  Vocabulary and Structure
  ()1.The new machine is a great help in the production of this factory.
  ()2.Now the problem of energy is becoming critical.It an immediate solution.
  A.calls onB.calls for
  C.calls upD.calls at
  ()3.Finding it difficult toto the climate in the city he decided to move to the north.
  ()4.The newspaper will have toif it can not increase its circulation considerably.
  A.close upB.close down
  C.close offD.close out
  ()5.By this time next year I shall haveall my debts.
  A.cleared upB.cleaned up
  C.cleared offD.cleared away
  ()6.An old friend from abroad,I was expecting to stay with,telephoned me from the airport.
  ()7.the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.
  A.Having paid my taxesB.Paying my taxes
  C.My taxes having been paidD.My taxes had been paid
  ()8.I know the man name.
2022特岗教师成绩查询  A.forB.withC.ofD.be
  ()9.The lecturer spoke so fast that I found it hardwhat he was saying.
  A.to take out
  C.to take up
  ()10.Pumas,which are large,cat?like animals will not attack human beings if they undisturbed.
  A.1eaveB.are left
  C.leftD.have left
  ()11.The relative size of an insect?s wing is much greater than.
  A.of a bird?s wingB.that of a bird?s wing
  C.a wing of a bird isD.that wing of a bird
  ()12.Ian answer to my letter within a few days.
  ()13.Does Jane want to see that movie?
  Yes. But she says go tonight.
  A.she?ll rather notB.she?d not rather
  C.she?d rather notD.she won?t rather
  ()14.Professor Wheelock is always very to the reaction of the audience when he gives lectures.
  ()15.The audience dressed in a variety of ways,some in suits and dress,some in jeans.
  ()16.Peter wishes that he law instead of literature when he was in college.
  A.could studyB.studied
  C.had studiedD.would study
  ()17.Let you and agree to settle our differences without involving any of the other students.
  ()18.If you had told us earlier he was,we could have introduced him at the meeting.
  ()19.Ime what happened.
  A.would like you tellB.would like you to tell
  C.would like you tellingD.would like that you tell
  ()20.Take an umbrella it rains.
  A.in any caseB.because
  C.in caseD.for
  ()21.Don?t leave your bicycle out in the rain.It?ll get in rains.
  ()22.Ito him for the error.
  ()23.Hardly home when the telephone rang.
  A.I gotB.did I get
  C.I had gotD.had I got
  ()24.It?s getting rather late.It?s time that we home.
  A.are goingB.went
  C.goD.must go
  ()25.The colors of that coat and hat don?t.
  1.C 【解析】adequate意为"充分的,足够的';sufficient意为"足够的,充分的';efficient意为"效率高的';effective意为"有效的,生效的'。
  2.B 【解析】call on意为"访问(某人)';call for意为"需要';call up意为"给(某人)打电话';call at意为"到(某地)进行短暂访问'。
  3.B 【解析】adopt意为"收养';adapt to意为"使适应于';fit意为"适合';suit意为"适合于(某人),使满足'。
  4.B 【解析】close up意为"堵塞,关闭';close down意为"停产';close off意为"堵塞(路口等)';close out意为"减价抛售'。
  5.C 【解析】clear up意为"打扫洁净';clean up意为"打扫,清理,毁灭';clear off意为"还清';clear away意为"驱除,消退'。