第一部分:知识运用(共两节,30 )
第一节 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
One day I took an orange — and — white cat home, which I called Splash. However, I had one concern with introducing her to my dog, Bee, which had a distinct ____1____ for cats. My own cats were wise enough to hide themselves in the barn (谷仓)and fields. I was____2____that Splash didn't understand this and would be a victim.
I took Splash to the barn, but soon she noticed the house and was curious about it. She made a straight line for the door. Bee enjoyed the ____3____at the door, so when Splash sh
owed up, Bee came up in____4____ . But Splash faced her threatener fearlessly and swiped at (猛击)the approaching dog. Then something ____5____ happened Bee pulled to a sudden stop. He turned and went back to the back door slowly.
Every day for the next few weeks, Splash would walk to the____6____in the morning, and Bee would come and try to drive her away, only to find a stubborn enemy. Over the next few months, I watched an aggressive dislike turn into a playful ____7____between the two. They began to share the back-door space and sometimes the treats especially for the faithful dog.
One day, seeing the two companions playing together, I____8____this dog and cat were almost the same as the nations of this world. Actually, some of us are like Bee, who started a fight with the intention of dealing with an unwanted invasion (入侵), and some of us are like Splash, just wanting someone to____9____life with. Bee and Splash are two different animals with the natural tendency that should put them in conflict .Yet they've come to a place where all the____10____are set aside, and they enjoy each other fully. Why can't we?
1. A. dislike    B. sympathy    C. preference    D. wish
2. A. grateful    B. glad    C. worried    D. relieved
3. A. celebration    B. freedom    C. darkness    D. noise
4. A. horror    B. sadness    C. anger    D. excitement
5. A. attractive    B. thrilling    C. dangerous    D. unexpected
6. A. cage    B. door    C. field    D. zoo
7. A. graduation    B. friendship    C. discussion    D. examination
8. A. heard    B. announced    C. realized    D. doubted
9. A. share    B. change    C. improve    D. abandon
10. A. connections    B. conversations    C. comments    D. differences
【答案】1. D    2. C    3. B    4. C    5. D    6. B    7. B    8. C    9. A    10. D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:句意:然而,我对把她介绍给我的狗Bee很担心,Bee很明显不喜欢猫。A. dislike不喜欢;    B. sympathy同情;C. preference偏爱;D. wish希望。根据下文“that Splash didn't understand this and would be a victim.”可知作者很担心Splash不明白这一点,并且成为受害者。”是说狗会侵害到猫,可知Bee很明显不喜欢猫。故选D
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很担心Splash不明白这一点,并且成为受害者。A. grateful感激的;B. glad高兴的;C. worried担忧的;D. relieved宽慰的,如释重负的。根据本段第二句可知,因为作者的狗不喜欢猫,所以作者担心新带回来的猫Splash会成为狗攻击的对象。故选C
考查名词词义辨析。句意:Bee正在门口自在地溜达,所以当Splash出现时,Bee生气地过来了。A. celebration庆祝;B. freedom自由;C. darkness黑暗;D. noise噪音。enjoy the freedom“享受自由”在此处的意思是“自在地溜达”,固定短语,再结合本句可知,因为Splash的出现,打扰了Bee自在地溜达。故选B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. horror恐惧;B. sadness悲伤;C. anger生气;D. excitement激动。根据第一段第二句可知,因为Bee不本来就不喜欢猫,而Splash的出现又打扰了她自在地溜达,所以Bee很生气。故选C
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然后意想不到的事情发生了:Bee突然停了下来。A. attractive吸引人的;B. thrilling惊险的;C. dangerous危险的;D. unexpected出乎意料的。根据前一句“But Splash faced her threatener fearlessly and swiped at (猛击)the approaching dog. ”
和后文“Bee pulled to a sudden stop. ”可知,因为小猫Splash朝小狗Bee这边走过来,而Bee突然停下来,所以这是意想不到的事情。故选D
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几个星期里,每天早上,Splash都会走到门口,而Bee会过来试图把它赶走,结果却发现是一个顽固的敌人。A. cage笼子;B. door门口;C. field田野;D. zoo动物园。根据前文“She made a straight line for the door. Bee enjoyed the 3 at the door”可知,此处指每天早上,Splash都会走到门口。故选B
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几个月里,我看到他们俩从一种强烈的厌恶变成了一种嬉戏的友谊。A. graduation毕业;B. friendship友谊;C. discussion讨论;D. examination检查。根据后一句“They began to share the back-door space and sometimes the treats especially for the faithful dog.( 他们开始分享后门的空间,有时还会给忠实的狗一些好吃的。)”可知,BeeSplash之间有了一种友谊。故选B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天,看着这两只同伴在一起玩耍,我意识到这只狗和这只猫几乎和这个世界上民族一样。A. heard社区考试2022考试真题听到;B. announced宣布;C. realized意识到;D. doubted怀疑。由后文“his dog and cat were almost the same as the nations of this world.”可知,此处是作者的一种感悟,需用动词realized。故选C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,我们中的一些人就像Bee一样,为了对付不想要的入侵而发动了一场战斗,而我们中的一些人就像Splash一样,只是想要有人分享生活。A. share分享;B. change改变;C. improve改善,提高;D. abandon抛弃。根据上文Splash并不是侵犯Bee的领地,只是想与他友好相处,一起分享生活,而作者就是在拿猫和狗的事做对比,所以可知,有些人则像Splash一样,只想有人与我们分享生活。故选A
们完全享受彼此。A. connections联系,连接;B. conversations对话;C. comments评论;D. differences差异。上文提到BeeSplash是两种不同的动物,有分歧很正常,但它们能够抛开分歧,才是最难能可贵的。故选D