Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、— Is everyone here today?
— No, Lucy is at home ________ she has got a high fever.
A.because    B.if    C.until    D.unless
2、--I hear there will be______ talk on teenage problems next Monday.
--Do you mean______ talk our teacher asked us to listen to?南京考试网入口
A.the; a    B.a; the    C.the; an    D.an; the
3、-- Do you like reading history books when you are free?
-- No! I like story books _    _ I almost read them every day.
A.and    B.but    C.or    D.then
4、__________ our basketball team failed in the match, we did our best
A.But    B.Although    C.as    D.Because
5、Jack ______ a shower when his mother rang him up.
B.has taken
C.is taking
D.was taking
6、We had a football match yesterday and our fans cheered us on ________.
A.slowly    B.carelessly    C.naturally    D.loudly
7、There         a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow afternoon.
A.is    B.has    C.will be    D.will have
8、—Mr Wang’s work goes ______teaching ,and he always thinks of the children fir
st and takes good care of them.
—Yes, he was praised as one of the “People Who Moved Yangzhou”
A.beyond    B.beside    C.behind    D.between
9、With WeChat becoming more and more popular in China, it seems that we are_______ the art of chatting face-to-face.
A.enjoying    B.losing    C.failing    D.reminding
10、---I think children should       Tik Tok(抖音) because it is sometimes bad for them.
---I agree. Some rules should be made.
A.throw away    B.keep away from    C.separate from
Ⅱ. 完形填空
Jim is a famous English teacher now. But he said he was not a good   1  when he was young. He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn’t understand much,   2  he always thought he understood everything. One day the teacher asked the students a question, “When Mary was ten years old,   3  brother Bob was twenty. Mary is fifteen now and how old is her brother Bob?” Jim said, “That’s easy. Bob is twice as   4  as Mary, so he is now thirty.”
Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, “When it thunders,   5  do we always see the light before we   6  the sound?” 
“But, Miss,” said Jim quickly, “don’t you   7  our eyes are in front of our ears?”
1.A.teacher    B.farmer    C.student
2.A.but    B.and    C.or
3.A.your    B.her    C.his
4.A.old    B.young    C.tall
5.A.what    B.when    C.why
6.A.see    B.hear    C.smell
7.A.hope    B.read    C.know
Ⅲ. 语法填空
12、Millie :Have you heard about the pop star Nancy? It's said that she has got cancer.
Sandy:I 1. (hear) about it last week. It's very sad because she 2.(be) so kind.
Millie: I heard that Nancy once donated ~100,000 to people who 3. (suffer) great loss in the earthquake in Wenchuan.
Sandy: Yes. She is a generous girl.
Millie: Now Nancy 4.  (receive) medical treatment in Belling. An operation
5. (do) on her yesterday and it was a success.
Sandy . That's great. I really hope Nancy 6. (get) well again soon.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
Called the “Afghan Bruce Lee,” Alizada looks very much like Hong Kong action film star and Chinese Kung Fu artist Bruce Lee.
He became interested in Chinese Kung Fu at a very young age. However, he had to study it by himself as his family could not afford the training. His family was not rich to give him a good coach.
“It was when I was around eight years old that I saw a Bruce Lee movie for the first time. I became crazy about those movies, which served as a drive for me to learn Chinese Kung Fu,”Alizada said.
Alizada has studied Kung Fu for more than 10 years. The 23-year-old had a great influence online a few years ago when he posted a video named “Bruce Lee appears in Afghanistan” on Facebook.
Alizada has now appeared in two films, with one in Azerbaijan and the other in India.
“I want to star in a film produced by Afghanistan when I am well-known all over the world,” Alizada said.
1.How old was Alizada when he was crazy about Chinese Kung Fu?  Around ______.