学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.It was because it rained heavily yesterday _____ he could not come to the evening school on time()
A.that B.so that C.so D.when 
2.All ______ is a continuous supply of fuel()
A.what is needed 
B.the thing needed 
C.that is needed 
D.for their needs 
3.us harm or good remains to be seen in the near future()
A.If it will do 
B.Whether it will do 
C.That it will do 
D.What it will do 
4.Physics my favorite subject when I studied in the university()
A.were B.was C.is D.are 
5.He made a()to let all children learn English, but he soon found it impossible without an online course
A.confinement ption Dmission 
6.All I can do now is nothing()
A.but waiting B.but pt ly to wait 
7.The village is()by the hills
A.shut off B.shut in C.shut up D.shut out 
8.It may be five to ten years __ we can test this medicine on human patients()
A.since B.after C.before D.when 
9.Mary changed her dollars for the amount of pounds()
A.likely B.alike C.equivalent D.similar 
10.The new school building,()by the end of 2018, can accommodate more than two thousand students
A.being accomplished 
B.having been accomplished 
D.to be accomplished 
A.show B.press D.offer 
A.actions B.decisions Cbinations D.circumstances 
13.The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter. It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes51 zero in January,52 and March. But the northeastern and north central regions of the country53 financial and industrial centers, and they are heavily polluted.In recent years, people in these regions have begun to take vacations 54 these cold winter months. They go to southern parts of the country55it is wa
rmer. Many go to Florida where the weather is 56. Others go to the southwestern states of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas where they 57dry desert climates. 
It has become58 nowadays for old people to move south to these places 59 they retire. Typically these people sell their houses in their home communities and move south to begin a new life60 senior citizens. 
Their children likely have homes61and many of them are moving south 62 communities where they were63. The southern and southwestern parts of the country are now growing64any other part. Business and industry65 many offices and factories in the south. California is already the most popular state in the country
A.below B.ar D.over 
A.her C.father D.brother 
15.Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. ________, illness or accidents may occur without any ________. Frequently the person who is ________ can be cared for at home if there is someone ________ of looking after him under the doctor’s ________. Sometimes arrangements can be ________ for a visiting nurse to give the necessary ________ once a day, or often, if necessary. The responsible one in the home ________ on with the rest of the care during the ________ between the nurses’ visit.
The rapid diagnosis(诊断) and immediate treatment ________ the spot of an accident or sudden illness, ________ awaiting the arrival of doctors, is called the first aid and quite ________ from the home nursing.
When illness does come, ________ family is affected. Many adjustments have to be made ________ the family routine needn’t be ________ completely. Often it can be rearranged with home duties simplified to save time and energy, thus reducing ________ on the family.
The ________ responsibility for give nursing care is usually ________ by one person, fre
quently the mother, ________, in order that she may have some much needed rest, or ________ she herself is ill, other members of the family should learn how to help when sickness occurs
A.Occasionally B.Unfortunately C.Actually D.Naturally 