  Part III Reading Comprehension
  Section A
  26. [C] driven
  27. [O] vulnerable
  28. [E] malignant
  29. [G] premises
  30. [H] random
  31. [K] temptation
  32. [N] unique
  33. [D] engaged
  34. [J] spiritually
  35. [B] closer
  26题空格前的has been和后面的by fear,判断此处要填入一个动词的完成时,CD容易混淆,一般engaged会和in搭配,driven和by搭配,后面的题再经排除,可以锁定为C;
  32题根据前面的冠词an,判断此处需要填一个以元音开头的形容词,A和C符号要求,再看到32题后面to find new ways to,新的方式说明以前没有,目前是独一无二的,所以应该选N
  33 题看到介词in,此处是一个固定的短语搭配,到可以匹配的engaged in
  Section B
  36. [E] It seems some people today dream that a cutting-edge new technology ...
  37. [I] According to one great thinker, It is most unfortunate if we lose the ability to think differently.
  38. [C] urgent attention should be paid to…
  39. [K] Even in the fast-food nation America, the number of vegetarians is on the rise.
  40. [D] The deterioration of ecological system is accelerating…
  41. [H] It is obvious that solutions must be….
  42. [A] Many people believe changing in the world is possible…
  43. [F] It might be wrong to expect that our world would be saved at one stroke…
  44. [G] It is human nature to cheris hopes for a better world.
  45. [B] Technology has given us humans the power to change the natural world
  37题干中的绝对词the most unfortunate可以帮助定位I段的the most tragic form, 以及该段出现的哲学家对应题干的great thinker
  38题干的关键信息是ecological problems和comfortable life,定位C段中出现in search for comfort,段尾出现的各种环境生态问题。
  39题干中的fast food nation America也可以快速定位到K段中间出现的相同信息。
  42题干中的setback还有changing is possible,迅速定位到A段的相同信息。
  43题干的关键信息at one stroke with,定位至F段出现的stroke,再浏览附近的信息表达的是相同主旨,即拯救地球并不是依靠科技能够一蹴而就的。
  Section C
  Passage One
  46. [B] People’s reluctance to be compelled to eat plant-based food.
  47. [C] Make them even more undernourished.
  48. [B] Many people simply do not have access to foods they prefer.
  49. [D] It may worsen the nourishment problem in low-income countries.
  50. [A] It accepts them at the expense of the long-term interests of its people.
  46题由题干中的“more visible”可定位到原文中的开头第一段。D选项是无中生有,这里并没有提到“eating habits”. 由“compulsion (强迫)”可以排除A,C选项。因为这两个选项中分别有“positive”和“preferences”两个词。B选项中的“reluctance”译为“不情愿,抗拒”,与“强迫”对应。故这里答案应为B。
  47题由题干中的“in countries like India”可定位到原文第二段最后一句。A和D选项是无中生有。原文中提到“aggravate an already tense political situation”, B选项与此句意思相反。C选项是对“stress already undernourished populations”的同义转述。故这里答案应为C。