◆【D i r e c t i o n s】
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
In an ever-changing world, people are bound to face various challenges. However, challenges mean not only difficulties, but also opportunities. From my perspective, considering that there are many possibilities in our future, we should not be afraid of challenges and encourage students to develop the ability to meet challenges.
There are several factors accounting for my view. In the first place, challenges can cultivate our personality. It is inevitable that we will encounter difficulties and problems. At critical times, one’s positive
attitude towards challenges plays a crucial role in turning hardship into good results. In addition, it is challenges that can inspire our potential. Whatever situation we are faced with, people who have the ability of dealing with difficulties have a greater chance of success. Individuals may achieve temporary success by good luck, but only after we go through the adversity on our own can we have the solid foundation of success.
From what I have discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that challenges may have positive effects on our life. The earlier we are aware of the optimistic side that challenges provide, the more benefits we will get.
Why students should be encouraged to develop communication skills
There are all kinds of students with different personalities in our diverse university. Despite this, it is beneficial for all of us to develop effective communication skills, and there are a few arguments that can justify my opinion.
In the first place, as students, we inevitably face different groups of people: our roommates, our classmates, our professors and many others. Therefore, it is necessary for us to speak properly and avoid offending or hurting others when faced with certain kinds of people, which is the number-one social etiquette. Besides, those who can communicate effectively are often confident, popular, and ma
ke more friends. As a result, they tend to gain more respect and support from others when they feel in distress. Last but not least, effective communication with different people can broaden our horizons and cultivate our empathy, both of which are of utmost importance to our future lives.
All in all, it is okay to be either shy or outgoing, but it is worth pondering before socializing with other people, especially people who hold a different personality. Only in this way can we truly integrate with our communities with a sense of belonging.
◆【D i r e c t i o n s】
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to develop creativity. You should write at least 150 words but no more than200 words.
When it comes to the importance of creativity, people often naturally come to a consensus. Ironically, an increasing number of people tend to ignore this capability. From my point of view, students should be encouraged to develop a creative mind, especially in the digital era we are living in.
Firstly, in a time of information explosion when young people are immersed in a sea of messages, what they lack is not the ability to receive data, but the ability to think creatively. Students should learn to sift and organize various kinds of information in a creative way, so that they won’t feel lost oftentimes. Secondly, students need to develop their creativity because it will make them better prepar
ed for their future career. Those who can come up with innovative solutions to the tricky issues they meet will be highly competitive at the workplace.
In summary, the importance of encouraging students to develop their creativity could never be overstated. Their parents and teachers need to realize this and provide the students with more opportunities to cultivate their creativity.
46.B) People's reluctance to be compelled to eat plant-based food.
47.A) Radically change their dietary habits.
48.B) Many people simply do not have access to foods they prefer
49.D) It may worsen the nourishment problem in low income countries.
50.A) It accepts them at the expense of the long-term interests of its people.
51.C) They constantly dismiss others’proposals while taking no responsibility for tackling
the problem.
52.D A distinction should be drawn between responsibility and fault
53.A Stop them from going further by agreeing with them.
54.B) They are prompted to come up with ideas for making possible changes.
55.C Assuming responsibility to free oneself
Passage one
开头: What is the place of art in a culture of inattention?
46-50 BACBC.  51-55 DDDCB
46. What does the scene at the Louvre demonstrate according to the author?
B. The near impossibility of appreciating art in an age of mass tourism.
47. Why did the late philosopher Richard Wollheim spend four hours before a picture?
A. It takes time to appreciate a piece of art fully.2020年六级成绩查询时间
48. What does the case of the Uffizi in Florence show?
C. Good management is key to handling large crowds of visitors.
49. What do we learn from Olafur Eliasson’s current Tate Modern show?
B. It is possible to combine entertainment with appreciation of serious art.
50. What can art do according to Marcel Proust ?
C. Help us to see the world from a different perspectives.
46. What does the scene at the Louvre demonstrate
51. Why are some researchers irritated at the USDA’s 2016-2020 Dietary Guidelines?
D) It takes no notice of the potential impact on the environment.
52. Why does the author say the USDA could have contributed a lot to lowering the climate cost through its dietary guidelines?
D) It can raise students’ environmental awareness thr ough its programs.
53. What do we learn from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s scientific report?
D) Farming consumes most of our natural resources.
54. What may account for the neglect of sustainability in the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines according to the author?
C) Its close ties with the agriculture companies.
55. What should the USDA do to achieve food security according to David Wallinga?
B) Endeavor to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture.
46.C)It may make us feel isolated and incompetent
47.A) They do not find all their online friends trustworthy.
48.C) Paint a rosy picture of other people's lives
49.A) They should record the memorable moments in people's lives
50.D) Strengthen ties with real-life friends instead of caring about their online image 51.A) Ruining their culture.
52.D)Different chimp groups differ in their way of communication.
53.B)Chimp behavior becomes less varied with the increase of human activity.
54 C)Study the unique characteristics of each generation of chimps
55.C)Conserve animal species in a novel and all-round way.
开头:The idea of taxing things that are bad
26-30 AEJNG 31-35 MBLHO
26. A) discouraging
27. E) impaired
28. J) instrumental
29. N) pump
30. G) incentives
31. M) probably
32. B) dividend
33. L) predict
34. H) inherently
35. O) swelling
Virtually every activity that entails
26.C. cumulative
27.I. scale
28.F. foreseeable
29.J. strangle
30.G. predictions
31.D. disruptions
32.B. credited
33.A. credential
34.M. survive
35.E. federal
Social distancing is putting people out of work,…
26.C. driven
27.O. vulnerable
28.H. random
29.N. unique
30.L. thriftier
31.K. temptations
32.A. amazing
33.D. engaged
The Challenges for Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture
36. Farmers will not profit from replanting once they have applied most of the fertilizer and other chemicals to their fields.
37. Agriculture differs from the medical science of the human body in that its environment is not a contained one.
38. The agronomist is sure that he will obtain a near accurate count of plant with his software.
39. The application of artificial intelligence to agriculture is much more challenging than to most other industries.
40. Even the farmers know the data provided by the UAV is not correct.
41. The pressure for quick results leads to product failure, which, in turn, arouses doubts about the applicability of AI technology to agriculture.
42. Remote sensors are aimed to help farmers improve decision-making to increase yields.
43. The farmer expect the software to tell him whether he will have to replant any parts of his farm fields.