1. What is the weather like now
A.Hot.                  B.Warm.             C. Cold
2. What kind of music does the woman like
A. Rock music.          B. Pop music.          C. Country music.
3. What is Sally Brown
A. A teacher.          B. A doctor.              C. A writer.
4. Where are the speakers
A. In a library.          B. In a bookstore.         C. In a classroom.
5. What did the woman do last weekend
A. She went fishing.      B. She went camping.      C. She went bike riding.
6. How much does the man pay for his juice
A. 10 yuan.             B. 15 yuan.             C. 20 yuan.
7. What does the man take at last
A. Orange juice.         B. Lemon juice.         C. Apple juice.
8. Whom does the boy plan to ravel with?
A. His mother.          B. His father.            C. His friend.
9. When is the boy leaving for Xi’an?河南中招考生登录入口
A. On July 3.          B. On July5.          C. On July 7.
10. How long will the activity last
A. 3 days.                B. 5 days.            C. 7 days.
11. How will the students get to the village school?
A. On foot.            B. By bike.            C. By bus.
12. Which group will play sports with children?
A. Group One.            B. Group Two.            C. Group Three.
13. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers
A. Guide and tourist.    B. Mother and son.        C. Friends.
14. Where will they go tomorrow
A.To the museum.         B.To e cinema.    C.To the school.
15. When will they meet?
A. A 8:         B. At 8:         C. At 9:
16.         17.         18.       19.       20.      
Create Your Own Story Competition
If you love to write, draw and create stories, here’s your chance!
Come and join in the Create Your Own Story Competition13-19 September 2021
1st place
1 dictionary and 20 books
2nd place
1 dictionary and 10 books
3rd to 6th places
1 dictionary and 5 books
All you have to do is to create your own stories.
●The competition is only open to the students in Grand Middle School.
●Please write a story in at least 300 words.
●Pictures are not necessary but stories with creative pictures will get extra (额外的) points.
Get an entry form (参赛表格) from /createyourownstory.
The closing date: September 20, 2021.
The best stories will be posted on /beststories. Everyone will have the chance to vote (投票) for their favorite stories from 23 to 25 September 2021.
Names of winners will also be posted on www./beststories on September 30, 2021.
Please call 1800 6221 4422 or visit /storycompetition for more information.
21. If you win the 5th place, what prizes will you get?
A. 1 dictionary and 5 books.    B. 1 dictionary and 10 books.
C. 1 dictionary and 15 books.    D. 1 dictionary and 20 books.
22. Jimmy is refused to take part in the competition probably because _______.
A. he creates the story all by himself    B. his story has more than 300 words
C. his story doesn’t have any pictures    D. He isn’t from Grand Middle School
23. When can you vote for your favorite stories?
A. On September 13.    B. On September 20.
C. On September 24.    D. On September 30.
24. What can you find on /storycompetition?
A. Best stories.    B. More information.
C. An entry form.    D. Names of winners.
25. Who is the text written for?
A. Students.    B. Teachers.    C. Parents.    D. Artists.
“Oh, boys, don’t throw stones at the poor bird,” said an old grey-headed man.
“Sir,” said a little one,”she makes such a loud noise that we can’t bear her.”
“I am afraid the stone will rebound (反弹) and hurt you as long as you live!”
“Rebound! We don’t understand you, sir!”
“Well, I will tell you a true story.”
“Fifty years ago, I liked throwing stones because I had no other boy to play with and I became very skillful. One day I went to work for an old couple who were very friendly to everybody, even to the birds. And the birds seemed to love the old couple, too. For seven years a bird had come and built her nest (鸟巢) in the same place. She and her mate had just returned on the day I went to work and the old couple welcomed them happily. During the day, I thought I would try my skill upon her. Suddenly the bird flew to a tree near me. I found a nice stone, and I threw it with my best skill. It hit the bird on the head and she dropped dead