THACKER: OK, Carter. Tell me everything you know about these people.
    HARRY: Well, sir, this one”s name is Hugo Peters. He says he”s a “businessman”. This man”s name is Peter Moran; I don”t know what he does exactly. And I don”t know this one at all - who is he?
    THACKER: Wait a moment, Carter.
    THACKER: Now, who was at the airport: Peters or Moran?
    HARRY: Only Peters was there.
    THACKER: Did you stop him?
    HARRY: Of course I stopped him, and I looked in his suitcase.
    THACKER: What was in it?
    HARRY: Nothing.
    THACKER: Nothing was in it? So did you look anywhere else?
    HARRY: No, I didn”t, actually. Sorry. Excuse me sir, but who is that other man?
    THACKER: He is “the boss”, Carter.
    HARRY: So he was the man on the phone, talking to Hugo Peters! Now I understand!
    THACKER: Ah, you understand now? That”s good.
    THACKER: Listen, Carter, you”re going to Trinidad. You must find “the boss”, and arrest all of these men!
    THACKER: Here”s your passport, and here”s your gun!
    HARRY: Thank you, sir! Goodbye! Look out, “boss”! I”m coming to get you!
    TRINIDADIAN HOTEL RECEPTIONIST: Good afternoon, sir, and welcome to the Universe Hotel, Trinidad! Do you have a reservation?
    HARRY: Er, yes. My name”s Harry Carter.
    RECEPTIONIST: Ah yes! You”re very welcome, Mr Carter.
    HARRY: Thank you.
    RECEPTIONIST: How long are you staying with us, Mr Carter? Or perhaps you don”t know yet?
    HARRY: Er, two or three days, I think.
    RECEPTIONIST: Can I have your passport, please?
    HARRY: Oh yes, certainly! Here you are.
    RECEPTIONIST: Aren”t you hot, Mr Carter? You”re in the Caribbean now, not in Washdon. You don”t need all those clothes here.
    HARRY: Oh, er… no, I see.
    RECEPTIONIST: Here”s your passport, Mr Carter. Your room number is 2924.
    RECEPTIONIST: George! Will you take Mr Carter”s luggage to his room?
    GEORGE: Alright! Come with me, sir!
    HARRY: Er… can I have the key, please?
    RECEPTIONIST: It”s in the door of your room. Have a very pleasant stay in Trinidad, Mr Carter!
    HARRY: Yes, thank you.
    HARRY: Come in!
    CLYDE: Hi there, man! Welcome to Trinidad! I”m Detective Clyde Williams. What can I do for you, Mr Carter? Do you like Caribbean2 food? Do you like surfing? Do you like girls? I know a little place where -
    HARRY: I”m not here on vacation, Mr Williams. I have a very important job to do.
    CLYDE: Oh, I”m sorry. I didn”t know. Well, what”s it all about, then? I”m listening!
    HARRY: Somewhere in Trinidad, Mr Williams, there”s a man who-
    CLYDE: Yes?
    HARRY: Wait a moment! Did you hear that?
    CLYDE: What?
    HARRY: I thought so! Look, that”s Hugo Peters! Listen Mr Williams, do you have a car?
    CLYDE: Yes, it”s outside the hotel. Why? Who”s Hugo Peters? What’s going on?
    HARRY: I”ll tell you later. Come on! There’s no time! Let”s go!
    CLYDE: Look, what”s happening? Where are we going? Will you please tell me?
    HARRY: In a moment, Mr Williams. But why are we going so slowly?
考研英语有听力吗    CLYDE: Take it easy, man! I”m driving, OK. I know this road, and you can’t drive quickly here. But what are you looking for?
    HARRY: That”s what I”m looking for! That big car up there!
    MR P: So a policeman stopped you at the airport, Peters.
    HUGO: Yes sir, but he didn”t find anything!
    MR P: And a policeman listened to your telephone.
    HUGO: Yes, I think so.
    MR P: And what did you do, Peters?
    HUGO: Well, sir, er… I, er… didn”t do anything, actually.
    MR P: You”re an idiot, Peters. What shall we do with Peters, Basil?
    BASIL: Let”s give him to the fish, sir.
    MR P: Very good! Yes, the fish are always hungry!
    HUGO: No, please, sir! Don”t do that! I didn”t know - I didn”t think -
    MR P: That”s right, Peters, you didn”t think.
    MR P: Very well, then. We won”t give you to the fish - for now.
    MR P: I”m a kind man. I have a big heart. I’m thinking, why not be kind to the police, too? Why not give them a little something?
    MR P: What about Roger Temple?
    HUGO: What do you mean, sir?
    MR P: Why don’t you give the police some information about Roger Temple? Then they’ll get him, and put him away, and leave us alone.
    HUGO: What a good idea, sir!
    MR P: Yes, it is a good idea, isn’t it?
    MR P: What is it, Basil? What”s going on?
    BASIL: There”s a car behind us, sir. I think it”s a police car.
    MR P: A police car? You know what to do, don”t you, Basil?
    BASIL: Yes, sir.