Recently,I took a trip home by train.I got a seat opposite a middle-aged man with sharp eyes,who kept____1____a young woman in a window seat with a little boy on her lap.The woman's eye fell on the man's face,and she immediately looked down and____2____her scarf.As the night wore on,peo
ple began to close their eyes,but the seats were so uncomfortable that only a very heavy sleeper could manage to get any____3____.The woman looked over at the man.He was still staring at her.She looked back at him with fire in her eyes.I was beginning to get____4____,too.
The train moved on.The little boy was ____5____ awake on his mother's lap,but the woman dropped off to sleep.A moment later,he began to____6____the half-open window—one leg went over it.The man jumped up and ____7____the child just before he fell out.
The____8____ woke up the woman.She seemed to be in____9____,and then reality dawned (显现).“Your child has been looking for an opportunity to climb out of the window,”the man said as he gave the child back to her. .“So I have been watching the whole time.”The woman was _____10_____,and so was I.
1. A. guiding    B. bothering    C. watching    D. monitoring
2. A. adjusted    B. changed    C. packed    D. waved
3. A. air    B. joy    C. space    D. rest
4. A. nervous    B. embarrassed    C. angry    D. disappointed
5. A. almost    B. still    C. hardly    D. even
6. A. drag    B. climb    C. knock    D. push
7. A. grabbed    B. rocked    C. touched    D. picked
8. A. alarm    B. quarrel    C. risk    D. noise
9. A. sorrow    B. relief    C. panic    D. pain
10. A. astonished    B. confused    C. concerned    D. inspired
Why do we dream?Scientists aren't completely sure,and they have diverse____11____ (idea).Dreams might be a side effect of memory making.When you sleep,your brain sorts through everything
____12____ happened during the day,trying to link new experiences to old memories.As it ____13____(connect) things,your brain tums them into a story,and you get a dream.
Sam is an in-real-life streamer(播主),and he live streams himself just going about his day.While riding his bike home ____14____ a cold night,he came across a sad-looking elderly woman wandering the streets by herself.The poor woman wasn't able to give him any information about ____15____ she lived.Sam walked her to a nearby convenience store so that she could
____16____(safe)wait for the police to take her home.
There ____17____(be) a dramatic rise in the number of extreme weather events over the past 20 years,____18____(cause) largely by rising global temperatures,according to a new report from the United Nations. From 2000 to 2019, there were 7,348 major natural disasters around the world,____19____(result) in USD 2,970 billion in economic loss.Much of this increase can be due to climate change. The findings show a critical need ____20____ (invest) in disaster prevention.
If you are planning to start a career in the field of education,science,or culture,then an internship(实习)at UNESCO will be ideal for you.
Who can apply?
You have completed your full-time university studies;or
You are studying in a graduate program for a master's degree.
Applicants in technical assignments must have reached the last year of their studies in a technical institution.
What are the requirements
You must be at least 20 years old.
You should have a good command (掌握)of either English or French.
You must have an excellent knowledge of office-related software.
You should be able to work well in a team and adapt to an international working environment.
You should possess strong interpersonal and communication skills.What do you need to prepare?
Visa:You should obtain the necessary visas.
Travel:You must arrange and finance your travel to and from the location where you will do your internship.
Medical insurance:You must show proof of a comprehensive health insurance valid(有效的)in the target country for the entire period of the internship.UNESCO will provide limited insurance coverage up to USD30,000 for the internship period.
Medical certificate:You must provide a medical certificate indicating you are fit to work.
Motivation letter:You should have your motivation letter ready before filling out the application form.
Your application will be accessed by UNESCO managers and will stay in our database for six months.We do not respond to every candidate.If selected,you will be contacted by a manager.If you do not receive any update within six months,it means that your application has not been successful.
21. According to this passage,applicants are required to________.
A. hold a master's degree in science
B. have international work experience
C. be fluent in either English or French
D. present a letter from a technical institution
22. What will UNESCO provide for the internship period?
A. Limited medical insurance coverage.
B. Training in communication skills.
C. A medical certificate for work.
D. Financial support for travel.
23. What should applicants do before filling out the application form?
A. Contact UNESCO managers.
B. Get access to the database.
C. Keep a motivation letter at hand.
D. Work in a team for six months.
I remember the day during our first week of class when we were informed about our semester (学期)project of volunteering at a non-profit organization.When the teacher introduced us to the different organizations that needed our help,my last choice was Operation Iraqi Children (OIC).My first impression of the organization was that it was not going to make enough of a difference with the plans I had in mind.
Then,an OIC representative gave us some details,which somewhat interested me.After doing some research,I believed that we could really do something for those kids.When I went online to the OIC website,I saw pictures of the Iraqi children.Their faces were so powerful in sending a message of their despair(绝望)and need that I joined this project without hesitation.We decided to collect as many school supplies as possible,and make them into kits——one kit,one child.The most rewarding day for our group was project day,when all the efforts we put into collecting the items finally came together.When I saw the various supplies we had collected,it hit
me that every kit we were to build that day would eventually be in the hands of an Iraqi child.Over the past four months,I had never imagined how I would feel once our project was completed.While mak
ing the kits,I realized that I had lost sight of the true meaning behind it.I had only focused on the fact that it was another school project and one I wanted to get a good grade on.When the kits were completed,and ready to be sent overseas,the warm feeling I had was one I would never forget.
In the beginning,I dared myself to make a difference in the life of another person.Now that our project is over,I realize that I have affected not only one life,but ten.With our efforts,ten young boys and girls will now be able to further their education.
24. How did the author feel about joining the OIC project in the beginning?
A. It would affect his/her initial plans.
B. It would involve traveling overseas.
C It would not bring him/her a good grade.
D. It would not live up to his/her expectations.
25. What mainly helped the author change his/her attitude toward the project?
A. Images of Iraqi children.
B. Research by his/her classmates.
C. A teacher's introduction.
D. A representative's comments.
26. The author's OIC project group would help ten Iraqi children to________..
A. become OIC volunteers
B. further their education
C. study in foreign countries
D. influence other children
27. What can we conclude from this passage?
A. One's potential cannot always be underrated.
B. First impression cannot always be trusted.
C. Actions speak louder than words.
D. He who hesitates is lost.
Hundreds of scientists, writers and academics sounded a warning to humanity in an open letter published last December: Policymakers and the rest of us must engage openly with the risk of global collapse. Researchers in many areas have projected the widespread collapse as “a credible scenario(情景) this century”.