学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.It was ______ that they could not finish it alone()
A.a so difficult job 
B.such difficult job 
C.a such difficult job 
D.so difficult a job 
2.The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work by next year()
A.has been completed 
B.has completed 
C.will have been completed 
D.will have completed 
3.He is _______ to be a reliable prime minister()
A.too impulsive a man 
B.a too impulsive man 
C.too an impulsive man 
D.too impulsive man 
4.All the students in this class passed the English exam the exception of Li Ming()
A.on B.in C.for D.with 
5.The working pattern of Hainan Airlines is similar toof Capital Airlines()
A.that B.which C.what D.whose 
6.Our company’s service is _____ in nearly 80 countries around the world()
A.available B.lative D.careful 
7.With better and over-all education, people become more and more ______ the problems of environment()
A.decided on B.focused on C.absorbed on D.impressed on 
8.Without your kindness and help, I so much()
A.don't achieve 
B.didn't achieve 
C.will not achieve 
D.would not have achieved 
9.Mary had a great deal of trouble ______ the rest runners()
Aing up with 
B.keeping up with 
C.living up to 
D.making up for 
10.Jessica ought to stop studying; she has a headache because she too long()
A.reads B.is reading C.has been reading D.had read 
A.advise B.answers C.advice D.problems 
A.bright B.strict C.ular 
A.Although B.When C.Since D.Because 
A. C.although D.still 
A.discovered B.allowed C.ioned 
A.almost B.hardly C.possibly D.scarcely 
A.having B.leaving C.ing 
A.that B.which C.where D.what 
19.In some areas of the world the weather is very41 and this fact plays an important part in the daily lives of the people.42 they are farmers, fishermen, or sailors, for instance, they need know about these changes43. Space scientists and airplane pilots44 need weather45.
46 earliest time, men have observed the sky, the wind, and the atmosphere, as well as a variety of other weather signs, in order to make weather47. But often their weather predictions have not been accurate. Now there are government bureaus in many places that48 weather conditions very carefully. They use a lot of scientific equipment49 them make their forecasts. For instance, they have instruments to50 speed and direction of the wind. Thus they can51 the path of a storm. They have special balloons, ships, and airplanes to help them52 their accuracy, and they make53 of radar, satellites and computers to gather54 information.
Today when a plane55 from an airport, the pilot can know what kind of weather to expect5
6 he reaches his destination(目的地). If there is57 rain or snow in the mountains, a weather bureau can predict the day and58 the hour that a river may overflow(使涨满) its banks many miles away. When a storm is moving in a59 path, the people in that area can learn of it ahead of time and60 it
A.ible C.changeable D.changeless 
A.heard B.thought over C.called plied 
21.The more exercise you take, the less likely you are to catch a cold
22.The driver was fined yesterday morning
23.We should try to advise these children to resist the temptation of playing video games
24.Young people are redefining for themselves()it means to be a man or a woman
25.We’ve all been guilty _______ selfishness at sometime in our lives()