英    语
第一节 (5小题;每小题1分,满分5)
1. What’s this?
    A. It’s a chair.    B. It’s an egg.    C. It’s an eraser.
2. Where is Bob’s book?
    A. On the bed.    B. In the bag.    C. On the sofa.
3. Who knows Mary’s number?
    A. Anna.    B. Gina.    C. Tina.
4. When does Lisa have breakfast?
    A. At about 7:00.    B. At 6:00.    C. At about 5:00.
5. What color is Amy’s dictionary?
    A. White.    B. Yellow.    C. Red.
第二节 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)
6. What’s the boy’s name?
    A. Alex Brown.    B. Alan Brown.    C. Alan Green.
7. What class is Jenny in?
    A. Class 5.    B. Class 6.    C. Class 7.
8. What kind of salad does Alice like?
    A. Chicken salad.    B. Vegetable salad.    C. Fish salad.
9. When does Bill play basketball?
    A. After school.    B. On Sunday.    C. On Saturday.
10. Who can’t find the hat?
    A. Tom.    B. Tina.    C. Gina.
11. Where is the hat?
    A. On the sofa.    B. On the bed.    C. Under the bed.
12. Who is Betty’s cousin?
    A. Eric.    B. Leo.    C. John.
13. What is on Leo’s head?
    A. A basketball.    B. A volleyball.    C. A football. 
14. Why don’t Betty eat ice-cream?
    A. Because she doesn’t like it.           
    B. Because she doesn’t have it.       
    C. Because she doesn’t want to be fat.
15. What activity does Jack have on November 3rd?
    A. A basketball game.    B. A school trip.    C. A book sale.                                                英语四六级查询2022
16. When is the soccer game?
    A. On the 13th.    B. On the 17th.    C. On the 20th.
17. Who says the English party is fun?
    A. Mr. Black.    B. Mr. Green.    C. Mr. Smith.
18. What are on the desk?
    A. Yellow skirts.    B. Purple skirts.        C. White shoes.
19. How much are the black socks?
    A. $5 for two pairs.         
    B. 15 dollars for two pairs.
    C. $10 dollars for two pairs. 
20. What is the store’s number?
    A. 258-6589.    B. 275-5698.    C. 257-6589.
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Wonderful School Activities
in December 2021
We have some interesting and fun things in December.
It’s a busy month. Have a good time!
Book Sale                  2:30 P.M.                  December 2, 2021
Ball Game Day              8:30 A.M.                  December 8, 2021
School Day                2:00 P.M.                  December 12, 2021
Art Festival                1:00 P.M.                  December 15, 2021
English Party              3:00 P.M.    December 24, 2021
21. When is School Day?
    A. On December 2nd.    B. On December 12th.    C. On December 24th.
22. Students have _______ activities in December.
    A. three    B. four    C.  five
My name is Abby Green. I lost a brown dog. My phone number is 256-0911. You can email me at green363@qq.
A purple bag is in the library. An English book, a pencil box and some keys are in it. My name is John Black. My phone number is 512-5858.
23. What color is the dog?
    A. Brown.          B. White.    C. Black.
24. Where is the bag?
    A. In the store.    B. In the library.    C. In the room.
25. Who found a bag?
    A. Abby.    B. John.    C. Green.
Hi, I’m Ann. This is my grandmother Anna Green. She is very nice. She is 65 years old. She has two sons and a daughter. My father is her first son. His name is Bill. He is 40. My mother’s name is Mary. David is my uncle. Emma is my aunt. My uncle has a son. His name is Tom. He is 15 years old. He is my cousin. My aunt has a daughter and a son. They are Kate and Tony. They are my cousins, too. I like to play with Kate. She is my goo
d friend, too.
26. Who is Ann’s mother?
    A. Mary.    B. Anna.    C. Alice.
27. How old is Ann’s father?
    A. 65.    B. 40.    C. 55.
28. Ann’s _______ has a daughter and a son.
    A. grandmother    B. uncle    C. aunt
29. Ann has _______ cousins.
    A. two    B. three    C. four
30. Which of the following is true?
    A. Ann’s uncle’s son is Bill.
    B. Ann and Kate are good friends.
    C. Ann has a brother and two sisters.
Does you like books about kings(国王)?What makes a good king? Now we can watch a new cartoon(卡通片) Ranking of Kings(《国王排名》). It is from Japan(日本). From October 15, 2021, we can watch it on Bilibili. In Ranking of Kings, Bojji is one of the kings.
    In Ranking of Kings, kings from different kingdoms(王国) have a ranking. The kings have to fight. They need to be strong(强壮). Bojji’s father is very strong. He ranks seventh. His brother is strong, too.