1. 单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)
1. —Jack, I can't play ping-pong at all. I wonder if you could teach me.
—________. Just name the day.
A. With pleasure
B. Go ahead
C. Never mind
D. As you like
2.How ________is it from the airport to the downtown area?
A. often
B. far
C. soon
D. near
3.The playground is _________to children between six and twelve years of age.
A. new
B. open
C. clear
D. general
4. My neighbors were having a loud party. So I had a terrible time getting _______last night.
A. slept
B. sleeping
C. sleep
D. to sleep
5. It’s __________my belief to borrow money from other people.
A. towards
B. beyond
C. under
D. against
6.You look well after the summer holiday. You have _________some weight.
A. put up
B. put on
C. put down
D. put out
7. I have never been to Australia before, __________I know a lot about Sydney Opera House.
A. and
B. for
C. so
D. but
8. Eric didn't even have ________common sense to send for doctor.
A. the, a
B. a, /
C. /, /
D. a, the
9. By the time I got to the office, the engineer and his assistant _________
A. will leave
B. have left
C. left
D. had left
10. It was in 1969_________ Armstrong succeeded in landing on the moon.
A. which
B. when
C. that
D. what
11.There was a big hole in the road which ________the traffic.
A. broke up
B. kept up
C. held up
D. took up
12. Make a mark on the report ________you have a question.
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. what
13. Jason noticed a woman in a black dress _________across from him.
A. siting
B. sit
C. to sit
D. having sat
14.Tom was so sleepy that he could __________open his eyes in the afternoon class.
A. really
B. slightly
C. hardly
D. nearly
15. No one __________this experiment before.
A. has attempted
B. attempted
C. attempts
D. is attempting
16.The teacher insisted that everyone________ to the party.
A. coming
B. comes
C. came
D. come
17.You ________be tired after all your hard work.
A. can
B. must
C. need
D. would
18. ____________surprised me most was that she didn't care about it at all.
A. What
B. That
C. Which
D. It
19. Not __________to smoke inside the building the smokers have to go out.
A. allow
B. to allow
C. allowing
D. allowed
20. Many of the exhibits were damaged in the fire, and _________were totally destroyed.
A. all
B. nothing
C. any
D. some
Henry saw an advertisement (广告)for salesmen in the newspaper. He went into the building and spoke to the  21  . “I’m the best salesman in the world” he said, “and I want the job”.
The manager said, “You must    22      you are the best”. Then, he took a box of candy    23    his desk and said, “last week I bought a thousand boxes of this candy,  24    you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job.”
Henry thought it was  25    , so he took a box of candy and left the office.
Every day and all day he went from shop to shop trying to    26      the boxes of candy. He couldn’t sell one. The candy was so    27      that he couldn’t even give away.
At the end of the week he went back to the manager. “I’m 28, sir,” he said, “I was wrong about mysel f, I’m not the best salesman in the world,    29    I know who is”
“Oh”, said the manger, “    30      ?”
“The person who sold you a thousand boxes of this candy”, Henry said.
21. A. officer    B. salesmen    C. manager    D. person
22. A. prove    B. say    C. think    D. understand
23. A. instead of    B. all over    C. full of    D. out of
24.A. If    B. While    C. As    D. After
25. A. fun    B. dangerous    C. crazy    D. easy
26. A. find    B. eat    C. sell    D. show
27. A. cheap    B. sweet    C. bad    D. heavy
28. A. fine    B. sorry    C. late    D. glad
29. A. so    B. because    C. until    D. but
30. A. Who    B. When    C. Where    D. What
III. 阅读理解
It has been two years since I last went to school. Now I'm ready to apply (申请)for a school and start again. I was totally different in junior high school. I used to be a good student. I was in the top class and had quite high scores in the exam. But all of that changed after I graduated from grade 9. I got into a bad group of friends and started drinking and taking drugs. I was soon kicked out of school.
For the following six months I was in and out of drug rehab(戒毒所)before I decided I was ready to start again at a new school. But I didn't stay there long. I found it hard to concentrate(集中精力)on anything. I kept thinking about things that really had nothing to do with school. At first, I missed class
es once or twice a week. Then it was nearly every day. Finally, they asked me to leave and not to come back.
I haven't been studying for the past two years, but I started up an Internet business and I now earn enough money to support my family. However, I have forgotten about life as a normal student at school. I am worried that I won't be able to sit down and study in a class like any other normal student of my age.
Really it is not exactly a normal school that I am going to apply for now. It allows people to organize himself to go to class and study once a week, either in the evenings or at the weekends. I think I could manage that!
From now on, I am going to take my education seriously. I’ll wo rk towards a degree. Some people might say that they don't care about a piece of paper. But I know it is important to get a degree. I believe that education is the most important thing in life and that it will lead to success.
31.What did the author use to be like before grade 9?
A. He studied well in school.
B. He often drank with friends.
C. He became interested in drugs.
D. He helped friends pass exams
32.Thinking about going back to school, the author worried about how to _________
A. support his family
B. study in a classroom
C. start up an Internet business
D. get used to normal student life
33.What's so special about the school that the author is applying for?
A. He can study at home.
B. He can work in the school.
C. He can choose his own class time.
D. He can write papers instead of taking exam.
34. How does the author feel about going back to school again?
A. Surprised
B. Serious
C. Lucky
D. Hopeless
The first capitol building (议会大厦)of Illionis was in Kaskaskia. It was a simple two-story brick that cost $4 per day.
Vandalia become the second capital of Illionis in 1820, and it had three capitol building. Vandalia's first capitol was a simple two-story building, which was destroyed by fire in 1824.Vandalia's second c
apitol was to replace the burnt building for$15.000.
Soon after the third capitol building was built, many Illinoisans suggested that the capital should be moved to a more central place in the state. In 1833, the General Assembly decided to give Illinoisans the right to choose their capital city. This worried the people of Vandalia, who did not want to lose the capital.
Therefore, in 1836, without authorization (授权) from the General Assembly, the city tore down the third capitol building and replaced it with the fourth, a brick state house, costing$16,000. Even though the forth capitol was rebuilt, Illionis voters (选民) selected Springfield as the new state capital city in 1839.
Illionis's fifth capitol was built in Springfield in 1853 at coat of$260,00.
Construction the sixth and present capitol was begun in 1868.The building took twenty years to complete at a cost of $4.5 million.
35.The second capitol building in Vandalis was built because the first one ____________.
A. was not authorized
B. was destroyed in a fire
C. was low and very simple
D. was not in the downtown
36.What was the cost for the construction of the second capitol building of Illionis?
A. $15,000.
B. $16,000.
C. $260,000.
D. $4,500,000
37.What was the probable reason for choosing Springfield as the capital city of Illinois?
A. It is located in central America.
B. It has a newly-capitol building.
B. It is in the middle part of the state.    D. It is close to Vandalia and Kaskaskia.
38.What can we learn from the text?
A. Now we can see six capitol buildings in the state of Illinois.
B. Illinois moved its capital from Kaskaskia directly to Springfield.
C. The construction of the last state capitol was completed in 1888.
D. The General Assembly built a new capitol replace the old one.
Most dogs just live with their families, but some dogs have very special jobs to do. Some help police find criminals(犯罪). Other dogs help people who are blind, deaf(聋)or have trouble getting around. Dogs that help their owners are called “Assistance Dogs”.
A very special group of dogs are known as “Therapy() Dog”. They are family pets with special training. The training allows them to go into public buildings and comfort people in need. Loud noises and unfamiliar places don't frighten them. They enjoy spending time with people.2021年单招分数线