考试时间:120分钟 分值:150分
第一节:情景反应 。(每小题1.5分,共9分)
( )1.A. Thanks            B. Just so-so             C. That’s right.
( )2. A.I used to like reading  B.I used to be quiet        C.I used to be thin.
( )3.A. That’s right.        B. That’s a good idea       C. Not at all
( )4.A. Yes, it is            B. No. it wasn’t           C. Yes, it was.
( )5.A. on foot            B. By studying with a group   C .In a week.
( )6.A.OK               B. The same to you          C. My pleasure.
第二节.对话理解。 (每小题1.5分,共9分)
( )7.A.Classmates          B. Cousins            C. Strangers
( )8.A.big and strong        B. thin and short      C. fat and short
( ) 9.A.the bank          B. the supermarket      C. the post office
( )10.A.Ben              B. Nancy            C. both of them
( ) 11. A. At 8:30.          B. At 8:20.          C. At 8:40.
( ) 12. A. Math.          B. English.          C. Either math or English.
( )13.What did Tom use to be like?
A. outgoing            B. helpful              C. quiet
( )14.What is he good at now?
A. basketball            B. soccer ball          C. Tennis 15.
( )15.Who bought the T-shirt for Alice?
A. Her mother                B. Her uncle          C. Her friend
( )16.Where is the T-shirt made ?
A: In China                    B. In the US          C. In the UK.
听两遍., 根据你听到的短文内容,从A,B,C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
( )17.________has changed a lot.
A. His hometown            B. His village        C. His city
( )18.There are __________buildings and _________roads everywhere.
A. tall ,wide                B. short, narrow      C. tall, clean
( )19.What activity didn’t they use to do ?
A. climb the trees  B. swim in the river and catch the insects  C. watch the ants.
( )20. They __________the old days although they all grow older.
A .hate     B. miss     C. don’t like
( )21.—________ did you tell him about the news, Lisa?
      —By ________ an e-mail.
A.What; sending   B.How; send   C.How; sending   D.What; send
( )22.Whether or not we can stay healthy ________ our eating habits.
A.cames about    B.depends on    C.pays attention to    D.finds out
( )23.We find_____ impossible for us to learn a foreign language well in a short time.
A.that            B.this          C.one              D.it
重庆公务员考试时间下半年( )24.Li Na is _______ famous_______ all the tennis fans in China know her.
A.too; to          B.enough; to    C.as; as            D.so; that
( )25.He______ to save his pocket money for later use, but he spent it on a toy soon.
A.promised        B.wanted        C.refused          D.hoped
( )26.It’s nice _______ you ______ me with my maths.
A.for; to help      B.for; helping    C.of; helping        D.of; to help
( )27._______ lovely the dog is!
A.How            B.What a        C.What            D.How a
( )28.The music______ me_______ my childhood.
A.make; think of   B.makes; to think of   C.reminds; think of   D.reminds; of
( )29.Walk down the road and turn right after you go_______ a police station.
A.near            B.across        C.past            D.through
( )30.A direct order like “Dasiy, pass me the book” sounds impolite ,we’d better say,  “ _______”.
A.Daisy, could you please pass me the book?
B.Daisy, I wonder if can you pass me the book.
C.Daisy, give me the book!
D.Daisy, I wonder you can pass me the book.
( )31.Please tell me______ to improve my English.
A.what I can do        B. what can I do
C.how I can do        D.how can I do
( )32.He was so ________ when he heard the _______ news that he got the first
prize in the exam.
A.exciting; exciting      B.excited; exciting
C.excited; excited        D.exciting; excited
( )33.How to ________ this event is really a difficult problem. All the people are
worried about it at the moment.
A.do with        B.work out      Ce true      D.deal with
( )34.She felt _______ when she lived_______.
A.lonely; lonely    B.lonely; alone    C.alone; alone    D.alone; lonely