In the first place, John spends too much time 1 and he is always late for work. Second, John has a reputation for being unreliable. He is always saying that he will do things and then 2 not to. Finally, John never listens. He just talks nonstop and never 3 anyone else.
4, I can't stand it any more. I have to talk to him 5 . I can't go on like this.
The way I see it, there are several possible solutions to this problem. First, I can have a talk with John and tell him how his behavior affects me and the rest of the team. Second, I can suggest that we have a team meeting so that everyone can express their 6 about the situation. Finally, I can just stop talking to John and let him figure out the problem on his own.
I think the best solution is to have a talk with John and try to work out a 7 where we can both get what we want. If we can't agree, then we can always go to our manager for help. I
n 8, communication is key. If we can't communicate with each other, then the problem will never be solved.
In conclusion, I think we should try to solve this problem by 9 rather than avoiding it or ignoring it. We should face the issue head-on and try to find a solution that works for everyone. If we can do this, then I am 10 that we can solve any problem that comes our way.
( )1. A. writing B. thinking C. dreaming D. sleeping
( )2. A. continues B. manages C. promises D. forgets
( )3. A. listen to B. care about C. believe in D. depend on
( )4. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Finally
( )5. A. in person B. by phone C. on the Internet D. through email
( )6. A. suggestions B. problems C. opinions D. decisions
( )7. A. agreement B. contract C. schedule D. report
( )8. A. general B. detail C. summary D. conclusion
( )9. A. admitting B. ignoring C. learning D. avoiding
( )10. A. sure B. hopeful C. doubting D. satisfied