41.在城市工作还是小城市工作Working in Big Cities or Small Cities
Many people are constantly confused by whether to go to big cities to work which are abound with opportunities but are stressful or go to small cities to work which are relatively more relaxed but have fewer opportunities.
Write a composition of about200words on the following topic:
Working in Big Cities or Small Cities
You are to write in three parts.
In the first part,state clearly the reasons why generation gap is existent.
In the second part,support your view with appropriate details.
In the last part,bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the inst
ructions may result in a loss of marks.
Working in Big Cities or Small Cities
(1)When asked about where to go to work after graduation,the vast majority
of college students believe that big cities such as Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou would top the list since obviously,employees in these citiesare among the richest as illustrated by the National Bureau of Statistics,with yearly average incomes of 63,549yuan,three times more than that of the country.However,what the students seem to ignore are two other major figures:the cost of living and the happiness index.Taking these into consideration,I would like to deem small cities as the premier choice.
With regard to the cost of living,in big cities,(2)you will be overwhelmed by the prices you have to pay for a meal,a coat,even more depressed by the high cost of educating your children and the unaffordable housing prices.Taking the income and expenditure into account,big cities don’t seem to enjoy a predominant advantage as often is believed.
With respect to the happiness index,(3)you will be exhausted with huge work pressure and going-on competition,and you will be annoyed and angered by the traffic congestion,especially during rush hours.Endless instances on the list totally drag the happiness index of working in big cities to the bottom.
(4)As far as I am concerned,I prefer to start in asmall city.Even though there may not be many big companies,I can have a quieter and less competitive life.【行文点评】

2.unaffordable adj.买不起的
4.predominant adj.占主导地位的,显著的
1.However,what the students seem to ignore are two other major figures:the cost of living and the happiness index.
2.Endless instances on the list totally drag…to the bottom.
3.As far as I am concerned,I
42.谁赚得更多:白领还是蓝领?Who Gets Higher Pay:White-collar Workers or Blue-collar Workers?
White-collar worker refers to a person who performs professional,managerial, or administrative work,in contrast with a blue-collar worker,whose job requires manual labor.Typically white-collar work is paid more than blue-collar work. However,nowadays,the unfavorable situation of job market makes it very difficult to find a white-collar work and also,many blue-collar workers get higher pay than the white collar workers.
Write a composition of about200words on the following topic:
Who Gets Higher Pay:White-collar Workers or Blue-collar Workers?
You are to write in three parts.
In the first part,state clearly what your view is.
In the second part,support your view with appropriate reasons.
In the last part,bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Who Gets Higher Pay:White-collar Workers or Blue-collar Workers?
The fact that the cost of hiring a confinement nurse or yuesao in Chinese can be higher than that of hiring a doctor.That the migrant workers tend to earn more than fresh university leavers seems to totally negate the traditional belief that(1)those who do manual work are bound to get worse paid than those who do brainwork.In terms of who is supposed to earn more,as far as I am concerned,it mainly depends on the role you are playing in your job as well as the relationship
between demand and supply.
For one thing,the more important part you are playing,the more pay you maybe get.For example,(2)
the postmen who are responsible for delivering belongings door to door earn as much as4000yuan monthly,which is more than what most of the fresh university graduates earn.The barbers who are skilled and popular among customers can charge as much as around100yuan per person. People of this kind are having such an important effect in our daily life that without them,our life would not work in a smooth way.
For another thing,the relationgship between demand and supply in the job market can also influence the salary.(3)Thanks to a baby boom this year as well as fewer and fewer women preferring to work as a domestic servant,the price paid for a confinement nurse turns out to be as high as2500yuan.Thanks to more and more projects being invested and fewer and fewer workers being willing to sacrifice health for higher pay,the expenditure of hiring a physical laborer is skyrocketing.
All in all,white-collar worker and blue-collar workers are equal.Anyone who is able and in demand can earn more,regardless of his profession.
(3)thanks to…幸亏…,在本文中具有反讽的语气。
1.a confinement nurse月嫂
2.fresh university leaver应届大学毕业生
4.munual adj.体力的,手工的
5.brainwork n.脑力劳动
6.skyrocket vi.迅速上升
1.In terms of…,as far as I am concerned,it mainly
2.Anyone who is able and in demand can earn more,
43.毕业就等于失业吗?Graduation,Equal to Unemployment?
Job-hunting is a tough challenge to the graduates.Someone says graduation means the coming of unemployment.Provide your opinion on such a phenomenon and give some advice for such a dilemma.
Write a composition of about200words on the following topic:
Graduation,Equal to Unemployment?
You are to write in three parts.
In the first part,state specifically what your idea is.
In the second part,provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.
In the last part,bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.