2012年中央机关公开遴选公务员考试辅导资料 案例<B style='color:black;background-color:#ffff66'>分析</B>100题 (有针对性,含详细参考答案)
efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the c
ounty at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation
一、 【材料1】?? 我国资源总量很大,但是人均资源占有量相对不足,使资源、能源成为我国经济持续增长的严重制约。? 【材料2】? 2005年我国经济总量占世界4.4%,但原油消耗占世界7.3%,原煤31%,钢材27%,水泥40%,表明我国资源利用水平低,浪费严重;单位产值的资源、能源消耗量远远高于世界平均水平;使我国资源、能源和环境问题更加严重。? 【材料3】? 由于资源利用水平低,浪费严重,所以造成了严重的环境污染和生态破坏,使我国经济增长付出了过高的、难以承受的资源成本和环境代价。? 【材料4】? 1980年到2000年中国的经济总量翻了两番,但是资源、能源消耗只翻了一番,特别是20?世纪90年代,我国能源自给率始终在90%以上,表明我国既是世界性的能源、资源消费大国,又是生产大国,为人类可持续发展作出了重大贡献,所谓的“中国资源威胁论”是没有根据的。? 【材料5】? 前几年我国能源性企业、行业发展过快、过热,近两年片面追求投资,追求外贷、追求
中央公务员遴选出口,甚至追求房地产经济扩张又重新抬头,表明粗放型增长问题依然很严重,使我国的资源、能源、环境问题更为严重,雪上加霜,难以为继。? 【材料6】? 2004年的绿指标考核报告表明当年主要的环境损失占GDP的3.O5%。? 【材料7】? 20世纪90年代以来,我国经济增长中的科技贡献率不断提高;机电产品出口的比例不断增加;研发经费迅速增长,2006年达到1360亿美元,已经成为世界第二;在校大学生多年保持在1400万左右,每年毕业的工程技术人员100万左右;世界各国科技贡献率平均为45%左右,创新型国家的主要标志是科技贡献率70%以上,研efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundation. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place,
do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation
发经费占GDP的2%以上,科技依赖率30%以下,从而表明,近年来我国按照科学发展观要求,落实科教兴国战略,转变发展观念,创新发展模式,提高发展质量初见成效,经济增长开始转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质上来。但是总体上科技贡献率低于世界平均水平,与创新型国家存在很大差距。? 问题:? 1、资源节约型社会的内涵及增长方式转变要处理好的三大关系。? 2、<B style='color:black;background-color:#ffff66'>分析</B>新型工业化与科学发展观的内在联系。? 3、<B style='color:black;background-color:#ffff66'>分析</B>增长方式转变与科学发展观的内在联系。? 4、<B style='color:black;background-color:#ffff66'>分析</B>建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会与科学发展观的内在联系。? 5、<B style='color:
black;background-color:#ffff66'>分析</B>建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会与构建和谐社会的内在联系。 【参考答案】 1、资源节约型社会的内涵: 资源节约型社会是指在生产、流通、消费等领域,通过采取法律、经济和行政等综合性措施,提高资源利用效率,以最少的资源消耗获得最大的经济和社会收益,保障经济社会可持续发展。建设资源节约型社会,其目的在于追求更少资源消耗、更低环境污染、更大经济和社会效益,实现可持续发展。 增长方式转变要处理好的三大关系: 第一,数量和质量; 第二,速度和效率;第三,依靠资源、能源消耗和依靠科技进步,提高劳动者素质的关系。核心是速度和效率的关系。 2、第一,科学发展观是efforts, improve the street to see alarm rate, strengthen traffic safety law enforcement. We prevent another important measure is to check, check must not leave form, since the investigation to carefully check, not only is bright, more important is to find out the problems must be accountability, the punishment must be punished. Food safety, fire safety, to do a good job and meticulous. In a word, the safety in production work is very important. From now on, all the leading cadres should clear up understanding, safety in production is the party and government with responsibility and a pair of dereliction of duty shall be accountable And to do a good job of production safety and the stability of foundatio
n. Also hope that the enterprise is mainly responsible for know should be in place, do to ensure the safety of the premise of grasping the production, so that production safety situation in the county have a change for the better, let the county Party committee, the government and the people of the county at ease. I selected the City Commission for Discipline Inspection cadres XX, incumbent Qingyang County Rong town new village Party branch first secretary and in village poverty alleviation work team captain. Last year work carried out and this year preliminary work plan summary report are as follows: First, last year's work to carry out the situation