A few weeks ago, I received a package containing seeds from my friend. When I asked her what they would
1 into, a smile crossed her face. "Just plant them and be patient. You'll see fbr yourself 2." she said.
I sowed the seeds in a flowerpot. In the first few days, I was very excited to search for the slightest signs, but
3 happened. With heavy loads of homework, I began to feel sad and 4, How much I longed
for thecolor in my fast-paced life.
I watered the plants in dry periods. On the eighth day, to my great 5, a few light green sprouts (新芽)appeared. Bending down and studying the plants, I could almost hear them growing. More days passed, and the floweipot soon became 6with coriander (香菜)plants. Now they are taller than the edge of the pot, constantly
shaking their leaves in the gentle wind, as if they were merrily singing a song of 7.
I am certain that after a few more days, my plants will be ready for 8 These plants have played an important part in 9 up my everyday life. They may not be a main dish on our table, but using some will surely make our dishes delicious.
Let us all slow our pace down and be patient. So long as we take steps to set our hearts free, time and patience will 10 us with the pure pleasure of being alive in this lovely world.
1. A. grow
B. run
C. look
D. break
2. A. immediately
B. finally
C. quickly
D. regularly
3. A. anything
B. everything
C. something
D. nothing
4. A. shocked
B. disappointed
C. embarrassed
D. scared
5. A. surprise
B. pity
C. shame
D. anxiety
6. A. packed
B. lined
C. crowded
D. piled
7. A. courage
B. freedom
C. interest
D. relief
8. A. harvest
B. loss
C. sights
D. rest
9. A. picking
B. ending
C. brightening
D. taking
10. A. impress
B. assist
C. surround
D. reward

Moderate exercise, which means neither too much nor too little exercise, such as walking, riding a stationary bike or swimming is a great way to get started. But any activities that raise your heart rate, including daily chores, can help, especially if you can do them outdoors or near a sunny window. Yoga jogging and Tai chi can all help lift your mood.
Year-end panic refers to the self-blame and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year's end, often due to a poor financial year and pressure from work and family. Psychological experts suggest that we should avoid peer competition. While regretting for the failed plans in the past year, you can still make resolution to do it better in the coming year.
40.According to the passage, what is SAD?
41.Who are more likely to suffer from SAD?
42.Please decide which part of the following statement is false, then underline it and expl
ain why.
Increasing exercise routine can fight against SAD and people should do a large amount of exercise to get started.
43.Seasons bring not only depression but also happiness. Which season can cheer you up? And why? (In about 40 words)
44.40. It is Seasonal affective disorder/It is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months./It is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months, and may improve as spring comes on.
45.Women and people under age 40./SAD affects more women than men and is more likely to occur in people under age 40 than those older than that./People with lowered levels of serotonin.
46.Increasing exercise routine can fight against SAD, and people should do a large amount of exercise to get started. According to the passage, moderate exercise is a great way to get started. But people shouldn't do too much exercise in the beginning.