请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。
1.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
A.Husband and wife.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Friends.
2.What is the change in the woman?
A. She now gets tired easily.
B. She has lost some weight.
C. She prefers tea now.
3.What will the woman try?
A. Having a cup of coffee every morning.
B. Getting used to a new diet.
C. Working more hours each day.
4.Who is the woman probably?
A.Tom’s teacher.
B. Tom’s mother.
C. Ton’s friend.
5.What happened to Tom?
A. He hurt his right foot.
B. He was caught in a traffic accident.
C. He was injured during the training.
6.Where is Tom now?
A.In the school.
B. On the way to the hospital.
C. In the emergency room.
7.How old is the woman?
B. 27.
C. 28.
8.What will the speakers do tonight?
A.Have dinner together.
B. Go to a movie.
C. Go to the library.
9.What does the man find hard to believe?
A. The woman remains so young.
B. The woman can be so rude.
C. The woman accepted his invitation.
10.Why does the man want running shoes?
A. To go hiking in the mountains.
B. To exercise on an open sports field.
C. To run on a stepping machine.
11.In what aspects are the two kinds of shoes different?
A.Prices and shapes.
B. Prices and materials.
C. Materials and shapes.
12.Which shoes will the man finally buy?
A.Lightweight shoes.
B. Running shoes.
C. Running-shoe-style shoes.
13.Where is Central Park?
A. Far away from Manhattan.
B. In the capital city of America.
C. Near Fifth Avenue.
14.What is the feature of Central Park?
A.Peace and quiet.
B. Rare trees.
C. Suitable for adventures.
15.What do we know about the park?
A. It’s completely natural.
B. It’s a man-made park.
C. It charges for tickets.
21. Mo Yan is the first Chinese to win ________Nobel Prize for Literature as ________ result of his talents and great works.
A. 不填, a
B. the, the
C. a, a
D. 不填, the
22. A best friend is _________ who knows all about you and still loves you.
A. the one
B. it
C. one
D. that
23. A great hall has _________ in order to ease the problem of dining congestion(拥堵) in our school.
A. put up
B. taken up
C. gone up
D. looked up
24. It is almost three months __________ we became a senior student of Bashu Secondary School.
A. before
B. since
C. after
D. when
25. In the mobile message, Sarah told me that last night was the first time she_________
a film in the year.
A. saw
B. has seen
C. had seen
D. would see
26. ---How do you like the Art Festival?
---Fantastic. It must be the most important and fascinating_________ in the year
A. affair
B. business
C. event
D. incident
27. ---I am tired of the food ________ in the dining hall.
---Then why not try __________ in a restaurant for a change?
A. being cooked, to eat
B. having been cooked, eating
C. cooked, eating
D. to be cooked, to eat
28. ---Hello, I ________ you were in Chongqing. How long have you been here?
---Just a few days.
A. don’t know
B. didn’t know
C. wouldn’t know
D. haven’t known
29. Though wearing a(n) _________ look, he produced quite a few extraordinary masterpieces, winning him world-wide popularity.
A. common
B. ordinary
C. general
D. usual
30. A gunman is said to have broken into the bank and ___________ a lot of money.
A. got away from
重庆市考试中心B. got away with
C. done away with
D. put up with
31. ---How is it going?
---All the people have been doing their best and ____________progress has been made.
A. a great many
B. a number of
C. a good deal
D. a lot of
32. A new law has been passed but it remains _________ whether the new law will achieve its desired purpose.
A. seen
B. to see
C. to be seen
D. seeing
33. Standing on the top of Chongqing World Financial Centre, we’ll get a city-wide _________.
A. scene
B. view
C. sight
D. scenery
34. ---Can I ask you a question?
---Yes, ____________.
A. go ahead
B. come on
C. hurry up
D. cheer up
35. His reaction ____________ her visit is mixed. It is a mixture of excitement and worry.