1. anticipate vt.预感;预见;预料;先于…行动vi.过早地提出;过早地考虑(或说、做)一件事;(在口头或用文字)预言;预测  in anticipation of
They anticipate having several applicants for the job.他们预计会有几个人来应征这份工作。
They have anticipated us and seized the bridge. 他们抢在我们之前占领了那座桥。
【辨析】 anticipate 和 expect
anticipate 指可喜的事,有“盼望”的意思,expect 不一定指可喜的事,如可以说 We anticipate his arrival,不可说 We anticipate his death,但可以说 We expect his arrival 和 We expect his death。 expect 后面接不定式, anticipate 后面接动名词, 如 I expect to read the book with great interest 和 I anticipate reading the book with great interest。
2. assure vt.向…保证;使…确信;<英>给…保险
assure 是“使……深信”,不是“深信”,如可以说: I am assured of his honesty. I am assured t
hat he is honest. 但不可说: I assure his honesty. I assure that he is honest.
下面两句意思相同: His work assured him a degree of happiness. His work assured a degree of happiness to him.
3. cease停止
cease doing it 和 cease to do it 都是“停止做这事”,但略有区别
只有一次的动作通常用动名词。例如:When he heard the knock, he ceased writing.
经常性的动作通常用不定式,例如: He ceased to write at the age of eighty.
cease 后面接 from 和动名词跟接动名词没有区别,但不用 from 比较普通些,如: cease writing 比 cease from writing 普通。
4. commodity n.商品;日用品;有价值的物品;有利,有益
  Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades.
5. compile  vt.汇编;编辑;编制;编译
  It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
6. comprehensive adj.广泛的;综合的;有理解力的,悟性好的;[保险业] 总体担保的n.[常用复数] 专业综合考试;综合学校;综合性中学
  We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.
7. consent  n.准许,赞同;同意;(意见等的)一致vi.同意;赞成,赞同;允许
  He left the company by mutual consent last September.
  I was a little surprised when she consented.  (agreed)
8. contrast1  n.对比,对照;差异;对照物,对立面;[摄] 反差
1) His white hair was in sharp contrast to(with) his dark skin. (ALD)
2) In contrast with(to) your belief that we shall fail,I know we shall succeed. (LDCE)
3) In contrast to his brother,he was always considerate in his treatment of others.(Wood)
9. core  n.中心,核心,精髓;果心,果核;[地质学] 地核;[计] 磁心
  The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength
within you that survives all hurt.  当你从内心深处到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,你的成长历程就会出现飞跃。
  machines for peeling and coring apples 苹果削皮去核机
10. criteria  n.(批评、判断等的)标准,准则(criterion的名词复数) 
  [+ for ] the criteria for measuring how good schools are 衡量学校好坏的标准
Academic ability is not the only criterion for admission to the college.
11. crucial adj.关键性的,极其显要的;决定性的;十字形的
  Talent, hard work and sheer tenacity are all crucial to career success.
  It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately.关键是要马上着手处理这一问题。
12. crush vt. 压破,压碎;镇压;弄皱;挤榨,榨出vi.挤;被压碎,被起皱n.粉碎,被压碎的状态;(特指女子对男性的)迷恋;拥挤的人;果汁饮料
  Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank. 他们的车被一辆军用坦克压扁了。
  His leg was crushed in the accident.他的腿在事故中被压断了。
Two people were crushed to death in the rush to escape.在匆忙逃跑中有两个人被压死。Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans. 他所到之处都有成的歌迷簇拥着他。
13. curse n.&v. 诅咒;咒骂
  Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside.
14. deduce vt. 推论,推断;演绎;追溯根源
  Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve?
15. despair  n. 绝望  a mood/sense of despair 绝望的情绪/感觉。
They're in (the depths of) despair over/about the money they've lost.
To her teacher’s despair, Nicole never does the work that she's told to do.
16. devil  n.魔鬼;家伙;淘气鬼;冒失鬼vt.虐待,折磨;(用扯碎机)扯碎;(替作家,律师等)做助手;抹辣味料烤制或煎煮
  She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil.
  Well, talk of the devil! 呵,说曹操,曹操就到!
17. differentiate  vt.& vi.区分,区别,辨别vi.区别对待vt.表明…间的差别,构成…间差别的特征;[数学] 求…的微分:计算导数或(函数的)微分  differentiation n.
..distinctive policies that differentiate them from the other parties.
A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.
antenna是什么意思A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.  植物学家能区分各种不同的植物。
18. drama  n.戏剧,剧本;戏剧效果;戏剧文学[艺术] ;戏剧性事件[场面]
  It carried off the Evening Standard drama award for best play.