16. It’s exactly the same dog ___ it was before the experiment.
A. which B. who C. that D. as
17. ___ is it, in your opinion, that he didn’t pass the examination for more than two times.
A. What B. Which C. Why D. Where
18. When do you think ___ leave for Shanghai?
A. should I B. that I should C. I should D. which I should
19. There is truth in the old saying ___ a man, like a watch, is to be valued by his manner of going.
A. which B. in which C. where D. that
20. Mistakes ___ carelessness may have serious consequences.
A. due to B. owing to C. because of D. thanks to
21. I pledge ___ anyone’s feelings.
A. to avoid to hurt B. to avoid hurting
C. avoiding to hurt D. avoiding hurting
22. ___ thousands of times, the dictionary is now damaged very seriously.
A. Having used B. Having been used
C. Used D. Being used
23. Luckily, I got a lift in a truck ___ the driver had filled with potatoes.
A. the back of which B. whose
C. of which the back D. where
24. Jack behaved calmly as if he ___ anything wrong.
A. wouldn’t have done B. shouldn’t do C. didn’t do D. hadn’t done
25. ___ hundreds of pieces of litter.
A. were lying beside the road B. Were beside the road lying
C. Lying beside the road were D. Beside the road was lying
26. We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style ______ in a personal
A. rather than B. more than C. less than D. better than
27. He suggested that the meeting ______ put off.
A . not be B. should not C. wouldn’t D. be not
28. I meant______ abroad with them, but I had not enough money.
A. going B. to go C. to have gone D. having gone
29. Mr. Green is reading the novel. The third and last chapter ______ by Professor Chen.
A. are written B. are writing C. is written D. is writing
30. He had no choice but ______ his hometown.
A. leave B. left C. leaving D. to leave
31. The United States is composed of fifty states, two of ______ are separated from the others by
land or water.
A. them B. which C. that D. those
32. More than one member______ agreed with the president of the committee.
A. has B. have C. are D. is
33. ______seems strange to us is ______the troublesome boy is getting along well with all his
A. It; that B. What; how C. What; that D. It; how
34. When we arrived there, he had finished the long ocean ______to England..
A. journey B. voyage C. trip D. tour
35. The heavy rain caused floods in the village, so much ______is ne
eded here.
A. clothes B. dresses C. cloth D. clothing
16-20 DCCDA 21-25 BBADC 26-30 AACCD 31-35 BACBD
单选特训 四
16. My parents had trouble ______ living in any new place.
A. to adapt to B. adjusting to C. according to D. to turn to
17. I bought some new shoes which are very ______ to a pair I had before.
A. similar B. different C. same D. like
18. The students find it hard ______ their spoken English.
A. improving B. having improved C. improve D. to improve
19. Progress so far has been very good. ______, we are confident that the work will be completed
on time.
A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. On the other hand
20. The equipment could be used for a ______of educational purposes.
A. many B. different C. variety D. value
21. I don’t like to ______ a room with a stranger.
A. stay B. live C. share D. sleep
22. He’s watching TV? He’s ______ to be cleaning his room.
A. supposed B. known C. regarded D. considered