例:How much is the shirt?
1.Where are the speakers?
A.At a hotel.
B.On a street.
C.In a car park.
2.What will the woman do next?
A.Go back to her flat.
B.Wait to meet the man.
C.Have dinner.
3.When will Mr.Johnson be at this office this week?
A.On Monday.
B.On Tuesday.
C.On Wednesday.
4.How will the speakers find out about the restaurant?
A.By going on the Internet.
B.By asking their classmates.
C.By reading the notice.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
C.A celebration.
6.What does the woman want to do?
A.Go home.
B.Do an experiment again.
哈尔滨师范大学C.Go to the lab with the man.
7.What does the man ask the woman to do in the end?
A.Leave the lab.
B.Fix the equipment.
C.Remember to turn off the light.
8.Why is the man going to California?
A.To work there.
B.To join his family.
C.To continue his education.
9.What is the relationship between the speakers?
A.Boss and employee.
B.Customer and agent.
C.Interviewer and interviewee.
10.What will the woman do in Singapore?
A.Go shopping.
B.Stay on a beach.
C.Visit her friend.
11.How will the woman go to Siem Reap?
A.By bus.
B.By plane.
C.By boat.
12.Where will the woman stay during her trip?
A.In small guesthouses.
B.In her friend's house.
C.In big hotels.
13.What were the speakers doing?
C.Having a meeting.
14.What will the woman do ?
A.Attend a meeting.
B.Visit her brother.
C.Go to Newtown.
15.When will the woman probably get back home?
16.What is the man's opinion about the new working place?
A.It is far.
B.His office is small.
C.The traffic is heavy.
17.Where can the listeners read stories of UFOs?
A.On the ground floor.
B.On the first floor.
C.On the second floor.
18.What can be seen on the first floor?
A.Videos of the UFOs.
B.Photographs of the UFOs.
C.Objects from areas near sightings.
19.What does the speaker remind the visitors to do especially?
A.Visit the gift shop.
B.Talk with Dr.Charles.
C.Buy a guidebook.
20.When is the Center Theater closed?
Whatever your interests,Hong Kong has a museum to suit your tastes.
Hong Kong Museum of Art
The Hong Kong Museum of Art collection includes hundreds of art works of old Hong Kong. There ar
e seven exhibition galleries,among which two special exhibition galleries show collections of works of art drawn from around the world to keep the visitors up to date with international artistic trends.
Open:10am-6pm Friday to Wednesday.Closed Thursday.
Location:10Salisbury Road.
Hong Kong Museum of History
A popular visitor highlight is“The Hong Kong Story”Permanent Exhibition,which outlines the natural environment,folk culture and historical development of Hong Kong from400 million years ago until the return to China in1997.Guided tours are available on weekends and public holidays.
Open:10am-6pm Monday&Wednesday to Saturday;10am-7pm Sunday and most public holidays.Closed Tuesday.Location:100Chatham Road South.
Hong Kong Science Museum
Learning has never been more fun!Five hundred interesting exhibits,80percent of which are hands-on,offer an insight into a wide range of science-related subjects.Science and technology topics included in the exhibition cover robotics,transportation and much more.
Open:1pm-9pm Monday to Wednesday&Friday;10am-9pm Saturday,Sunday and most public holidays.Closed Thursday.
Location:2Science Museum Road.
Hong Kong Space Museum
Learn all about astronomy and space technology here.There are two exhibition halls-Hall of Space Science and Hall of Astronomy.It is renowned for its Space Theatre which features Omnimax and Sky shows several times daily.
Open:1pm-9pm Monday,Wednesday to Friday;10am-9pm Saturday,Sunday and most public holidays.Closed Tuesday.
Location:11Salisbury Road.
21.Which museum will you visit if you are available at11am on Thursday?
A.Hong Kong Museum of Art
B.Hong Kong Museum of History
C.Hong Kong Science Museum
D.Hong Kong Space Museum
22.What is special about Hong Kong Space Museum?
A.It provides guided visits.
B.It presents amusing items.
C.It offers inviting themed shows.
D.It updates visitors on the latest development.
23.Where should visitors go if they prefer doing something themselves practically?
A.10Salisbury Road.
B.100Chatham Road South.
C.2Science Museum Road.
D.11Salisbury Road.
As I write this,you have been dead for over six years.It sounds like a long time,but it doesn't feel like it.Perhaps that's because I still think about you every day.You've taught me so much,and you continue to do so.
Granny,you are a model of a perfect woman in my heart:beautiful,brave and passionate.In 1964,you,Grandpa and your young children were exiled(被流放).Your courage and your commitment to justice at such a young age never ceases to amaze me.Decades later,you fought cancer with the same strength of personality.Supremely positive,you made it far further than expected.You still died too young,but the fighting spirit that made your life so extraordinary never weakened.
Grandpa1,you are the man I love most in the world.Like Granny,you dedicated your life to the struggle for the liberation of African colonies.Your work as a journalist took you across the continent:you interviewed Nelson Mandela in hiding and then refused to reveal where he was.In 1973,you told the world the story of the Ethiopian famine(饥荒).Your life may have been full of con
flict and struggle,but you remain the gentlest,loveliest person I have ever known.You loved us all and loved Granny with a depth and sincerity.You took care of her until the end.