1.An art gallery is ______ room, where ______ works of art are shown.
A. a, the            B. the, /            C. the, a        D. a, /
2.Suddenly ____ fire broke out in the room and everything in it was soon on _______ fine.
A. /, a            B. the, /            C. a, /            D. /, the
3.Changchun, _______ capital of Jilin Province, is as important _______ industrial centre as Shenyang.
A. /, an            B. the, a        C. the, the        D. /, the
4.He is such _______ selfish man that he hasn't ______ least concern for others.
A. /, the            B. a, /            C. a, the            D. the, a
5.Towards ______ evening ______ cold rain began to fall.
A. the, a            B. /, the            C. /, a            D. the, /
6.Bacon and eggs _______ common Sunday breakfast in England.
A. is an            B. are the        C. is a            D. are
7.Mr. Ma can not only play ______ chess very well but also play _______ piano.
A. /, /                B. the, /            C. /, a            D. /, the
8.Professor Jones, the man who discovered _______ new drug that everyone is talking about, refused to give _________ press conference.
A. a, a            B. the, the        C. a, the            D. the, a
9.He was taken _____ prisoner in the war and spent ______ next two years in a prisoner-of-war camp in the south.
A. /, the            B. the, a            C. the, /            D. the, the
10.______ computer is more essential to a modern business than ________ typewriter.
A. The, the        B. /, /            C. A, the        D. The, a
11.They were rather disappointed ________ the result of the test.
A. in            B. on            C. at            D. for
12.We tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible, but they seemed to ________ sincerity.
A. lack of        B. by lack of        C. lack in        D. be lacking in
13.At an early age she already showed a talent ______ music.
A. in            B. for            C. on            D. of
14.I feel rather doubtful ________ the result of the experiment.
A. about            B. at            C. with            D. for
15.______ the severe cold, tourism was ________ full swing.
A. Though, on    B. Despite, on    C. Though, in    D. Despite, in
16.Passengers may leave bulky articles under the stairs ______ the conductor's permission.
A. at            B. with            C. on            D. in
17.You won't get in _____ the end of the act.
A. till            B. at            C. by            D. in
18.He said he was in debt and asked me for a loan ______ $50.
A. on            B. for            C. with            D. of
19.What tremendous achievements we have made _______ all fronts in the past few year
A. in            B. on            C. at            D. of
20.John is unfortunately devoid _______ a sense of humour.
A. with            B. of            C. to            D. from
21._____ the simple pleasure of flying, kites have been used to lift or tow objects.
A. Beyond        B. Beneath        C. Without        D. In view of
22.The decline of the mechanical player piano is attributed to the spread ________ piano music, but of all forms of music played by phonograph, radio, and television.
A. not            B. not to            C. not only to    D. not only of
23.Paper money printed by banks must be exchanged for metal money ________ demand.
A. with            B. for            C. by            D. on
24.he has always gone _________ strange hobbies like collecting bottle tops and inventing secret codes.
A. into            B. by            C. in for            D. through
25.He criticized everything and everybody and even ran ______ his few friends.
A. against        B. into            C. down            D. over
26.Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree ______ they can be deliberately controlled and modified.
A. to which        B. in which        C. at which        D. on which
27.______ a laser to operate, stimulated emission must predominate over absorption throughout the laser medium.
    A. Ordering to    B. For ordering    C. In order for    D. The order of
28.An increase in wages is an incentive _______ better work.
A. to            B. in            C. of            D. for
29.Wine and song are appropriate ________ the occasion.
A. at            B. to            C. on            D. by
30.The death of the President is a loss regretted ______ all.
A. to                B. for            C. at            D. by
31.He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit _____ reach.
A. at                B. near            C. within        D. beyond
32.The old man invested all his money _______ a chicken farm and got rich.英语专业四级考试时间
A. on            B. into            C. in            D. at
33.He had approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he was _______ his wit's end.
A. at                B. in            C. out            D. on
34.The fishermen gathered abalone _______ a depth of seven feet.
A. with            B. without        C. at            D. within
35.All living organisms constantly absorb carbon 14 _______ this existence.
A. out            B. about            C. around        D. throughout
36.Light comes in _______ the window.
A. by            B. through        C. out of            D. in
37.The young worker expressed the indignation _______ being dismissed without any reason.
A. for            B. at            C. to            D. of
38.Science has brought ________ many changes in our life.
A. out            B. into            C. about            D. forward
39.______ onetime, Manchester, New Hampshire, was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.