第二阶段通过间歇实验装置和高通量测序,从水处理微生物学的角度分析了亚铁离子对厌氧生物处理的强化作用和效果。主要得出如下结论:间歇实验结果表明亚铁离子的投入对发酵液COD的去除有促进作用,除去絮凝的影响,适当的亚铁离子浓度会使厌氧消化反应过程中的关键酶活性增强。高通量测序结果显示亚铁离子浓度的增大,使厌氧体系中优势种改变,Clostridium梭菌属取代Longilinea属成为绝对优势菌属,Methanolinea甲烷绳菌属、Methanobacterium甲烷杆菌属、Candidatus Methanoregula属丰度均得到了大幅度的提升,这几种均是产甲烷的关键菌属,这表明亚铁离子浓度的提高强化了UASB反应器的产甲烷能力,这与前面研究展示的辅酶F420含量变化一致。说明一定浓度范围内,亚铁离子浓度的增大促进产甲烷菌活性酶的合成。
Iron is the key element for the microorganism to maintain metabolism and enzymatic activity during anaerobic reaction. The anaerobic collaborative system of ferrous ion and microorganism continue low energy consumption, strong treatment effect and other advantages from anaerobic biological treatment technology. At the same time, ferrous ion can greatly promote the processing efficiency of anaerobic technology and the activity of microorganism. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the effect of ferrous ion on anaerobic treatment.
This paper explores the process of anaerobic biological treatment under the synergistic effect of ferrous ion and microorganism. In the first stage, based on the UASB plant’s testing sucrose wastewater treatment test in the laboratory, this paper studies the concentration of inflow sucrose, the concentration of ferrous ion and the influence of hydraulic retention time on the effect of anaerobic treatment, and detects the concentration of outflow COD when the reactor is continuously operated. The results show that in the certain concentration range, the increase of ferrous ion has a great promotion to remove COD; under the condition of short hydraulic retention time and fast up-flow velocity, low water load can remove COD better, while under the condition of long hydraulic retention time, high water load can remove COD better. After detecting EPS in different condition, it i
s found that the growth of sucrose can greatly increase the protein content in EPS and contribute to the stability of anaerobic system; meanwhile, the growing concentration of ferrous ion has more coenzyme F420 detected in EPS, the gas deliverability of UASB reactor is improved, and the process of sludge granulation is also promoted. Moreover, this research detects reactor the concentration of ion element in reactor outflow, and studies the influence of sludge granulation by the microscope. The results show that the increasing ferrous ion makes more ion element in the sludge, which accelerates the formation of sludge granulation, at the same time, strengthens the utilization of anaerobe to ion element. After Box-Behnken model designed by response surface methodology further optimized the operation parameters of the reactor, the best operation parameters of the UASB reactor are obtained: the inflow sucrose concentration: 2500mg/L, Fe2+concentration: 13.93 mg/L, and the hydraulic retention time: 16.35 h.
In the second stage, based on the intermittent experiment equipment and high-throughput sequencing, the strengthening function and effect of ferrous ion on anaerobic biological treatment are analyzed from the perspective of microbiology of water treatment microbiology. Main conclusions are as follows: the intermittent experiment results show that the input of ferrous ion has a promoting
effect to remove the fermented liquid COD. Subtracting out the impact of flocculation, appropriate ferrous ion can make the key enzymes in the process of anaerobic digestion reaction have stronger activity. High-throughput sequencing results show that the growing concentration of ferrous ion can change the dominant population in the anaerobic system, Clostridium replaces Longilinea to become the bacterial genus with absolute advantage; the abundance of Methanolinea,Methanobacterium, Candidatus Methanoregula is significantly improved. All of them are the key bacterial genera to produce methane. And it suggests that the improving concentration of ferrous ion reinforce the capacity of UASB reactor to generate methane, which is consistent with the content changes of coenzyme F420 showed in study above. This shows that the increase of ferrous ion in the certain range promotes the synthesis of the active enzymes of methanogens.
In conclusion, the anaerobic treatment system with ferrous ion and microorganism has obtained good treatment effect, which has research value and feasibility. In the experiment, the ferrous ion has a positive effect on improving anaerobic environment, improving the stability of the reactor, promoting the activity of microorganisms and key enzymes, and changing the structure of microbial community structures.
Keywords: anaerobic biological treatment; ferrous ion; response surface method; microorganism; mi
crobial community structures
Class number:X703
摘要.............................................................................................................................................. I Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... III 插图清单..................................................................................................................................... VII 插表清单.................................................................................................................................... VIII 第一章绪论.. (1)
1.1课题研究背景及来源 (1)
1.1.1课题来源 (1)
1.1.2课题背景 (1)
1.2厌氧生物处理技术 (1)
1.2.1 厌氧生物处理技术的发展 (1)
1.2.2 厌氧处理技术的基本原理 (4)
1.2.3厌氧生物处理技术的优缺点 (6)
2022国考报名人数统计查询1.2.4对厌氧发酵影响的因素 (7)
1.2.5外源铁强化污水处理国内外研究进展与现状 (9)
1.3 研究目的和意义 (11)
第二章实验材料与测定方法 (12)
2.1实验材料 (12)
2.1.1 实验仪器 (12)
2.1.2 实验装置 (12)
2.2测定方法 (14)
2.2.1常规指标测定方法 (14)
2.2.2 胞外聚合物(EPS)提取方法 (15)全国计算机二级考试时间
2.2.3 污泥中DNA提取方法 (15)
2.2.4 PCR扩增和Miseq测序 (17)
第三章亚铁离子协同微生物影响UASB试验研究 (19)
3.1 不同运行参数对连续UASB运行的影响 (19)
3.1.1 UASB连续运行设计参数 (19)
3.1.2不同运行参数下UASB反应器COD去除率变化情况 (21)
3.2亚铁离子对UASB中厌氧污泥EPS的作用研究 (25)
3.2.1 胞外聚合物(EPS)基本概念 (25)
163贵州人才信息招聘网3.2.2 三维荧光光谱 (26)