2.SECTION B CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of [A], [B], [C] and [D], and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have thirty seconds to preview the questions.(分数:10.00)
 A.He needs to transfer to another university.
 B.He wants the woman to make a decision.
 C.He needs advice about school transfer. 
 D.He wants to know about Central University.
解析:解析:①选项以He开头,由transfer和university等关键词可知问题与男士转学相关。②对话一开始男士说他在考虑转学但不确定转不转,希望女士可以协助他作出决定。因此男士去女士的原因是C“需要有关转学的建议”。③A项中的needs to transfer错误,男士并非需要转学,只是有这个想法。男士希望女士帮助他做决定(help me make a decision),并不是让老师做决定,因此B项错误。D项“想要了解Central大学”不是该对话的
 A.He can't choose Business Administration as his major.
 B.He can't transfer his credits to Central University.
 C.He didn't make any friends in the past year.
 D.He is far away from his family and friends. 
解析:解析:①对话中女士询问男士希望离开Prince大学的原因,男士提到他这一年有点想家(homesick),并且认为离家人和朋友更近(be closer to family and friends)会更好,由此可以推断D“远离家人和朋友”是他在Prince university遇到的问题。②男士在Prince的专业就是Business Administration,A项与对话相反。男士提到Prince的学分可以转到Central,因此B项错误。男士说他在Prince的一年中未能交到很多朋友(make many friends),而非C项所说的没有交到任何朋友(make any friends)。
 A.Keep the same major.
 B.Attend the business school.
 C.Restart from the beginning. 
 D.Study for an extra year.
解析:解析:①选项都是动词短语原形,预测问题可能与行为动作相关。②问题问如果转学到Central大学。男士需要做什么。女士指出如果转学到Central,需要从头开始(start from scratch),C项Restart from the beginning是其同义替换,为正确答案。②对话中女士问男士如果转学是否会保留原来的工商管理专业。男士给出了肯定回答。由此可知A“保留相同的专业”和B“读商学院”是男士本人的选择,而非转学到Central的要求。女士后来提到,尽管学分可以转,但因为Central有不同的要求,他要选修额外的课程(have to take extra courses),有可能(probably)要额外多上一年学,因此D“多学一年”并不是必须的要求。
 A.She missed her home very much in the first year. 
 B.She wanted to pack bags after the first two weeks.
 C.She felt most comfortable in her second year.
 D.She chose to stay in school in her senior year.
解析:解析:①对话中女士明确指出她记得大学第一年非常想家,A项missed her home是对homesick的同义替换,故正确。②女士说入学两周后曾想过要pack it in,这里是固定搭配,意为“放弃;离开”,并不是B项所指的要收拾行李打包(pack bags)。女士表示她在校的时间越长越舒服自在,尽管后来她说第二年比之前更好,但不是C项所说的most comfortable“最舒服”。女士说她到了大四,非常高兴选择了留下来,由此可知chose to stay是之前做的决定,并不是D项所说的大四时才决定。
 A.Stay in Prince University for one more year.
 B.Learn to live away from family and friends.
 C.Check into the exact transfer requirements. 
 D.Come back and talk with the woman again.
解析:解析:①选项都是动词短语原形,预测问题与行为动作或建议相关。②对话最后男士感谢女士的帮助,他说会查明(find out)确切的转学要求,C项用check into作同义替换,是男士接下来最可能会做的事。③A“在Prince大学再待一年”和B“学会远离家人和朋友而生活”在对话中都出现了,但男士分别用了maybe和probably,所以并不是most probably do的事情。对话最后,女士表示如果还有问题可以再次约见,男士并没有表态是否再会,因此D“回来跟女士谈话”不是男士最可能要做的事。
 A.It is a heavy box-type.
 B.There is a big scratch at the front.
 C.The colour is golden.
 D.Its brand name is on the back. 
警察问女士公文包有什么显著特征(any distinguishing features),女士没听明白,警察解释说有没有标记之类的,女士回答了Only。the brand name和on the back,因此D项“背面有商标名”是公文包的显著特征。③A项heavy box-type与女士说的not a heavy box-type like a man's相反。B项中scratch“划痕”应该是small,而且在背面(on the back)。原文只提到buckles“扣子”是gold-plated“镀金的”,但并没有提到整个包的颜是金,故C项不对。