SectionI  Listening Comprehension
Now lookat question 1.
1. Whereis this conversation probably taking place?
[A] In apost office.
[B] Atan insurance agency.
[C] Onan airplane.
[D] In amoving company.
2. Whatdoes the woman mean?
[A] Shelent her notes to a classmate.
[B] Sheforgot to borrow the notes.
[C] Shedoesn't have an exam.
[D] Sheleft her notes in class.
3. Whydoes the woman ask about the time?
[A] Shedoes not have a watch.
[B] Sheis nervous about the appointment.
[C] Tom's watch keeps good time.
[D] Tomis afraid to be late.
4. Whatare they talking about?
[A]Their best friend.
[B]Their favorite color.
[C]Theclothes the woman is wearing.
[D] Apresent the man has bought.
5. Wheredid the conversation most probably take place?
[A] In alibrary.
[B] In aclassroom.
[C] In abookstore.
[D] In ahotel.
6. Whatdoes the man mean?
[A] It's hard to find a room.
[B] Healways walks around in the dormitory.
[C] It's his tuna to clean the dormitory.
[D] Hisdormitory is quite small.
7. Whomis the man speaking to?
8. Howmany apples will she buy?
[A] 8.
[D] 24.
9. Whatis the woman trying to do?
[A] Getdirections to the bus station.
[B] Getto the grocery store.
[ C]Give the man directions to the bus station.
[D] Findout where the stoplight is.
10. Whatis the address given by the man?
[A]1120, East 42nd Street.
[B]1120, East 32nd Street.
[C]1220, East 32nd Street.
[D]1220, East 42nd Street

Questions11 ~ 13 are based on the following dialogue about post service.
11. Howlong did it take for a letter to get to the USA six years ago?
[A]Usually four or five days. 
[B] Aweek.
[C] Morethan a week.
[D] Itdepends.
12.Where does this conversation take place?
[A] Ashop. 
[B] Arestaurant.
[C] Abookstore.
[D] Apost office.
13. Whatis NOT mentioned in the conversation?
[A] Anoverseas mail.
[B]. Aregistered letter.
[C] Apost office box.
[D] Aparcel.
Questions14 ~ 17 are based on the following dialogue on traveling.14. What is Ms. Bush's main purpose for the trip?
[A]Sightseeing in Australia andthe Far East.
[B]Visiting a friend in Cairo.
[C]Attending a conference in Sydney.
[D]Shopping in Hong Kong.
15. Whatwill Ms. Bush probably buy?
[A] Anexcursion fare.
[B] Afull return ticket.
[C] Asingle ticket. 
[D] Twotickets.
16. Howmuch does the full fare cost?
[A]1,402 pounds.
[B]1,204 pounds.
[C]2,104 pounds.
[D]4,102 pounds.1
7. Whatwill Ms. Bush' s trip probably be?
[A] Herhome→Sydney→Cairo.
[B] Herhome→Cario→Sydney.
[C]Cairo→Her home→Sydney.
[D]Sydney→Her home→Cairo.
Questions18 ~ 21 are based on the following dialogue on sports.
18. Whatare the man's hobbies?
[A]Running and thinking.
[B]Running and jumping.
[C]Running and climbing.
[D]Running and skiing.
19. Whatis the main reason that the man runs every day?
[A] Tothink out some difficult problems.
[B] Todo some cross-country running.
[C] Tofinish a course in physical training.
[D] Tokeep fit and healthy.
20. Whatis the man going to do next year?
[A]Enter for the .London Marathon.
[B] Do across-country running.
[C]Climb the Alps with his wife.
[D]Complete a course in snow and ice climbing.
21. Whatis the speaker' s main topic?
[A]Training for a professional athlete.
[B] Hisphysical training.
[C] Howto do cross-country running.
[D] Howto do mountain climbing.
Questions22 ~ 25 are based on a cornversation at the airport.
22.What' s the airport like?
[A] Ahotel.
[B] Amarket.
[C] A madhouse.
[D] Ahospital.
23. Whydoes the man want a one-way ticket to NewYork?
[A] Hewill live in New Yorkforever.
[B] Hewill not do business in Los Angeles.
[C] Hecan't pay the round trip ticket.
[D] Hehates Los Angelesand does not want to be here again.
24. Howwill the man pay the ticket?
[A] Bycash.
[B] Bycredit card.
[C] Byplastic money.
[D] Bytraveler' s check.
25. Whatdid he order during his last flight?
[A] Somecigarettes.
[B] Aspecial salad.
[C] Atoast.
[D] Somemeat.
Now youhave 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET1.That is the end of the listening comprehension section.
Section Ⅱ Use of English
(15 minutes)

[A] that 
[B] this
[C] it
[D] which
[A] products
[B] programs
[C] produce
[D] governments
[A] place
[B] time
[C] period
[D] hour
[A] sell
[B] purchase
[C] buy
[D] advertise
[A] national
[B] public 
[C] commercial 
[D] local
[A] In order to 
[B] So to 
[C] As to 
[D] So as to
[A] program
[B] month 
[C] advertisement
[D] piece
[A] one
[B] another
[C] other
[D] others
[A] provide
[B] offer
[C] buy 
[D] pay
[A] from 
[B] on
[C] in
[D] with
[A] factories
[B] businesses
[C] companies 
[D] audiences
[A] Central
[B] Federal
[C] Official
[D] Public
38. [A] pay
[B] income
[C] grants
[D] loans
[A] donate
[B] take 
[C] bring
[D] carry
[A] mature 
[B] major 
[C] minor 
[D] mere
[A] programs
[B] projects
[C] nets
[D] networks
[A] take 
[B] get 
[C] borrow
[D] sell
[A] As
[B] To 
[C] In
[D] For
[A] which
[B] that 
[C] who 
[D] what
[A] personal
[B] private 
[C] own
[D] pubhc
SectionIII  Reading Comprehension
(40 minutes)

46. Whatdoes the author mean by "Family is of course an elastic word"?
[A]Different families have different ways of life.
[B]Different definitions could be given to the word.
[C]Different nations have different families.
[D]Different times produce different families.
47. Foran English family, the husband's duty is___
[A]supporting the family while the wife is working out
[B]defending the family while the wife is running the home
[C]providing financial support while the wife is running the home
[D]independent while his wife is also independent
48.Everything is, decided in a family___
[A] bythe couple
[B] withthe help of their parents
[C]bybrothers and sisters
[D] withthe help of aunts and uncles
49. Whatis TRUE concerning book Pride and Prejudice?.
[A] Itis the best book on marriage.
[B] Itis a handbook on marriage.
[C] Itgives some idea of English social life in the past.
[D] Itprovides a lot of information of former-time wealthy families.
50. Withregard to marriage in Britain, present-day gifts differ from former-time girlsin___
[A] theright family
[B] moreparental support
[C]choosing husbands
[D]social position

51. Thispassage could be entitled___
[A] TheMusic World 
[B]Stevie Wonder[C] Great Musicians[D] Blind People
52.Which of the following is NOT true about Stevie 's childhood?
[A]Stevie often told people that a blind person was not necessarily disabled.
[B] Helearnt to concentrate on things that he could do.
[C] Heplayed as often as possible with his brother, who had normal sight.
[D] Hetried very hard to train his sense of hearing.
53. Bysaying." Stevie soon graduated from toy instruments to realinstruments", the authormeans that___
[A]Stevie finished his study at a toy instruments school
[B]Stevie began to study in a real instruments school
[C]Stevie gave up all his toy instruments and began to buy many real instruments
[D]Stevie started to play real instruments
54. Theauthor mentions all the following facts EXCEPT that___
[A]Stevie's neighbors could often enjoy his playing and singing
[B] itwas Ronnie White that recognized Stevie' s talent and led him to a successfulcareer
[C]Berry Cordy helped him to set up his own recording company
[D]Stevie's parents played a very important part in training his sense of hearing
55. The"Fingertips___
[A]recorded Stevie' s musical performance that won him instant fame
[B] wasa record that turned out to be a great success
[C]carded the message that the blind could work miracles with their fingertips
[D] allof the above

56. Theanimal source which provides the most protein for human being is___
57.Paragraph 2 indicates that___
[A]mostof man' s employment is from fishing
[B] mancan always turn to fishing for employment
[C]forty percent of Chileans live on fishing boats or ships
[D]fishing has been the biggest industry in Newfoundland
58. Inthe conflict between jobs and the environment,the author takes sides with thosewho arein favour of___
[A]increasing the annual catch 
[B]creating more jobs
[C]getting greater fiscal profitability
[D]conserving natural resources
59. Thebalance between jobs and the environment can be kept if___
[A]fishingcapacity is further increased
[B]fishing jobs are further increased
[C]fewer well-equipped fishing ships are used
[D]fewer species are allowed to rebuild
60. Thepassage suggests that making less use of modern technology may.___
[A]reduce pressure on fish populations
[B]threaten the world's annual catch
[C]increase government' s investment
[D] costtens of thousands of fishermen's jobs

SectionIV  Writing

Part B
67. Look at the pictures below and write anessay about 120 words, making reference to the
1) adescription of the pictures
2) yourcomments on this phenomenon

  Question 1 :
M: Can you tell me how much it would cost to send this package by air?
W: Do you want to insure it?
Question 2 :
M: Why not use your class notes to study for the exam?
W: Mary borrowed them from me yesterday.
Question 3:
W: Tom, what time is it now?
M: It' s still early, just ten past two.
W: Well, as you know, this is a very important appointment. I can' t be
late, can I?
M: Be confident. You are so excellent.
Question 4:
M: That' s a nice dress you' re wearing.
W: Thank you. My mother gave it to me as a birthday present. She knew red is my favorit
e color.
Question 5 :
M: I' d like to have a copy of Professor Smith' s book on English dialects.
W: I' m sorry, Sir. That book has been out of stock for some time now.
M: Then I have to order one on the Internet.
Question 6:
W: Your dormitory is so tidy and clean, but it isn't very large.
M: Yeah, I can hardly turn around in it.
Question 7:
M: This is Mr. James. My heater is not getting any power and the temperature is going to get down below freezing. Could you come over an
repair it?
W: This is our busiest time of the year, but I' 11 speak to one of our men a-
bout getting over there sometime today.
Question 8 :
W : I' m in charge of buying the fruit for the children at our church. I'm so happy to find that apples and grapes are in season. Give me two dozens of each.
M: I hope that they' re as good as they look.
Question 9 :
W: Could you please tell me how to get to the bus station here?
M: Go straight until you come to the stoplight. Turn to the right and go a-bout two miles. When you get to the Sunny Grocery Store, turn left. You won' t miss it.
Question 10 :
M: Hello, I want a cab.
W: OK. What address is .it?
M : ll20, East 32nd Street.
W: Right. The cab will be there in several minutes.
M: Thanks a lot.
Questions 11 ~ 13 :
W: I want to mail this letter overseas.
M: OK, Ma' am. I' 11 have to weigh it first. All right, it' s not overweight. That's 5.5 yuan for overseas mail.
W: That's not expensive. How long does it take for a letter to get to the
M: It all depends. It usually takes four or five days.
W: That's wonderful. It used to take more than a week when I was staying
here six years ago. Well, I want to register it.
M: All right. It probably takes a little longer to get there though.
W: Yes, I know. Well, please let me have a post office box.
M : That' s OK. Fill out this form, please.
W: How much is the rent per month?
M: It's 100 yuan per year.
W: Here is the form and money.
M: OK. Here is the key for you. The number is on it. Any more requests?
W: No, thank you.
Questions 14 ~ 17 :
M: Good morning. Can I help you?
W: Hello. My name' s Jill Bush. I' m planning to go to a conference in
Sydney for three weeks.
M: I see. Do you want the excursion fare or the full return fare?
W: Now, can I get a stopover on an excursion fare?
M: Yes, you are allowed only one stopover on the excursion fare.
W: Oh, I see, only one.
M: Yes. But of course, if you pay the full return fare then you can have unlimited stopovers. There' s Singapore, Kuwait, Athens, you've really got quite a lot of choices you know.
W: Oh, It sounds good. You see, I've got a two-week holiday after the
conference. How much is the full fare?
M: The full fare? Well, that's really quite a lot. It's £ 1,204.
W: Yes. Well, it' s once in a lifetime, you know. The thing is actually that I' m absolutely afr
aid of flying. I've never done it before.
M: Oh dear. Um...
W: And I' m hoping that I can persuade my two friends to go along with me.
M: Yes, that would be a good idea.
W: By the way, one of them is in Cairo at the moment. Would it be possible for me to stopover there on my way to Sydney?
M : Yes, of course. There are lots of flights to Cairo and, then plenty more onwards from Cairo to Sydney. And then you can stay for as long as you like.
W: Oh, that's great! Thanks very much.
Questions 18 ~ 21 :
W: Well, Mr. Steve, we have had an interesting discussion about your
work. Now, tell us something about your after work activities.
M: I guess not much different from everyone else. I' m fond of sports, and I run about 3 miles every day. I particularly enjoy cross-country running, where you have to run across fields, jump over streams and soon. While I' m running I think about all kinds of things, an
d I can be-come more healthy. Next year I' m going to try the London Marathon. It's a long, hard race—26 miles, or 42 kilometers and you have to be tough to finish, but I want to do it very much. I worry a bit about get-ting old, and I' d like to prove to myself that I' m still almost as well as I was twenty years ago. I' m interested in climbing as well as running. I' II never become an expert climber, but I know what I' m doing in the mountains. I successfully completed a course in snow and ice climbing when I was younger, and I've done a lot of easy climbs in the Alps during the last few years. My wife doesn't share my interest in mountains. She agreed to go climbing with me once, but she found that she felt sick as soon as she reached above 1,000 meters, so we decided to follow different hobbies.
W : You certainly seem to enjoy various types of recreation. All right, Mr.Smith. Thanks for your interesting talk.
Questions 22 ~ 25 :
w: Next! Good morning, can I help you?
M: This place is a madhouse! Everybody is pushing and shoving!
W: Yes, I know. We are shorthanded and it is very crowded today. Now what can I do for you?
M: I want a ticket to New York.
W: Okay. One way or round trip?
M: One way, of course. I don' t want to hang around here any longer. I was here in Los Angeles last year and I hated it. I come here on business every year and" I hate it. It' s too spread out, too smoggy !
W: That' 11 be $ 375. How would you like to pay?
M: Cash, of course, i don' t believe in plastic money or credit cards, or
any of that. Listen, can you hurry it up?
W: I' m doing my best, Sir. Aisle or window seat?
M: Window seat.
W: Smoking or nonsmoking?
M: Nonsmoking, of course ! Oh, by the way, I' m supposed to get a special meal. Doctor' s order—I can' t eat meat. Last time I had a special salad plate. I'd like one of those this ti
me, too.
W: I' m sorry. I' m not able to do that. The special salad is not available during this flight.
M: What! You can't give me my special salad?
W: I'm sorry. I would like to, but I simply cannot.
M: Well, I don' t give up so easily. Where' s your supervisor?
1.A2.A3.B 4.C5.C6.D7.B8.D  9.A  l0.B  11.C  l2.D  l3.D  l4.C15.Bl6.Bl7.Bl8.Cl9.D 20.A21.B22.C  23.D  24.A  25:B
第二部分 英语知识运用
26.A【解析】 that’s to say那就是说,即换句话说。此题中D项干扰性较大,读者往往因which引导非限定性定语从句而误选D,但引导非限定性定语从句时,该从句应为—个整体,即旬中不出现逗号。
29.D【解析】由本句及下旬的“though they don’t usually have advertisements”推知此处应填advertise,即“为…做广告”。
30.C【解析】商业性电视台与非商业性电视台的区分是其是否出售其广告时间或向电视观众征收费用。由后文“…people must pay the cable TV company a certain amount of money…”推知cable television stations仍为商业性电台。
31.A【解析】此句为目的状语从句,D项也指“为了”,表目的,但它往往位于句中,而不置于句首。in order to“为了”,常置句首。
33.C【解析】on one hand…on the other hand为固定搭配,意为“一方面…另一方面”。
34.D【解析】此句是将“Public radio and television stations”与“commercialstations”对比。一个是付费,另一个是免费,可推出此处D最恰当。
35.A【解析】从后一句的“from some of the 36 who watch or listen to their programs”可以推断出,此处是并列结构,应该填介词“from”。
36.D【解析】空格后who引导的定语从句是对空格所填选项的进一步解释。“who watch o
rlisten to their programs”中的“wh0”显然为“audiences”。
37.B【解析】此短文介绍的是美国国内广播电视台的情况。此处应为the Federal Govemment,即“联邦政府”。
39.A【解析】本段主要讲述公共电视台的资金来源,部分为政府及大型企业的拨款另一部分即为本句所涉及的来自small business and people的捐款。
41.D【解析】由下旬中的“…from one of these national networks.”可知ABC、CBS和NBC为美国的national networks,即“国家性的网络”。
42.B【解析】此题考查对文章的理解,get A from B意为“由B处得到A”。
43.D【解析】此题考查固定搭配,for example意为“例如”。
44.A【解析】此空格前有一逗号,故知此应为which引导的非限制性定语从句。此处which代指前半句中的“a TV news program”,在后半句中充当宾语。
Part A
Text l
46.B  【解析】本题是句意理解题。elastic“有弹性的,可伸缩的”。这句话用在开头是表明观点,后面写出不同时期的家庭和婚姻情况,可知“家庭”一词的含义也是不同的。
47.C  【解析】本题是细节题。答案见第一段“He will be entirely responsible for herfinancial support,and she for the running ofthe new home.”。
48.A  【解析】本题是细节题。根据第一段最后一句,“男女双方的父母、兄弟、妹、姑姑和叔叔没有人能干扰到夫妻两人的生活—他们是自己的主人”。
49.C  【解析】本题是推论题。第二段中提到的小说《傲慢与偏见》中有对
50.D  【解析】本题是细节题,见全文的最后一句,种种事实表明如今的女子社会地位在逐渐提高。
Text 2.
史蒂维的一段演唱被罗尼·怀特听到了,他是一个叫做“奇迹”的流行乐队的成员。罗上就注意到史蒂维的才华,带他到Hitsville USA总裁倍瑞·格迪那儿去试唱。HitsvilleUSA那时是一家大型的唱片录制公司。现改名为摩顿。史蒂维在1962年12岁时录制了第一首热卖单曲“指尖”,而史蒂维剩下的故事已经记载到音乐史中了。
51.B 【解析】本文主要讲述了Stevie的音乐天赋,其他=个选项过于笼统。
52.A【解析】虽然开头有“Ask Steveland Morris and he’ll tell you that blindness is not necessarily disabling.”,该句可以证明Stevie的坚强性格,但这并不能说明那是童年时发生的事情。
54.C【解析】Berry Cordy是一家录音公司的总裁,文中并未提及他帮助Stevie建立了唱片公司,因此c项与文章内容相悖。
Text 3
56.B 【解析】首段点出“Marine fisheries contribute more to the world’s supply of protein than beef,poultry or any other animalsource.”。
57.B 【解析】由本段主旨句“Fishing typically doesn’t need land owner-ship,and because it remains,generally,open to all,it is often theemployer of last resort in thedeveloping world.”可推知“man Can always turn to fishing for employment”。
58.D【解析】第三段引述了Michael P.Sissenwine and Andrew A.Rosen-berg关于restoration of fish populations的论证,作者显然是为了自己的观点“00lIgelNe natural re901.1rces”理论证据。
59.C【解析】末段点明了keep the balance between jobs and the environment的方法。因为机械化捕鱼需要的人少,而小规模的捕鱼则需要大量渔民,这样可以保证渔民就业,又可以减缓鱼类灭绝,增加国民收入。
Part B
61.A  62.E  63.G  64.C  65.B
Part A
It is hereby to caution thatsmoking is strictly prohibited on this train except in the smoking section.
Smoking is dangerous to your health. It may cause lung cancer and other diseasesassociated with the respiratory system. Smoking may also imperil the health ofother passengers. In view of the health of all passengers, we urge that youabide by the stipulation. Save yourself and you save others.
Violation of the regulation issubject to a fine of 50 to 100 yuan.
Part B
67. 范文
The pictures show a strangephenomenon in education. In the first picture, a kindergarten child is learningprimary school's textbooks. In the second picture, he grows up to be a primaryschool student. However, now he is learning middle school's textbooks. In thethird picture, he's in mid-die school but reads college's books. Finally in thefourth picture he is at college, but now he needs to learn how to be a goodperson which should be learnt at kindergarten.
This phenomenon is quite common inour society. Parents worry about their children' s future and make them learnas much as possible and often learn advanced knowledge beforehand. However,they often neglect the most important part of education. That is to educatethem being a good per-son in society, and this should be emphasized in thewhole process of education.