学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.()that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point
A.During the 1960’s 
B.That it was in the 1960’s 
C.It was in the 1960’s 
D.It was the 1960’s 
2.Do you mean this is the______decision you have made after thinking for hours()
A.upright B.al D.tight 
3.Plastics is a kind of()which is widely used in industry
A.mass B.substance C.al 
4.Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not himself to the Chinese customs()
A.adopt B.admit C.adapt D.accept 
5.The company has decided to sponsor the exhibition, ______ helps to promote its image()
A.that B.who C.what D.which 
6.We must find a way to cut prices()reducing our profits too much
A.without B.despite C.with D.for 
7.From their _____ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city()
A.stage B.dition D.situation 
8.She didn’t want to go to Africa: probably()the weather is too hot
A.for B.because C.since D.as 
9.What is it ______ makes you so excited about such small things()
A.which B.that C.what D.how 
10.______, you are welcome to join in our discussion()
A.No matter what are your opinions 
B.Whatever your opinions are 
C.No matter whatever your opinions are 
D.No matter your opinions are 
A.look after B.deal with C.wait for D.search for 
A.is B.works C.aches 
A.Rarely B.Seldom C.Sometimes D.Always 
A.so as B.as that C.so that D.such that 
15. ()
A.tends B.owns C.has D.is 
A.three week's work 
B.three weeks'works 
C.three weeks'work 
D.three week's works 
A.drops B.withdraws C.avoids D.dislikes 
A.differing B. be differed 
A.almost B.even C.often D.rather 
20.Our airplane was just besides the airport building. It did not look too strong to me, but I decided not to think about such things. We saw the baggage going out ____ it on trolleys
and being loaded from ____ the aircraft. Next, three men and three girls, all in uniform, went over to the plane and ____ it. Over the loudspeakers we were ____ the plane was ready to leave and were asked to walk out to it. Everybody moved quickly in order to ____ the seats they wanted. I was ____ to get a seat near the tail, but the plane looked ____ inside than it had from outside. I fastened my seat belt ____ we took off and tried to forget my nervousness.
After an hour’s flying I ____ black clouds ahead through my window. An electric sign flashed ____: Fasten your seat belts, please,and one of the hostesses made a similar request over the loudspeakers. She told us we were about to fly into a storm but ____ cheerfully there was nothing to worry about. Suddenly, the plane ____ all over, dropped about twenty feet and seemed to hang on one ____. Then it rose twenty feet and there was a great flash of lightning. The three girls did their best to ____ pills for airsickness and comfort the passengers. Soon the sky became light again. The pilot had ____ to get above the storm
A.at B. D.above 
21.As far as I am concerned, it’s a large number of cars that lead to this traffic jam
23.A typical English gentleman often takes an umbrella with him