What should you do when your parents become angry.?If your parents get mad, try to have a conversation with them about it.?Remember not to shout at them.?They usually will try to change but it will take some time because they get angry all their lives, and that is all they know.?You might have to change your method a couple of times.?Do some nice things for your parents that they don't expect-like cooking, doing the dishes, washing clothes or cleaning the floors.?If this doesn't work, bring in a friend that you feel comfortable with, and have him or her help you.?
With the development of china, the population is getting larger and larger.?As a result, the increasing population is causing many pollution problems.?Energy is decreasing.?As students, we should save energy and protect the environment.?In our daily life, we should save water and energy.?We should turn off the taps when we don't use the water.?We should turn off the lights when we leave the rooms.?At school, we should use both sides of paper.?Every morning, we should take the bus or underground to go to school instead of ta
king a car.?To protect the environment better, we should do these small things by ourselves first.?
I love all the teachers in my school but my favorite teacher is ms. wang.?First because i love music and i have learnt a lot about music from her class.?She encourages me to follow my dream of music.?She says love for music can make life more beautiful.?Also, she is a hardworking and experienced music teacher.?She loves music, she loves her job, and she is very nice and always patient with her students.?She often tells me the most important thing in our life is to be an honest and responsible person.?I want to be a person like her.?
This beach looks so different now.?I remember we used to come here every year when i was a kid.?It used to be a lot cleaner than it is now.?There didn't use to be any people and now there are thousands of people everywhere.?There didn't use to be any big hotels.?There used to be just two hotels and they were smaller than the ones they have now.?They were cheaper too and very basic.?Things didn't use to cost so much back then.?How things change.?
I'm staying with a Chinese family in beijing.?There is a girl in this family.?Her name is li xue.?We have become close friends.?Last friday was the mid-autumn festival in china.?We went to the temple of heaven.?I had a wonderful time but there were so many people everywhere.?My Chinese friends are very kind to me.?I often talk with them in Chinese, so my Chinese has improved a lot.?Sometimes i miss my family, and i'm not very used to the food here.?It's a little hot, and they always ask me to eat more during dinner.?Students here like studying a lot.?They don't go out very often.?
Good morning, everyone.?I'm zhang wei from happy community.?I'm glad to be
here to talk about young volunteers.?Here are some suggestions for you.?You need to think about your interests first.?What kinds of things do you get excited about.?Do you love to teach kids, work outdoors or help people in need.?Your interests may help you to do volunteer activities better.?Then consider your skills.?Are you good at something like sports or computers.?Most volunteer groups are looking for people with special skills and abilities.?If you want to get more information about young volunteers, you can visit our website: www.?Young volunteers.?Com.?Thank you for listening.?Good luck.?
Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in your schoolwork.?It plays an important role when you are studying.?If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, that's great.?You can copy them.?Don't try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points.?Just remember, write the key points.?Some students really learn better with the help of these notes.?Don't be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat when you miss something.?If your teacher speaks too fast and you can't follow what he is saying, you can ask him to speak slowly or ask after class.?
Nowadays, you can see more and more people ride bikes on the road and i am one of them.?I go to school by bike because i think it's the best way.?Why do i like riding a bike.?Let me tell you the reasons.?First, it's not expensive to buy a bike.?Second, i can relax while riding a bike.?It's good for my health and it's easy to get a place for a bike.?Third, the most important thing is that riding bikes can not only reduce pollution but also save energy.?I hope everybody can ride a bike when the place is not far.?Let's ride bikes from now on.?
Hello, everyone.?Here is some school news over the past week.?The first was the singing competition.?On tuesday, fifteen students from different grades took part in the competition.?They all sang really well.?Finally, jackie wang from grade eight, class seven got first prize and helen lee won second prize.?Another important activity was our visit to the art museum.?The traditional chinese paintings and western paintings were wonderful.?We were really amazed by the beauty of the art.?In short, last week we had great fun in the activities.?Thanks for listening.?
This is bruce ward news.?There was a serious fire at the sunshine hotel this afternoon.?It started at three in the kitchen on the first floor.?When reporters arrived at three thirty, the first and second floors were on fire and smoke was coming from the third and fourth floor windows.?People were standing at the windows and crying for help.?Fire fighters had been there for some time and they were trying hard to save the people at the hotel.?Some people had been burned and sent to the hospital.?By four the fire was put out.?The cause of the fire is still