1、Do you like music? What kind of music do you like best?
Yes, I do. I like pop music best/… .
点评:这是一个一般疑问句,首先要回答“Yes”或者“No”。听到关键词“music”后迅速整理并说出相关词汇注意运用句型“I like… best”或者“My favorite music is…”。
2、What do you usually have for lunch or supper?
I usually have meat, vegetables and rice for lunch/supper.
点评:这是一个特殊疑问句,关键词是“food”,准确说出自己日常吃的熟悉的食物即可。句型“I usually have… for …”。
3、Do you like doing sports? What sport are you good at?
Yes, I do. I am good at playing football/basketball.
No, I don't.
点评:一般疑问句,首先要回答“Yes”或者“No”。听到关键词“sports”后迅速整理并说出相关词汇。注意句型“be good at doing …”。
4、How often do you do sports?
Twice a week.
点评:特殊疑问句,“How often”问频率。注意“once, twice, three times a…”等表示频率的固定搭配。
5、What would you do during the Spring Festival?
I would help my mother clean the house and go shopping with my family.
点评:这是一个特殊疑问句,关键词是“the Spring Festival”,准确说出自己春节时做的事情即可。平常要多积累单词,固定搭配等。
6、What time do you get up every day?
I usually get up at… .
点评:这是关于“What time”的一个特殊疑问句,理解意思并说出自己每天起床的时间。注意“o'clock, hal
f past…,a quarter past…”等。
7、When do you go to bed every night?
I go to bed at every night.
点评:这是关于“When”的一个特殊疑问句,理解意思并说出自己每天睡觉的时间。注意“o'clock, half past…,a quarter past…”等时间表达法。
8、What do you often do on weekends?
I often have classes on weekends, after class, I often play football….
9、Do you often go to the zoo? What can you see in the zoo? What is your favorite animal?
Yes, I do. I can see tigers, lions…【说出3或4个即可】. My favorite animal is … . No, I don't.
点评:一般疑问句,首先要回答“Yes”或者“No”。听到关键词“favorite animal ”后迅速整理并说出相关词汇。注意运用句型“I like… best”或者“My favorite animal is…”。
10、What are you going to do in the coming vacation/ summer holiday?
I am going to travel to HK.【其他答案也可,但是要用将来时表达】
点评:听清楚“What”,“vacation”并表达出自己的假期计划即可。注意运用句型“I am going to …”。
11、Do you like fast food? What do you think of it?
Yes, I do. I think they are delicious and fast. 【其他合理理由也可】
No, I don't. I think they are not healthy.【其他合理理由也可】
点评:这是一个一般疑问句,首先要回答“Yes”或者“No”。听到关键词“fast food”后迅速整理并说出相关词汇。
12、Who is your best friend? Why?
XX is my best friend. Because she/ he is kind and she/ he often helps me with my study. 【其他合理理由也可】
点评:这是关于“Who”的一个特殊疑问句,说出自己最好的朋友。注意“kind, pretty, help me with my…”
13、What do you do to keep healthy?
I often play table tennis and badminton to keep healthy.【其他合理答案也可】
点评:这是关于“What”的一个特殊疑问句,听清楚关键词“keep healthy”,说出自己日常的保持健康的好习惯即可。
14、Which city do you like better,Guangzhou and Shenzhen? Why?
I like Guangzhou better because Guangzhou is a beautiful city with many famous places of interest and many delicious food. 【其他合理理由也可】
I like Shenzhen better because Shenzhen is a beautiful and modern city. 【其他合理理由也可】
15、What would you like to be when you grow up? Why?
I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Because I think teaching is a great job and I like being with children. 【其他合理答案也可】
16、Do you like traveling? Which place of interest do you like best?
Yes, I do. I like the Summer Palace best. 【其他合理答案也可】
No, I don't.
点评:这是一个一般疑问句,首先要回答“Yes”或者“No”。听到关键词“place of interest”后迅速整理并说出相关词汇,平时生活或旅游时要注意相关积累。
17、If you have RMB 1000, what will you do with it?
广州外国语学校招聘If Ihave RMB 1000, I will buy a present for my parents and I will buy some books for myself. 【其他合理答案也可】
点评:这是一个if引导的条件状语从句,听清楚“RMB 1000”后迅速整理并说出自己可能的用途即可,最好是充满正能量的。注意句型“I will… if I have RMB 1000…”。
18、Do you often go to the cinema?What kind of film do you like best?
Not often, but I like seeing films very much. I like comedies very much because they are so funny.【其他合理答案也可】
19、How many Chinese / Western festivals do you know?
Three. The Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, etc./ Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween, etc.【说出3至5个即可】
点评:这是关于“How many”的一个特殊疑问句,听到问题后先回答数字,再说出自己
20、What do people do on Mid-autumn festival?
They eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon at night.
点评:这是一个常识题,听到关键词“Mid-autumn festival”,说出自己熟悉的活动即可。注意不要与其他节日混淆