Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure(25 points, 1 point for each)
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the center.
1. Zootopia is such ___ wonderful movie that I want to see it a second time.
A. a                  B. the                    C./                  D. an
2.Beiing and Zhangjiakou ______ applying to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in 2013.
A. begin      B. began        C. have begun            D. had begun
3. We believe that the environment in Hubei ________ greatly through our hard work in th
e near future.
A. will be improved                  B. is improved
C. was improved                      D. has been improved
4. --Could you tell me _______?
--You'd better watch CCTV English news on a daily basis.
A. when I can improve my listening
B. if I can improve my listening
C. how I can improve my listening
D. why I can improve my listening
5. My parents live in Room 406.I live in the room right above theirs, on the ______floor.
A. three  B. five  C. third  D. fifth
6 --May I speak to Jane, Please?
-- Just a minute! She _____the flowers in the garden.
A. waters  B. is watering    C. watered    D. will water
7. But for the Chinese People's Liberation Army ,he _______  of hunger fifteen years ago.
A. must have died            B. would die 
C. would have died          D. must die
8. _____  she was very tired, she continued working on her homework.
A. Since    B. Although          C. Because            D. So
9. _______the difficult math problems, I have asked Professor Russell several times for help.
A. Working out                B. Worked out
C. Work out                      D. To work out
10.I would appreciate _______  back this afternoon.
A. you to call    B. you call  C. your calling  D. you're calling
11.Robert said that he ______ business instead of history when he was in university.
2022湖北专升本A. might have studied  B. has studied  C. would study  D. might study
12. The oil crop this year has increased _____ 25% over the last year.
A. to          B. in          C. by          D. for
13. Ten percent of the workers in this city _______now working from home due to COVID-19.
A. is              B. are              C. is to be                D. are to be
14.It's the first book of this kind _____I've ever read.
A. that    B. which      C. what    D. when
15. Big news was sometimes announced half a day before it actually happened,_____
A. was it      B. wasn't it      C. did it      D. didn't it
16. English at the end of the 20th century was more widely spoken and written than _____ language.
A. one other            B. many other          C. some other        D. any other
17.The 5G technology can help doctors _______ patients who are hundreds of miles away.
A. care              B. means              C. operate              D. minds
18.You can't change yourself  by making empty talk all day long. What _______is what you do, not what you say.
A. matters            B. means          C. meets                D. minds
19. Jason made a _______ to his parents that he would study harder.
A. plan          B. purpose            C. progress                D. promise
20.It was at the first meeting that Mike _______ me with his good manners and sense of  Humor.
A. admired                B. reminded            C. impressed                D. shared
21. If you have to travel a very long distance, try to go to bed earlier than ______ the day before the journey.
A. common    B. usual    C. ordinary    D. normal
22. The train is leaving. There is not much time left, so I’ll tell you about it_______.
A. in detail    B. in time    C. in all    D. in short
23. The _______ will help you if you can't find the book you want in the library.
A. agent      B. manager    C. librarian      D. operator
24.All of a sudden, there was a loud noise and all the lights _______.
A. came out          B. wore out          C. looked out          D. went out
25. In the last 20 years shopping on the Internet has increased ________.