible for half of all carbon emissions.
D.They are living in countries that are most vulnerable to climate change.
听力原文:    (4)Florida is the state where Americans and immigrants choose most to settle, shows the latest research. Population continues to move from north to south in America. Florida is expected to add five million new residents by 2030, according to the states Office of Economic and Demographic Research. The largest group packing their ba
gs for the Sunshine State are young people right out of college. Young people generally move more for education or for a job.(3)Florida is very attractive. It has big metropolitan areas and good job opportunities. Thats why people are moving to Florida.    Floridas population grew over 17 percent between 2000 and 2010, according to the US Census Bureau. Twenty percent of Floridas population are foreign immigrants, the American Immigration Council reported. Nearly 74 percent of the immigrants are from Latin America. Another 20 percent of foreigners relocating are from Europe and Asia.3. Why do young people in America move to Florida?4. Whats the main idea of the news item?
A.To live a more comfortable life.
B.To seek good job opportunities.
C.To enjoy the pleasant sunshine there.
D.To ease the pressure of unemployment.
A.The population of Florida is on the increase.
B.The population moves from south to north in America.
C.Florida is the No. 1 state for Americans and immigrants to settle.
D.Florida has more immigrants than any other state in America.
听力原文:    (5)More than 100 000 people a year in Japan leave their jobs to care for sick elderly relatives, according to the government, and most of them remain unemployed after their death.    (6)The number is set to explode as the nearly 7 million-strong baby-boomer generation reaches the age of 75 in the coming decade, potentially dragging their children from the workforce in their prime earning years. The Prime Minister vowed in September to stem the flow, which he referred to as an imminent crisis. In a speech, he set out targets for growing the economy to 600 trillion yen from the current 500 trillion yen, preventing the population from falling below 100 million from the current 127 million, and enabling as many people as possible to work, whatever their family responsibilities.    As a first step, the government last month announced plans to provide an extra 120 000 people with beds in homes for the elderly or other forms of support by the early 2020s.(7)Regulations will be eased to make it easier to open nursing homes in major cities and entitlements to leave and allowances will be revised.5. Why do people in Japan leave their jobs?6. How old are the baby-boomer generation now?7. What will the government do to settle the problem?
A.They are faced with a tough job market.
B.They are not satisfied with their current work status.
C.They have an obligation to attend the aged in the home.
D.They are too old to continue to work.
A.About 65 years old.
B.About 70 years old.
C.About 75 years old.
D.About 85 years old.
A.Offer prosperous living environment.
B.Provide satisfying jobs to the workforce.
C.Raise retirement ages.
D.Make it easier to open nursing homes.
Section B
听力原文:M: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find a book on philosophy?W: Well,(8)you can start by looking at the card catalogue under H.M: Im not very familiar with the card catalogue. Can you explain to me how it works?W: Sure. Do you see the cards?(9)All the books are listed both by title and by the authors last name according to the alphabetical order. That is according to the arrangement of 26 letters. M: But I dont have a particular book or author in mind. I just need some general information on Greek philosophy. W: In that case, you may look on the general subject heading of philosophy. And Greek philosophy is classified in the section with numbers from 210 to 420. M: Oh, I see. It sounds a huge job. W: Anyway, you can find all of the books listed in the computer and(10)it gives you more information than the card catalogue. It will let you know if the boo
k you are looking for is currently available, and which library to find it in if it is not available here. M: Ive never used the computer for finding a book. Is it hard to use?W: No, its quite simple. The instructions are there beside the computer. You wont have any trouble. M: But then what should I do after I find a book I need? W: Youll get a same number both from the card and computer.(11)Write down the number. It tells you where to look for the book on the shelves. M: Oh, I get it. Thank you very much. W: Youre welcome.8. Where does the woman tell the man to get information at first?9. How are all the books listed on the card catalogue?10. What information is provided by computer but not by the card catalogue?11. Why is the man asked to write down the number?
8. 英语四级查询
A.From the computer.
B.Through the card catalogue.
C.From his teacher.
D.From an information desk.
A.By the book title.
B.By the authors given name.
C.By the subject category.
D.By the book title and authors family name.
A.Whether a book is available or not.
B.The serial number of a book.
C.The name of a book.
D.The author of a book.
A.It tells him when he will be served.
B.It tells him where to find the book.
C.It tells him where to get more information.
D.It tells him how to order more books.
听力原文:M: Excuse me, Id like to see the accommodation officer.W: Are you a student at this university?M:(12)I will be from next month. Ill be a graduate student in the Department of Business Management.W: In that case I can help you. What do you want to know?M: Well, could you give me an idea of what sort of accommodation is available now?W: Not much, Im afraid. With campus rooms, you have to join the queue and wait your turn. It mig
ht be several months or even a year before we can guarantee you a room. M: So theres no chance of my moving into a campus room at the beginning of this term? W: Im afraid not. M: So what do you recommend? W: Well, how much can you afford to pay?M: I guess, about a minimum of £ 100 per month, but that would be stretching it. W:(13)Then I suggest you share a 2- or 3-bedroom flat with other students. It will be a lot cheaper than renting a one-room flat by yourself. M: But how can I find students to share with? W:(14)Why dont you look on the Student Bulletin Board in the Student Union office? A lot of students put notices up there asking for another person to share a flat. If that fails, come back here and well try to help you out. M: Thanks for your advice. Id still like to put my name on the waiting list for a campus room. W: Of course. But I warn you itll be a long wait.(15)There are 1 700 students before you. M: How many rooms are there?W: 300.12. What can we learn about the man from the conversation?13. Why does the woman suggest the man share a flat with others?14. Where can the man find students to share the room with?15. What does the woman imply when she warns itll be a long wait?