One day, Ali Baba went to a cave and said, “Open, Sesame!" He found silk and gold inside the cave. He gave his wife some gold. His brother heard about the gold so Ali Baba gave him some, too. But the brother went to the cave and got some gold for himself. Unfortunately, he forgot the word Sesame “How do I get out of this cave?” he
(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。
Teaching Procedures:
I. Lead-in
Free talk about their favorite stories.
II. Presentation
1.Show students the picture of Ali Baba and invite students to guess who is he.
2.Students read the passage and get the main idea and key information of this passage.
3.Students pay attention to the underlined words“went, found, gave, heard, got, forgot, thought" and discuss their similarities:
①They are verbs. ②They are irregular form of verbs. ③They are used to express something happened in the past.
4.The teacher stresses the diffcult in this grammar: the spelling of irregular form of verbs.
Ⅲ. Practice
1.Sentence correcting: Students work in groups to find the mistakes in the sentences and try to correct them. The more sentences their correct, the more scores they will get.
2.Students try to make a sentence with the irregular form of verbs to express something in the past.
IV. Production
Create a scene: The school will hold a speech competition. In the speech, students need to introduce their own stories. Now students work in groups to share the stories of themselves in the past, then share with the class. The best ones will gain the chance to attend the competition. Pay attention to the usage of verbs.
V. Summary
Students summarize what they have learnt today.
VI. Homework
Students surf the Internet for more information about the simple past tense and try to use it corectly.
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Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he had finished school, he studied physics in Zurich, Switzerland. In 1905, Einstein began to write articles about physics. For one of those articles. He received the Nobel Prize but not until 1921. The important thing Einstein said is not to stop questioning. He also said “Anyone who
has never made a mistake has never tried anything new”.
(5)试讲时间: 10 分钟。
教师资格证面试查询2022Teaching Procedures:
I. Lead-in
The teacher shows a photo of Einstein. Students talk about the information about him they know.
II. Pre-writing
1.Students read the passage and tell what aspects about Einstein are introduced in the passage.
2.The teacher leads students to conclude the elements of describing a person, including name, birth place, birthday, experiences, achievements, thoughts and so on.
I. While- writing
1.Students work in groups to choose a successful person and discuss some information about him/ her.
2.Students make a guideline about their writing.
3.Students write a passage to introduce the successful person, according to the model one about Einstein. The teacher will give some proper instructions.
IV. Post-writing
1.Students first check their passages by themselves.
2.Students exchange their passages among the group and make modifications. They need pay attention especially following aspects:logic, grammar, word using, pumctuation, spelling and so on.
3.Each group chooses the best one to show them in front of the whole class.
4.The teacher finally concludes common problems existing in the writing.
V. Summary
Students summarize what they have learnt today.
VI. Homework
1.Students search for more information about the person he/she introduces and modify their passages one more time.
2.Choose another person and write another passage to introduce him/her.
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