一、 LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(总题数:26,分数:52.00)
1.PART III LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEThere are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence.(分数:2.00)
2.Your books and magazines are almost in a_______; go and put them in order.
解析:解析:你的书和杂志简直是乱七八糟,去把它们整理一下。A chaos指极度的杂乱和近乎完全的混乱,例如:The government collapsed and chaos reigned.政府垮台,到处一片混乱。B.disorder“混乱,杂乱”,常指缺乏整齐、顺序,例如:The emergency room was in disorder.急救室一片混乱。C.mess指“混乱,混杂”,指十分肮脏,不整齐的状态,例如:This room’s in a mess.这个房间杂乱不堪。D.riot指“,”,例如:He was killed in the riots.他在中被杀。注:B和C在意思上符合句意,但只有in a mess的搭配,如用disorder应为in disorder,故选C。
3.The animal protection group is calling on people to _______ fur coats and care for wild animals.
解析:解析:动物保护组织正号召人们抵制皮毛大衣,关爱动物。A. ban主要指官方“禁止”某种事情,例如:He has been banned from driving for a year.他被禁止开车一年。B.forbid普通用语,指具有权威人士或官方发出禁令,并要求遵守,例如:Parking forbidden! 禁止停车!C.veto指国王、总统等依其职权否决法案、提案等,例如:The president vetoed the bill.总统否决了那项提案。D.boycott指“联合抵制”,常指拒绝购买某种商品(如本题),例如:They have urged people to boycott foreign products.他们敦促大家抵制外国产品。
4.No one could ever_______this government of not caring about the poor.
解析:解析:没有人会指责该政府不关心穷人。A.accuse严厉地指责或谴责某人,习惯搭配为accuse sb.of stk/doing sth.(如本题),例如:You can’t accuse me of being selfish.你不能说我自私。B.charge指对较严重错误或罪行向法院提出正式起诉,习惯搭配有charge sb.with sth./doing sth.,例如:She has not yet been formally charged with the offence.她还没有以这一罪名被正式起诉。C.condemn指正式地“谴责,强烈指责”,从道义或原则上来说,常与for搭配,例如:He was roundly condemned for his mistake.他因犯错而受到严厉指责。D.prosecute指对某人提出公诉,检举某人,习惯搭配为prosecute sb.for sth.,例如:He was prosecuted for theft.他因偷窃而被起诉。
5.Yu Dan and Lecture Room program gain popularity in modern China, which is _______
of a new attitude towards Sinology.
6.Which of the following is INCORRECT?
 A.He spent all his time reading.
 B.Half the students are here.
 C.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
 D.He asked many his friends for money. 
解析:解析:考查限定词的位置。many是后位限定词,不能放在his前面,只能说He asked many friends for money或者He asked many of his friends for money,故选D。
7.In "I saw a thief stealing something ", the underlined part is_______
 A.a predicate.
 B.an attribute.
 C.a complement. 
 D.an adverbial.
解析:解析:现在分词用法题。see sb.do/doing sth.是“谓语+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,stealing something在这里作宾语补足语,对宾语a thief做补充说明,答案为C。
8.Which of the following sentences can NOT be used as a response to "I think this food is delicious"?
 A.So do we.
 B.We do too.
 C.So we do. 英语专业四级考试时间
 D.We think so too.
解析:解析:在描述“甲如何如何,乙也是如此”的语境对话中,若前者是肯定句,后者用“so+助动词+主语”或“主语+助动词+too”以表示后者也如此。如I have a test today.的回
复可以是“So does he.”或“He does too.”,因此A、B正确。该题为I think后接宾语从句,因此也可用“We think so too.”回答,so代替从句的内容,故D也正确。C为“so+主语+助动词”结构,意为“的确如此、确实如此”,只是进一步强调并重复前者所述内容,前后的主语必须一致,如:“He arrived early.”“So he did”。C的主语与题干主语不一致,因此答案为C。
9.Which of the following contains an adverbial of cause?
 A.He failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.
 B.To draw the map properly, you need a special pen.
 C.For all her wealth, she never wastes money on luxury goods.
 D.With all this work to do, I don't know whether I can go out. 
解析:解析:考查状语在句中的用法。A、C中的介词短语in spite of all his exertions和for
all her wealth均表示让步关系,作让步状语;B中的不定式结构To draw the map properly作目的状语;只有D中的介词短语With all this work to do表原因,意为“由于……”,故答案为D。
10.An important lecture _______ tomorrow, the professor has to stay up late into the night to prepare for it.
& be given 
 B.will be given
 C.is to be given
解析:解析:逗号前后分句缺乏连词,且主语与谓语均不一致,因此前半句应采取独立主格结构,构成句子的原因状语,相当于As an important lecture will be given tomorrow,故A为正确答案。D为过去分词作后置定语。不符合语境。
11.No sooner _______ than a student came to visit her.
 A.she had gone out
 B.has she gone out
 C.she has gone out
 D.had she gone out 
解析:解析:含否定意义的副词放在句首时,一般采用倒装句式(谓语前置)。这类表示否定意义的词有never,seldom,scarcely,little,few,not,hardly以及not only...but(also),no sooner...than,hardly...when等。答案为D。