1.—- Mum, look at my shoes. I need a new pair.
—- .I bought them for you only a week ago!
A.Y ou bet B.You said it
C.Y ou don't say D.You name it
2.It’s always difficult ______ in a foreign country, especially when you don’t speak the language.
A.being B.to be
C.having been D.to have been
3.I called her nearly ten minutes this morning, but I couldn’t ________.
A.get through B.go through.
C.live through D.look through
4.Kate was very sad over loss of the photos she had shot in China, ____this was a memory she especially treasured. A.if B.when
C.as D.which
5.— Someone wants you on the phone.
— ________ nobody knows I am here.
A.Although B.And
C.So D.But
6.—I have been decorating the apartment recently, so can you lend me some money?
—Sorry, all my money has gone to the stock market. _________.
A.I’d rather not.B.I am in the black.
C.I wouldn’t bet on it.D.I am a little shy.
7.This kind of glasses made by experienced craftsmen _________ comfortably.
A.is worn B.wears C.wearing D.are worn
8.Double ovens are a good idea, especially ________ you are cooking several meals at a time.
A.though B.if C.that D.unless
9.Taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty, _____has been predicted, is fruitful.
A.what B.which
C.as D.that
10.Humans spend a lot of time and money on their pets and the pets give all they have _____for that.
A.in return B.in fact
C.in short D.in all
11.makes me stressed is the entrance examination is coming nearer and nearer.
A.It; what B.What; that C.What; what D.That; that
12.With no one them,the two thieves stole into the house.
A.watch B.watching C.watches D.watched
13.______ a book in front of your face, you’ll feel the air moving against your face.
A.Waved B.Wave
C.To wave D.Waving
14.Tianjin soccer fans wonder how long it will be ______ the popular soccer star —Sunke can appear in the fields in Tianjin as a member of Tianjin Tianhai soccer team.
A.before B.since
C.until D.where
15.There is no doubt that climate all over the world ______ greatly in recent years.
A.had changed B.is changing
C.changed D.has been changing
16.—Why are you so late?
—The driver couldn’t see clearly because of the fog.____, the road was too icy.
A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.However D.Besides
17.—Why are you so upset?
—I had my computer repaired yesterday, but it ________ work again.
A.doesn’t B.didn’t
C.won’t D.wouldn’t
18.—Do you think he is the only person for the job?
凉山州人事考试网—I’m not quite sure but he’ll prove_______ to the task.
A.equal B.essential
C.special D.superior
19._______ more energy to my study instead of being crazy about computer games, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.
A.If I devoted B.Had I devoted
C.Would I be devoted D.Should I be devoted
20.President Xi underlines that it is only with joint efforts to keep maritime peace ________ build a maritime community with a shared future for mankind.
A.can we B.we can C.that we can D.that can we
21.(6分)One of the deepest teachings of Confucius may have valued personal exemplification above clearly expressed rules of behavior. His moral teachings emphasized self-cultivation(培养), imitation: of moral exemplars, and the attainment of skilled judgment rather than knowledge of rules. His teachings rarely rely on reasoned argument, and moral ideals and methods are conveyed indirectly. His teachings require examination and context to be understood. A good example is found in this famous anecdote:
When the stables were burnt down, on returning from court Confucius said, “Was anyone hurt? ” He
did not ask about the horses.
X.11 (tr. Waley), 10-13(tr. Legge), or X-17(tr. Lau)
By not asking about the horses, Confucius demonstrates that the sage(圣人)values human beings over property, but not directly; readers are led to reflect on whether their response would follow Confucius’s and to pursue
self-improvement if it would not have. Confucius, as an exemplar of human excellence, serves not as an all-powerful deity(神人) or a universally true set of abstract principles, but rather the best model for others. For these reasons, according to many commentators, Confucius's teachings may be considered a Chinese example of humanism.
One of his teachings was a variant(变体) of the Golden Rule, sometimes called the “Silver Rule” owing to its negative form:
“What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to others.”
Zi Gong [a disciple] asked: “Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?”
The Master replied: “How about ‘reciprocity’! Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself. ”
Analects XV.24, tr. David Hinton
Often overlooked in Confucian morals are the virtues to the self: sincerity and the cultivation of knowledge. Virtuous action towards others begins with virtuous and sincere thought, which begins with knowledge. A virtuous nature without knowledge is likely to be influenced by corruption, and virtuous action without sincerity is not true righteousness(正义). Cultivating knowledge and sincerity is also important for one’s own sake; the superior person loves learning for the sake of learning and righteousness for the sake of righteousness.
1、The horse example in the first paragraph is to show that Confucius ____________.
A.paid much attention to moral teachings
B.meant others to understand his teachings by self-reflection
C.directly demonstrated his emphasis on human beings
D.never inhumanly forced others to do what he didn’t like to do
2、What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The importance of the virtues to the self.
B.How to define the virtues to the self.
C.The relationship between sincerity and knowledge.
D.Why the virtues of the self are often overlooked.
3、Which of the following principles of Confucius is mentioned in this passage?
A.Example is better than teaching.
B.He who practices virtues will have neighbors and friends.
C.Keep what you say and carry out what you do.
D.By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they get to be wild apart.
22.(8分)"Big tobacco" is what the bosses of several large technology firms have started calling Facebook.Being compared to the tobacco giants is far from praise,but it is not the only wide﹣spread analogy(比拟).  A lower blow is the suggestion that Facebook may become like Yahoo,the once high﹣flying internet firm that fell.
Even a year ago the idea would have been unthinkable.But since January Facebook has become trapped in a series of misjudgments and missteps.It became clear that it had done too little to stop Russian interference(干涉)in America's election in 2016.It had to admit that it had shared the personal data of 90m users with outside firms without permission.
The comparison to Yahoo is imperfect.Even at its peak Yahoo's business was never as large and profitable as Facebook's.One of the main reasons Yahoo declined is because it lost out to a powerful competitor,Google,in online search;Marissa Mayer,its boss from 2012 until its sale to Verizon last year,was unable to restore advertisers' or employees' confidence as users left.
But people who watched Yahoo's falling see similarities.Executive(主管)turnover was a leading indicator of its decline;before Ms.Mayer was hired Yahoo went through four chief executives in three years.Mr.Zuckerberg,who controls the majority of Facebook's voting shares,is not leavin
g,but many top executives are.This year several have announced their departures,including Facebook's chief security officer.
When advertisers' faith in Facebook has been shaken,politicians in Washington are running out of patience with
the company.Lawmakers' inspection of the firm is causing it to be more cautious about how it uses data for targeting advertisements and about what information it makes available to outsiders.
Mr.Zuckerberg and Ms.Sandberg are under pressure to prove to employees and advertisers that Facebook is not only trustworthy but worthy of their time and money.If they cannot do so,and the company's share price continues its slide,it is possible that Ms.Sandberg will be replaced in the next year.Mr.Zuckerberg will doubtless have thoughts about Yahoo's sorry tale.
1、For Facebook,being compared to "big tobacco" is.
2、According to the author,what does Facebook currently have in common with the failed Yahoo?
A.Letting out users' data.
B.Being deep in financial crisis.
C.Leaders are leaving the company.
D.Laying off a large number of employees.
3、The author tries to support his judgment about Facebook by.
A.questioning its management
B.using evidence related to it
C.analyzing its financial data
D.listing its advantages and disadvantages
4、What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Facebook gets trapped in trouble.
B.Two companies are deep in crisis.
C.How to save Facebook.
D.Faith is more valuable than gold.
23.(8分)Which constellation(星座)are you? For those who believe in stars, 2017 is going to be better in terms of love, and many signs have indicated signs of promise.
Ah, you are going to be active in 2017. If you are coming into 2017 with a significant other, guess what? You should not have any any problems. In fact, I think I hear wedding bells in