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Located besideLake Geneva, the Olympic Museum houses more than 10,000 artificial objects and hours of interactive contents highlighting some of the best moments during the Olympics. Here are some of the museum’s most moving moments.
The Olympic Park
The journey through the Olympic Museum begins in the Olympic Park, an 8,000-square-meter outdoor area in front of the museum overlooking Lake Geneva and theAlps. The park contains artwork and sculptures that show respect to the world of sport.
The first Olympic Symbol
The “Olympic Rings” flag was designed by Coubertin in 1913. The rings represent the five continents that participate in the Olympics: Africa, Asia,America,AustraliaandEurope. The six color1 s include at least one color1 that is represented on the flag of every country.
The Stadiums
The stadiums that host the Olympic Games are as much of a celebration of design as the games are a celebration of sportsmanship. Guests can explore plans and models of Olympic stadiums’ past and present, including one of the games’ most attractive stadiums, the Bird’s Nest from Beijing 2008 Olympics.
The Olympic Medals
Have you ever wondered what an Olympic medal looks like? The Olympic Museum has a room that houses every bronze, silver, and gold medal from every Olympic Games dating back to the first modern Olympics of 1896. Each medal design is a unique representation
of the year and location in which the games were held.
1.Which moment do you see first when exploring the Olympic Museum?
A.The Olympic Park.            B.The first Olympic Symbol.
C.The Stadiums.            D.The Olympic Medals.
2.What can you do in the section of The Stadiums?
A.Celebrate the glory of a sportsman.            B.Meet the designers of the stadiums.
C.Explore the future stadiums.            D.Enjoy the model of the Bird’s Nest.
3.In which column of a newspaper may this text appear?
A.Entertainment.            B.Science.
C.Travel.            D.Business.哈尔滨师范大学
The COVID-19 vaccination(接种疫苗)rate in the US has fallen to newlows in recent weeks, threatening President Joe Biden’s goal of having 70 percent of American adults with at least one shot by July 4.
With just less than one month from July 4, the current vaccination rate will put the US at somewhere between 67 percent and 68 percent of the adult population with at least one dose(剂量)by Independence Day. To reach 70 percent by July 4, around 1.6 percent of the population needs to get their first dose per week from now until July 4.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)reported last week that 63 percent of adults hadreceived their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. That was up slightly from 62 percent from the report a week before. The additional 1 percent of adults completing their first dose is the lowest since the CDC started tracking the vaccination rate in mid-February.
On average, fewer than 1 million shots are given out per day, a decline of more than two-thirds from the peak of 3.4 million in April, The Washington Post reported. In South Caroli
na, about 71,000 residents got a shot in the week leading up to June 3, compared to a high of nearly 300,000 in one week in early April, according to data from the CDC.
The slowdown is moreprominentacross the South and Midwest. Twelve states have seen vaccinations fall to 15 daily shots per 10,000 residents. Less than a quarter of black Americans had received their first COVID-19 shot as of June 7.
James Hildreth, CEO of Meharry Medical College, told Politico, “We need to make a stronger effort to bring the vaccine to the communities, rather than relying on the communities to come to vaccination centers.”
The sharp decline in vaccination began in mid-April when federal officials temporarily stopped the use of the Johnson&Johnson vaccine while they investigated rare blood-clotting(凝血)reactions.
The “low-hanging fruit—thosepeople who ly want to get vaccinated without you telling them anything” have already been vaccinated, which has led to the slowdown, Dr Anthon
y Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on a White House-organized call with community leaders last week, according to the Post.
4. What can we learn from the text?
A. Dr Anthony Fauci is in charge of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.